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Everything posted by starscream

  1. like i care get a grip you twit.Boy if half of you would only concentrate on bigger issues than my puncuation the world would be a better place.youve had zero zilch to say and you wanna call me out on that? child please.
  2. your right i didnt know him well enough at all.but why am i gonna go chill with someone that acts like that towards me on here?you know gay bashing is still a common thing .u only heard about it because it was my brother kevin from the house of aviance that got bashed.
  3. no i just dont give a shit.i dont care if he comes back but he should give me respect like i do the people that respect me on here.
  4. sounds like alot of fun!!havnt been to love in a minute
  5. your responses confirm how ignorant you guys are.u guys started this.you all wanted to know why michael aka nomembername was banned and i told you like an idiot.sooo u wanna try and turn it around on me?whatever im not hearing it i didnt ban him i didnt make the choice there was a reason that none of you morons saw.it didnt have anything to do with any of you.as far as being an attention whore...look at the pot calling the kettle black?your the ones that now have a what 17 page thread outta all this bullshit.blame yourselfs i have NOTHING to prove to any of you.
  6. whatever bro your not gay u have no clue what its like to be gay and the shit you gotta go through i dont need to put up with it on a messageboard thats fucking ridiculous.im not some joke for some wannabe comedian.
  7. ohh your funny ....not.whats funny is you call yourself a DJ you piece of trash.
  8. thank god im gettin outta here.......West Palm Beach here i come!!!!
  9. lol StarQueen i like that.listen ive had a problem with Michael since i started comming here in 04.this isnt the 1st time he has called me out on my sexual orientation.infact that is all it seemed he focused on when replying to my posts. i dont care if he is a great guy and has many gay friends he did not act that way on here towards me and others.theres only soo much one can take and the last time was my breaking point i had had enough.i dont care if its just a msg board and its joking.its not funny and obviously higher up didnt think it was funny either.NMN did himself in he wanted to push it to see how much he could get away with and now he knows.i reported a few of you idiots that wanna act ignorant and make anti-gay remarks.i wont tolerate it.this highschool ohh lets pick on the weak ones BS.Im not one of them trust.DONT FUCK WITH ME FELLAS period.you want respect than respect me in return.
  10. same here.in school i was called fag and all sorts of other shit ill be damned if anyone is gonna get away with that shit now.im too old for it and i wont tolerate it on here or in the real world period.
  11. i agree not every woman can pull off the short hair look well.but if it works for you more power to ya!!
  12. dayum Bella that sounds scary as HELL!!im sorry hope your ok.
  13. your def not alone hunny.they just cant deal with high class bitches cuz they don't have any.....CLASS that is.
  14. i got noname banned soooo what he deserved it.and gotmilk you can suck my big gay dick!!!!!
  15. and ill say it again your ignorant.listen buddy i dont need your 5 paragraph responses..i have been going to big room events for 14 years don't tell me when im not even ON ANYTHING that it has no heart or soul.am i sitting here saying Electro has no heart or soul? NO.just because certain music has no meaning to you doesnt mean it doesnt have alot of meaning to others.
  16. big room music has zero heart and little soul you say yeah sureeeeeeeeeeeeeee.you really are ignorant.
  17. yes that is twilo and yes that is junior's mom, god bless her loveing soul.
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