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Everything posted by starscream

  1. iv'e had that feelin since like your 1st post.
  2. no it's not every post it's mostly your' s. I was having a normal conversation with someone which seems impossible for you to do.Is that how you live your life...in a sarcastic way? I bet that gets you real far. GROW UP WILL YA!!!
  3. yeah random comments on here maybe stfu already stop blowing your hot air trying to make yourself feel pretty because you know you are ugly on the inside and on the out too now that i see your pic. I wish you never told me you had a pic on here,i wouldn't have thought soo badly about you. But now i can see right through you.
  4. wow very defensive about your looks hunny huh.you got insecurity written all over you.I hope you don't sleep around alot too to make you feel self worth cuz you sure do act like a whore for one on here.
  5. ps if you ever wanna learn how to be fierce come see me sometime ill show you how it's really done.Learn it,Live it,don't pretend to be something your not it makes you look like a fool.You may get away with that shit in your little world but that's about it.
  6. ditto.again you dellusional freak,the idiot i don't care forgein or not wanted to say to me fags are too gay to like transformers.i wasn't attacking him because of his grammar but since he wanted to throw in that fag bullshit again which seems like you all love doing now i stood up for myself. If he is gonna hate on me he could atleast spelled it right.Get A CLUE HUNNY!!!im done your not even worth my words.your tacky ,tired ,and grimey...how dare you say your fierce you havn't a clue what fierce is sista.
  7. if you gotta talk about how big your boyfriends dick is than it prob isn't.everyone wants to be a showoff.
  8. and another thing big fuckin deal with your 1 blurry pic taken from the side with your fat nose and those glasses my grandma used to wear.you got some nerve.not to mention you look like your about 40. Def a soccer MoM.
  9. an asshole like yourself would be as vein to say "im prettier than u so i can make fun of u whenever i want." You can look like Angelina Jolie on the outside and still be an Erkel on the inside you plastic biatch.what you said is sooo fucking lame and retarded not to mention ignorant as hell but what should i expect from you.PS i saw your pic your def not all that to be talking all that at all.
  10. go back to the 1st page and look at the post you fuckin moron and you will see tastey directed that fag bullshit statement towards me.i said what i had to say about it, than a day later you come on the thread and start the drama. It's not all about you idiot .It wasn't about you to begin with ,you brought yourself into it by adding your ridiculous remarks.YOUR LAME END OF STORY.OPEN YOUR EYES NEXT TIME INSTEAD OF YOUR MOUTH!!!!!
  11. you never heard of qouting yourself?yeah ok it makes no sense just like your excistance.
  12. listen you numnuts i had nothing to say to any of you this thread was about a fucking movie. Your a bunch of fucking low life losers if you wanna keep throwing in jabs for no reason, just looking for trouble.
  13. ohh yada yada yada your sooooo outta gas you look like a real ass.
  14. misk your nothing but a trouble maker. what are you like 12 years old seeing how far you can go and how pissed you can try to make someone.BRAVO your immature you should be proud.....
  15. cuz i felt like putting them in qoutes because i was qouting myself.any other questions brainiac?
  16. and who are you to make fun of anyone ?i don't see a pic of you anywhere asswipe.your another loser just trying to start trouble like usual and you wern't even funny.Haze can make fun of whoever he wants and does soo i gave him a taste of his own medicine.you don't like it who cares don't respond to it...i wasn't even talkin to you.
  17. did anyone say anything to you? like usually just trying to start some bullshit im not feeding into it.PS in the beginning of what you wrote tiger it should have said this"He might of mispelled faggot,"
  18. im not angry ...why are you being such a douch in a thread about a transformers movie?
  19. are you saying your question is as dumb as your avatar>plus you can't even spell faggot right.if your gonna hate do it right nimwit.
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