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Everything posted by starscream

  1. let's see im saying your shallow, cruel, sadistic, and ignorant all wrapped up into one giant ASSHOLE.
  2. i replied your just too freakin dumb and see what you wanna see to actually see the TRUTH>btw i like how after i mention about still having the free fkorne avatar you changed it right away to a peace sign.are you trying to tell me something?or is it because i was right?really gotgas go sit in a corner and fart all night like howie.
  3. no but i should report you for being anti-funny most def.
  4. id say all 3 or no let's not forget ignorant!!and as far as your post those were your word's not mine boy wonder.
  5. i never swallow...on the other hand your def shallow,anyone who would say i hope you get hiv is don't ya think?ofcourse you don't because your the one that said it. lol.
  6. i want the one on the right yummy.
  7. ohh your such a fuckin twit and a bad LIAR!!!!!!!
  8. i guess that was'nt his pic than.never know whos telling the truth on this board lol.
  9. do you wanna meet him in the school parking lot a 3 o'clock too?what a fuckin child you are.BTw i saw your pic,maybe eat a few sandwitches first work out a bit too before you think about fighting anyone including me tuff guy!!!!
  10. Hey how bout you even THINK for a second?oh that's right you can't. I did'nt start the fire it was birning way before i got here...im just the only one that has enough balls to stand up to you guys.Its not Hate ITS called GIVING IT RIGHT BACK TO YOU.i didn't start this thread i did'nt make the photoshop pic of me with some gay asian guys sooo take your own advice.You still with your free fkorne avatar and hes been back what a week?Please your going nowhere with this at all.anyways i don't have time for your stupid drama that you seem to srtart with just about everyone on here.im going out,soo sit your ass home like you usual do and think of some more wannabe witty comments,think your cool whatever dude.Your like fly shit on my shoe. Shoo fly don't bother me cuz you are a nobody.
  11. makes me a STAND UP HOMOSEXUAL THAT DOES'NT TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE!!! ON OR OFF THE BOARD.GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD.make all the fun of me you wan't because in the end,Like my Dear brother Kevin says in his song "THIS IS NYC BITCHES,YOU CAN'T FUCK WITH US!!!You whole ass's keep starting shit and im gonna keep logging it all.SOO be my guest dig your holes deeper cuz you have no clue what's about to unfold.
  12. maybe you should figure out where your dick is cuz i sure couldnt find it the other night.ps yes big deal you got me with another one of my infamous grammar mistakes.sorry i type soo fast and really don't care how it comes out on here.watch it's sat night and you freaks will be on this shit till monday.by than it will be 18 pages .Yes you are LOSERS. IM glad you just keep proving that over and over and over again.have a nice evening..................
  13. lol not not here for me guys...it's all about a certain few.i think you know who you are.nice try though.
  14. wow if your brain only worked as good as your photoshops...that was entertaining lol.
  15. im right here you.i told you im not going anywhere just watching....i got it covered.LMAO you guys don't even know what my job is.I WORK FOR GLADD and this case is being takin very seriously.i suggest you all stfu and stop the hate.
  16. yeah ok!!atleast i know its working they started investagations today.and it seems you guys are helping alot with the defamation part....sooo keep on saying lame crap .everything you post that has fag in it or something anti gay it goes right to them .jim your files the longest.very funny how you all think it's a joke.and see i been quiet for a couple of days and you losers are still talking shit.that's ok you'll get your's trust.im a leo when i say im gonna do something i do it .Don't say i didn't worn you.ohh and Jim your def gay.
  17. lol i wonder what kind of message you get at 6am?
  18. hey lola thanx for the review.Im really looking forward to going to Junior's bday party there.It will be his 1st Birthday party out of Nyc and it will be my 1st time hearing Junior out of nyc lol.I hope it will be nice and cool by that time.Do the clubs in Miami usually stay nice and cool? When i went to SoBe a few years back and went to Salvation it was nice and cool felt good.
  19. phillip your answering faster than i can edit geeeez lol.
  20. Wurk me God dammit!! lol.
  21. Id rather be a HOMO than an ASSHOLE ANYDAY!! An ignorant one at that. You should be soo proud.
  22. Lmao.it is kinda fierce now that i read it over. Ignorant assholes don't relieze without us HOMOS Club Life would seize to exsist.
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