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Everything posted by starscream

  1. your lucky i didn't send them all the nasty hate stuff you wrote to me if i were you'd id just stfu. You talk bullshit wayyyyyy tooo much bro.for anybody else u speak hate you get banned that's it.fkonkre whatever crossed the ignorance line.
  2. lol you only see what your eyes want to see.........
  3. ok your right.it's the leo in me.gotta have the last word...i wish they didn't delete my myspace addy gotta go do my workout. have a good day all it's Beautiful!!
  4. nah i got really good hygeine.id loved to get the shit fucked OUTTA me though
  5. fuck that deleted shit people should see it lola you know im right.You thought it was bad too right? I wan't people to really see and umderstand how hateful people can be sometimes.Im sorry you guys don't know me im such a fun great person im just 33 and i ramble sometimes i know.i wear my heart on my sleeve and that is my fault.sorry for the grammar ,it comes to mind and i just type it out how i see it lol.im not a kid im over all the katty stuff and it sucks cuz i feel like i gotta explain this stuff and remember you don't know me but you would like me if you chilled with me . www.myspace.com/jasonaviance it's still in the works..... lol.
  6. Fkorne i think his name is.saying wished i caught it than i told him i had it and said i was very healthy and my tcells we're around 500 and he said i hope you have 2.really nasty stuff said he didn't care he was going to hell anyway.
  7. umm take another vallium why don't ya sweetheart. Yo're a lost cause. Sucks you havent gotten it still after all this time.
  8. ive had hiv for 14 years.got it very young from someone that knew.it's very hard for me to trust people.its all good about the grammar right?you can read it can't you? lol
  9. LOL yeah right sinse like 2000 lol.i got cobwebs i think lol.
  10. Fuck you and fuck yoour sarcasm.WTF and i a mind reader?i don't know who who even are bitch sooo don't come to me talking shit like im you're friend cuz im not .i don't like you,just like your avatar says sooo just please once again stfu.you call it HUMOR>Don't don't mistake Humor with hate it's the worst thing people do nowadays.i throw sarcasm at Haze and nomemebername now we are chill.it's you and ESP the fucking asshole Fkonre that are starting shit stilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.get over it Mama ohh sorry i mean GrandMama.You sure can dish it but forget about taking it.Pick on me all you wan't but as soon as you mention something about my sexuality which DOES NOT define me,or like FK about my disease that is just stepping over the moral line and yeah im gonna go fuckin bonkers. I don't care what you think i should do, im not youIT HURTS ME TO SEE THOSE THINGS SOO I SAY HURTFUL THINGS BACK. Again just don't pick on me because what i am or what i have. Misk the trouble with you hun is i don't mean this bad but sometimes you just get involved where you don't need to be. I know i blow up sometimes but ,really just leave me alone don't just try to tell me my issues.WE ALL HAVE ISSUES INCLUDING GRAMMAR!!let's stop the nit picking please.Id like to be an adult on here with everyone and i am very nice and curtious to those who treat me with repect.on that note when you say something oneline it doesn't come out like you would say it in person.
  11. yeah keep thinking it's him lol.that's what he want's.
  12. hate to burst everyones bubble but Love is going down really fast.from what i hear it wont stay open past septenber which is a shame.maybe if the owner steven would get off the drugs and stop acting like a freakin mad man it would work.the mans a piece of shit he still owes my friends about 5,000 that he still hasnt paid.my friends did everything for that club than steven just up and fired him.sooo either steven's gonna pay or he is going to court.one of many.he is already in danger of losing his liqour liscense for not paying the distributor.wish someone had the money to take that place over.
  13. yes we were until some asshole had to say faggets shouldnt like transformers.and than ofcourse misk with her big mouth had to put her 2 cents in.but im the cause right??wrong i was fine till i got hated on and you bet my claws are gonna come out when i hate nothin g but hateful things said to me.lola im glad me and you cleared things up and i am sorry if i ever said anytrhing mean to you.it just seemed everyone was ganging up on me.i was talking about a movie for christ sakes.there was no need for those immature comments from those people.
  14. i gotta get up early for a meeting soo im transforming and rolling out we'll in my case jetting out.Sooo you have the rest of the night to think of witty things to say to me esp you misk.nite nite.
  15. just a hand buzzer and a few condoms filled with water.
  16. maybe in pork'ys.....do you like live you're life like a big broadway musical?it sure seems sooo......
  17. just a hand job huh.wow you're easy to please lol.
  18. lol i see you're hips don't lie.nvm that's not shakira lol .looked like her at 1st.
  19. yes guess you're good at that arn't you?
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