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Everything posted by starscream

  1. yeah that would be awesome 27th st Sound factory Party with JV .The 10 year Arena Aniversary party is comming up soon i know.
  2. sounds like a good time! http://www.juniorvasquezmusic.com/flyers/viewFlyer.html?listing=96
  3. bout time she got over his dick.
  4. Happy Birthday Ghoooost with the Most!!! LOL:beer:
  5. Happy Birthday SugarandSpice and everything NICE!!! :bday:
  6. Please i have nothing to hide.if i wanna say something nasty i'll just use my real nickname losers.
  7. It's funny Gabe cuz i have never met you and your one of the few people on here i actually get along with.Fuck the Haters!!!!Same people talking shit on here are the same ones that give me grief!!!isnt it ironic don't ya think?Bunch of Lame ass's.
  8. LOL a Lantern!!!! talk about a flamer hahaha:laugh2: Flamer: A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons. A real Flamer usually attacks threads because he/she disagrees with the content of the thread or the lack thereof. The difference between a Flamer and somebody who merely disagrees is that a flamer is inappropriate in their responces. They must not be confused with Trolls. Trolls are people who flame the posters themselves, they flame because of rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, ect. RandomNewbie: Lyke, Im all for aborshun an stuff, butt I dont like et wen da baybez dye. Flamer: Pssh, that's stupid, you obviously know nothing of abortion, idiot. Troll: OMG! Why don't you learn how to spell you stupid f***ing newbie!?!
  9. i like ass spelunker better lmao.
  10. ofcourse noones got anything to say about that huh lol.Too funny LMAO!!
  11. Tell me slick how the hell am i supposed to lighten up when i got Mods on here that are supposed to be doing there jobs but are too involved with this Drama??Arnt there enough threads and comments about me already?you say your an older gentleman?Well act like it and STOP adding fuel to the fire cuz that's all your doing.
  12. Please like you do your job hahahahahaha.what job do you do besides getting involved with the drama whenever you can Mr MOD?Gimme a break your soo called JOB is a BIG JOKE!!
  13. Listen LOLA Miss know it all,there was nothing wrong at all with what i said,NOTHING!!! Don't get it twisted tart.That was in the NYC section .notice not one of the guys he was talking to even said one word to back him up or anything...geee i wonder why?Maybe cuz he had to go off the deep end and call me a cum guzzling queen and tell me to get Aids...sooo please don't even try it.You and your lame azz attempts TROLL. Ps i could give you many of threads where you opened your big mouth when noone was even talking to you to put your 2 cents in blabber mouth but honestly there are just tooooooooooo many.Look at the pot calling the kettle black.
  14. WOW you really took that seriously huh? but yet im the one blowing all of this out of proportion.It's amazing it's only like 8-10 of you max on this whole freakin board shitting on me.It's not right but it's ok.Why don't you look that up in the Whitney 101 since you did'nt get the Deborah Cox 101 du du dum .
  15. please tell me why you all don't like me huh?i never had a problem with any of you until this bullshit 1st started with Michael.You losers made it a point to get involved with something that had nothing to do with any of you except Michael.See that's the whole thing,im an easy going person no probs with people at all,but if you wanna stick up for some douche bag that's an ignorant eggo that makes jokes that i have to just sit and deal with?I think not...sooo carry on HATERS!
  16. starscream


    And you call yourself's Moderators what a joke!
  17. TIcky tacky and they ALL look the SAME!!
  18. Please ive done been to that school and im def not stupid like you!!!
  19. STFU all of you people and your Drama !!!!Noname said to me " Your Life will be over soon" and "I hope you get Hiv' than "oh wait nevermind".You people are sad..
  20. starscream


    Ohhhh Grow UP!!Lame Lame Lame across the board!
  21. hey phil why don't you just stick it? period.
  22. wow great read thanx dr phil.
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