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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by starscream

  1. why don't you go figure it out.ask one of your MANY GAY FRIENDS THAT YOU CALL IT.LOL.duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Your ignorance comes out more and more with each post.
  2. that's because they are gay you idiot!!
  3. it's a word you stupid son of a bitch because your NOT ONE!!!!!to me and MANY OTHERS, IT MEANS ALOT MORE U IGNORANT PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!wtf are you people really that fucking retarded?u go around calling black people you don't know the N WORD?????NO because you'd get the shit beat out of you.your sooo brave....not.
  4. blah blah blah whatever you hate monger.
  5. no that makes you happy.that's why i added it just for you.cuz you got one big set of online hairy balls you twit.i love when you asswipes say ohh its joking blah blah blah bullshit cuz it's not really you just say it is to make it look better.DING DONG NOMEMBERNAME IS DEAD!!!!pore little childern with no brains i don't think they can even think for themselves without Michael.HOW SAD THAT U PUT SOOOOOOO MUCH ENERGY INTO THIS!!!disquisting the way the world is nowadays.
  6. we've established that already.think of something orginal other than any reason you can to call me a fag.u think your soo big and bad cuz you have proxy and cant get band.big deal your still a fuckin tool and everytime you use hateful comments.IM NOT THE ONLY FAG THAT SEE'S THEM!!!!!!!!put that in your pipe and smoke it, you poor excuse for a human being.
  7. please all of these herbs are freakin losers!!!all got big mouths on the messageboards with there anti gay remarks but you know they dont say shit when they are in a club.they wouldn't dare start throwing around the word.everyones got such big balls on here its amazing.
  8. obviously u do u dickhead your here.
  9. Are u GAY????give me a fucken break with your redneck anthology of yours you piece of trash.
  10. ohhh pout all you want crybabies....it's not gonna bring him back.you wanna post anti gay remarks ill report anyone that does...end of story.
  11. im not here for your humor jackass go crawl back under your rock.
  12. nope not before this incident to my best of knowledge.there was another board called the drama board did that get turned into this?
  13. i bet you do too with those big juicy lips muah!!!
  14. i didnt even relieze that this board was here until some people told me you guys were talking shit.
  15. oh brother its not worth all this drama bring him back pleaseeeeeeee!!!
  16. lmao u found like the one post where this was the case.its great being a Mod huh!
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