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Posts posted by moe03

  1. My brother was a witness to the accident. He said the guy was flyin on the highway. Next thing he saw was the guy receiving CPR while on the side of the road but it was already too late.

    I hate those speed machine motorcycles. If and when I ever do get a motorcyle, it'll be a Harley for sure strictly for cruising.

  2. Well, I've read JV reviews and DT's. Any reviews on Frankie Knuckles, the Godfather of House? I only heard him once live back at SFB years ago. He was great but of course his crowd was predominatly gay men which is fine but would have liked to have seen more ladies of course.

    Anyway, any reviews?

  3. After the last time he spun...i could never go back to hear him. AND the guys that he draws into the club are scary...plain and simple...reviews please!

    Why would you want reviews if you're scared of his crowd and you "could never go back to hear him." Some people make me laugh. They see they'll never go out again yet they do and then they fuckin complain. Shut the fuck up and stay home!

  4. No, I don't promote for another club. But I used to live in the Limelight back in the day. It's sad to see what happened to that place after Gatian and Alig left :(

    I used to live there too. Remember Disco 2000? Keoki & Prozak were awesome there. I also remember hearing Prototype 909 for the first time. These guys rocked!!!

  5. I tried not reading anyone else's so I wouldn't be influenced. Here are mine off the top of my head in no particular order:

    1. The Boys Next Door

    2. The Crazies

    3. The Exorcist

    4. Goodfellas

    5. Legend

    6. Beat Street

    7. Night of the Living Dead (b&w version)

    8. The Abyss

    9. The Champ

    10. Raging Bull

  6. used to go back in the day, but stopped going 2 or 3 years ago when the WMC just turned into a week long sound factory beach party.

    I hear you on that. I wish I would have went before it got really big and it was still on the underground tip. It's sickening to hear about all the drama like paying some asshole a hundred bucks just to cut the line. There should be some type of control about shit like that.

  7. Cp has many lists for either Friday or saturday..which places do you recommend going to..we are not into hip hop, but the fiance likes typical NY club music with vocals - I know I know very KTU'ish..any suggestions as far as that goes...


    Go to Jersey or L.I. for KTU shit.

  8. If you could have any club to be the resident DJ, where would it be and why? I think I'd have to choose a mid-sized club more on the intimate level. The only place that I could think of if they decorated right would have to be Discoteque. I think it's just the right size for a great DJ with a loyal following but w/ a very strict door policy.

    Being that I can't have that residency, who would you like to see there now that would be perfect there? He's not a NY based DJ but I think he'd be great there since he plays such funky ass disco-based music is Sneak. The man is chunky and funky!

  9. This thread is too funny. OK, I live in good ol NJ and I'll be the first to shoot it down because let's face it, Jersey sucks for the most part. However, like someone said here, blaming everyone who lives in NJ for one moron is just ridiculous. Obviously, NJ isn't that bad because not everyone here is a meat head on roids. Like me for example. I'm pretty cool, act nothing like your typical, stereotyped Jersey guy, and my taste in music isn't definitely not KTU. I wonder why that station broadcasts in NY when only people from NJ listen to it. Anyway, please don't judge the whole state based on one moron and that's if the guy who started the fight is actually from NJ. Trust me, I've met plenty of boneheads from NYC, S.I., L.I., Brooklyn, etc. This is why I liked the good old days of Lime Light and Palladium where the crowd was picked to go in. Does any club do that nowadays? It seems that anyone can get into any club as long as they're willing to wait and pay the entrance fee. BTW, 60 dollars is ridiculous!

  10. im sorry to hear about you being harassed, thats no fun! and you do have a good point, spirit seems to have alot of that going on. i noticed it not only when jp was there but also when many other dj's were there. what are ouy goin to do. your right it is every where. hope your future clud experiences are better!

    Please use spell check or at least check your response before submitting. :ghey:

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