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Everything posted by starscream

  2. see that's where you are way wrong . BE VOCAL. ACT LOCAL. Join GLAAD's Monitor & Mobilize Team! The Monitor & Mobilize Program combines online technology with grassroots activism, offering community activists the tools they need to monitor, report and act on defamation. Volunteers work with GLAAD's Regional Media Team to monitor local television, newspaper and/or radio programming and reach out to local media outlets
  3. i didn't say edit i said DELETE and yes that you can do.NEXT!!!! ohh what's next is www.glaad.org all the transcripts have been forwarded to them.noone here want's to help i'll get my people to help,and trust you don't wanna fuck with my people.
  4. YOUR A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love how you guys can delete the posts you want to make it look that way!!your one of the asshole mods that's backing him up YOUR the DIRTY FILHTY FIGHTERS!!!!!!!
  5. tell me asswipe how did i provoke it when you made the 1st crack at me??????trust me this will be reported and i don't give a flying fuck how many friends you have backing you up.your wrong and now your just plain disgusting!!!!!Dont FUCKIN TELL ME DRAWN OUT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HAVING AIDS.IM nOT LOOKING FOR PITTY IM LOOKING FOR SOME FUCKIN JUSTICE WITH YOUR FUCKED UP WARPED MIND.NOW YOU GOT ME PISSED YOU IGNORANT PIECE OF FUCKIN TRASH.
  6. exactly i deal with it everyday.sorry but gay people deal with alot more ignorance than str8 people do and that's a fact. i cannot believe after all that i wrote all you got out of it was that.
  7. thanx lola,someone who has under 200 tcells /with a high viral load and or oppurtinist infection is considerd to have aids. even if you go back up past 200 you still are considerd to have aids.I had 1 tcell left i was down to 120 pounds.i could'nt even get outta bed.by the grace of God i was given another chance and i took it with open arms.Right now i have over 500 tcells and my viral load is undetectable (it was over 1 mill when i was sick)I am proud of my disease and the strength that i have every day to make it through.it's not easy staying healthy,going to the doctor all the time for blood work.taking pills that make you sick to your stomach and deplete bone marrow and headaches,along with all the ignorance as shown by some of you on here.See the problem is everyone thinks it's other peoples problem,that it can't happen to them,i should know i thought the same way.I learned the hard way and i would NEVER wish this upon anyone else nomatter how much i disliked them.
  8. please you could'nt wait for a chance to hop back on mine.you made a comment in show your drunk pics thread about me looking drawn out and i should get off the drugs?im sorry ive had aids for 14 years it tends to give you the drawn out look after a few years of having it.than when i return the favor you gotta make up 200 other posts talking smack.u can't take it but you can deal it huh you fuckin flake.I still look better,have a better body than you'll ever have you out of shape piece of shit.who's on who's dick?
  9. but you read it asshole cuz your posting about it.
  10. And you should'nt be saying anything period.
  11. im sorry your soo retarded you can't read english...i guess you don't know what witty means huh? Why am i not suprised.
  12. it already included me wannabe witty guy.If you notice my post was before he even said anything. Sooo DUH yourself.
  13. no i don't hate straight people i just can't stand people who are complete assholes like yourself. PS next time maybe you can spell what you think you are right.
  14. This message is hidden because GotMilk? is on your ignore list.
  15. im sorry you did'nt understand .I ALREADY KNOW HOW!!! This message is hidden because jimk29 is on your ignore list
  16. i was ignoring you till i saw this thread.yeah im sure u just wanted to make it clear...your an idiot you did it to do it.tou're like ohh heres my chance to call him a fag again.tired .
  17. no your not ignorant based on that your just ignorant all around. why do you wear gloves?soft hands?
  18. i don't know why i tried to make it sound better.hate all you want .does it feel good to say that mr macho?mr tuff guy on the internet?
  19. please and you don't.yeah ok whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrr.you started this thread moron.look at your avatar the 2nd of 2?you love this shit.you love the drama.you love making people feel like shit.you can keep your hollow words cuz they do'nt work no more.
  20. noname i take back my being ok with you.just by what you said right now shows me really how full of shit you are.you sure can dish it out but you can't take it.bunch of wussies and they called me a wuss.hahahahahaha.
  21. and i start drama lol. figures the ones saying shit are the ones who say all the hate comments towards me.fuck off really you bunch of drama queens.im not going anywhere if i was i would have been already.on the other hand most of you morons should talk.get over it already!!!!
  22. yeah juniors soo washed up that's why he gets gigs all around the world,has a co residentcy @ Twilo miami and can play in any nyc club he want's.also has 2hr dance on bpm on xm .not to mention they are in works for a reality show with junior.not to mention he has his own record label and his artists have more billboard number 1's this year than any other.yup that sounds washed up to me.....
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