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Everything posted by starscream

  1. Congrats on the @ his 2 year residentcy i never heard him spin two of my friends did and they really enjoyed it.it was on a rooftop or something i think?
  2. yeah i was cracking yup!!!i just wanna smack all them spoiled bitches.Did daddy just throw out their names or did they actually spin?if jp spun it would have been about the right age group lol.
  3. well here's my opinion.....take your opinion and stick it up your azz cuz that is where shit belongs and thats what i think and im sure many others think of your opinion.you dont like his parties or his crowd than DONT GO.
  4. 8 million huh?didnt know Crobar was the size of Ny state as far as Tina goes ..theres no tina here darling can you move?As far as Vic,if you think hes a snoozefest well than thats about as logical and right of an answer as 8 million guys running around doing tina.gimme a break!!!!
  5. thats cuz your with us hunny on the main floor not hiding out upstairs lol
  6. heres a review that is up on Juniors board. anyone else ?i didnt make it sooo i cant say. djbillycarroll Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:32 am Joined: 29 Apr 2006 Posts: 1 Location: NYC For all the years I have been around (no jokes please), I have never posted anything on any message board EVER! I will admit to being a closet reader from time to time, but last night's party at Bassline compels me to comment. I know Junior's fans span decades, and we have all had many memorable experiences together throughout the years...but for you kids who have heard the stories that start like.... " this is great, but you should seen it back in the days when......" Well, now you can. Last night's party was EXACTLY WHAT IT WAS LIKE BACK IN THE DAYS! The people, the diversity, the smiles, the energy, the staff, THE SPACE, & THE MUSIC! I didn't mean to put the music last, but if you are on this message board, you already know about the music. It's like preaching to the choir here. But at least for me, last night, all the stars were in alignment for a magical evening.... And for me to get my fat ass out of bed at 2 in the morning to go anywhere, other than to the refrigerator....you KNOW it had to special! Like Wayner said, "Everything and Everyone was perfect"....and it was. Thank you, Billy Carroll
  7. yeah and if he even threw a coat at me he wouldnt even be making to the dancefloor for this soo called battle lol.
  8. ohhh look NOMEMBERNAME is back already.the only JOKE here is you kid with your 1 big post bashing a Legendary DJ and can't even get his age right for that matter.go kill yourself!!!
  9. thats what im saying not all of us are pervs lol
  10. bump for tonight....hope some peeps check it out who knows depending on today depends on if i make it to the city tonight.
  11. Good eough my cp friend who i hope i meat cuz they wouldnt play the mr tuff guy act.wanted to go to bassline tonight but its not looking good right now figuressssss
  12. I Love Pacha!!the lights the sound its just full of great vibes!!!I loved it when it was SF first time i went i felt right at home.
  13. how do you think gay people feel at str8 parties?the same way man only we worry about if were gonna get beat up not hit on big diff.take it as a compliment if someone gets too outta hand tell them to back the fuck up.trust they will listen.i agree theres def some flakey gay people that i dont even go near.gotta learn to weed them out just like with your boi's.
  14. another fuckin is this DJ gay thread.its old its tired and its really starting to piss me OFF!!!who fuckin cares ...this is one thing that annoyies the hell outta me and i go out to a party i dont even think of it gay or str8 cuz its not its diverse.i been to crobar ive gone upstairs ive seen all you scarred str8 people takin all the places to sit or dancing around a pack of people,giving every person you think is gay the evil eye or flexing your muscles.get over it!!!!!!!!you people that do that for one tend to ruin the vibe and 2 what us GAYS arnt good enough to dance3 with on the floor?are guys like grabbing your dick or something?stop dividing the club with your own ignorance.leave your stereotypes at the door,its all about dancing and interacting with differnt people.alot of times when i go out i go over to the str8 people and dance with them i see they look soo defenseive but i went up to them anyway and you know what,they were really cool people like im sure alot of you are you just gotta show us....show some love hug a gay guy shit u hug a str8 guy lol.PS Carmine pay it no mind the same shit happens to me and im gay.BTW.. what do you mean they were attacking you?
  15. would have been even funnier if it were true lol.
  16. ding dong the witch is dead....its about time i dropped enough houses on his head!!!!
  17. i wish i was there,havent been to Love since my friends birthday party.ive heard tedd a few times and he always throws down!!!Glad you guys had a good time!!im not gonna sit here and argue with Michael weather i was there or not because i wasnt lol.The sound system is done by the same guy Chris Geary that also did Arena @ Palladium back in the day.it rocks right?my friend who is the GM there wanted me to come down for this party also he had called me but i just couldnt make it.btw something tells me that throw down with Bull never happened either lol.guess we gotta pic pieces from your story to make it the truth.whatever floats your boat Michael.but im glad you guys had a fun time.
  18. ohhh suck some more ass why don't ya!!!!
  19. My friends Birthday Party @ Love.Troy Parish wurked my nerves.
  20. and you work for JP with that kind of attitude?why doesnt this suprise me?Look around hunny i don't know any other DJ BOARD that doesnt let you speak of other DJ's.that is just ridiculous!!!
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