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Everything posted by intoxikated

  1. No, but I once hired someone from Craigslist to paint my room and he came to my house and he was a total homeless crackhead..
  2. Ew I just read that the S & M party is going to be an 18+ event...just what we need, a bunch of 18 year olds Ging out everywhere...I still cant wait to go though lol
  3. Ew I just read that the S & M party is going to be an 18+ event...just what we need, a bunch of 18 year olds Ging out everywhere...I still cant wait to go though lol
  4. Don't you hate it when people in the office look at you weird if you're eating anything thats even slightly nontraditional??
  5. haha after watching it, my bf made a wendy's run...
  6. Not really...when you go to these fast food places like mcdonalds and burger king, the people who make up their primary clientele are usually relatively poor and overweight...and what kind of healthy food could get for $1.00 thats going to fill you up?
  7. yeah...i really don't care about seeing the FDNY working out either lol
  8. They freaking charge $89 a month....plus a $200 initiation fee...over a grand a year, its insane...i guess ill keep my crappy membership at ballys lol...seriously, it wasnt even that nice...
  9. I'm watching party monster for the13th time....5$ at best buy, yay
  10. its almost 4 am and im not even tired yet....im soo gonna be late for work tomorrow
  11. Yeah, but a lot of people literally live on fast food...when i was in college and living in my first apt, I didnt know how to cook and i didnt have that much money, so I would subsist on the mickey dee's value menu....a lot of poor ppl practically live on this stuff...its their decision to eat it, but it doesn't have to be so unhealthy...im glad that mcdonalds doesn't offer the supersizing option anymore, there really is just no need for it, and a lot of poor people think that they're getting a great bargain, hey, more food, but an order of supersized fries contains a ridiculous amount of unnecessary fat...
  12. Okay, I just decided to take two Xenadrine EXL tablets today...and stoopid me took them at 6 PM bc I didn't think they would work since I usually have a really high tolerance to caffeine...well, all i have to say is, it definitely looks like I'm going to be up all night...I'm bored and i wanna post, am I the only one up tonight?
  13. yay thanks for the advice...i think im going to do it next time i go out, ill let you know how it goes
  14. I took a really cool pilates class at Mang-Oh yoga on e 39th st
  15. Please write about your first K experience, I'm considering trying that for the first time, too..
  16. I'd suggest going to Apt...its a fun club to go dancing bc its not too big, and its more casual than the bigger clubs..
  17. god, not me...thats like one of my worst nightmares...I got stuck in an elevator once for 15 min and totally freaked out..
  18. ew what a loser...does he expect you to be happy that he's spending time with you??
  19. yay it sounds fun...its def on my list of drugs to try
  20. I wouldn't worry about it....just don't set up a meeting with some kid that has 4 posts and wants you to help them get shiitt...
  21. It's always fun to post here when you're drunk
  22. The poor guy's gotta cope with that shitty job somehow...
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