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Everything posted by starscream

  1. Twilo as it is spelled orginated in nyc on the famous 27th st between 10-11th.it was Always a mostly A gay party but also diverse.soo if you can't hang with the gays i suggest you stay out of twilo.
  2. looks like you're the one digging cuz you don't have enough braincells left to muster up you're own valid points.it's all recycled bullshit from earlier hun.I believe that cups for you dear.
  3. and you're not funny at all.you're always saying "least im funny " if you think that last remark was funny im sorry for you.im not here to play comedian to try to get people to like me.unlike you, you poor weak fragile thing you.
  4. good idea least you can talk to someone on you're level.
  5. exactly seems like you don't get alot of things and from what you're saying that includes a period.are you knocked up again?
  6. oh brother stfu..... by the looks of it your getting as riled up as me buttercup. Now go in the corner and have a time out.here i'll even give you you're binky.
  7. yeah well atleast im not on my period you biatch lol.
  8. ohhh you don't care but you and your fuck buddy noname were just over there starting shit too asshole. get a grip really.
  9. you're a herb and a half arn't you?i have real friends in my real life i could care less who hates me on here lol.valid point yeah ok sure in your mind maybe.misk you dumb ugly bitch your one of the ones that was doing the name calling too.sorry you have a nasty attitude.trust me i can take it does'nt mean i gotta deal with it.get a clue princess.Hate is a bigger word than you will EVER know.Go back to you're fake this is the way it is life.follow the pack,it seems that's what you do best.i have no problem standing alone.
  11. ohhh go back inside your whale vagina i don't want any of you fuckers pitty.Why don't YOU stop playing the "your playing the pitty card" line.
  12. sorry have we met?no. thank you. goodbye.
  13. thank god for women cuz men have 0 social skillz.
  14. best post. thank you i needed that.
  15. great post for a person that's not GAY.Don't tell me you guys are in the same boat cuz you're not.you don't have to walk down the street and have to be affraid you'll be gay bashed.you wer'nt called fagboy and queer all your life growing up,only to have it happen all over again in your grown life.really that offends me that you put us all in the same boat.
  16. oh you have no idea do you?some people just don't know when to stop lol.keep em comming oh wise one.
  17. that's ok, YOU SUCK AT BEING A HUMAN!!! Amazing after all that now all you baby's wanna pick on is my grammar whaaaaaaaaa lol.
  18. do u really think you can say all thos hate remarks and get away with it?i warned and warned, noone want's to listen here.Honestly i really don't care at this point . I sent your anti gay crap to them too.Sooo don't you worry either i didn't forget about you.
  19. don't worry i gave all your anti gay remarks to them too.sooo don't feel left out ok.
  20. tooo little tooo late.boy you had a response than huh.you'll see some how some way....
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