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Posts posted by trigger55

  1. allen iverson is the smallest guard and he has no trouble getting to the hoop or defending.....neither does earl boykins....its about skills...if size truly had anything to do with it shawn bradley would be a hall of famer...size helps shaq cause hes so big in the middle but for guards its about ability to handle the rock and move your feet quickly on defense, whether you 6'6 or 6'0 it doesnt matter....

    because AI has a crossover and quickness like no other, there's always a few exceptions... given the other 95% of the point guards in the league, the bigger ones have an advantage over the smaller ones.

  2. billups is 13 years younger, ask shawn bradley about height and being able to play basketball....

    actually size does make a difference... Chauncey's height and shoulder size gave him a big advantage throughout the playoffs, mostly defensively, but also offensively when he drove to the basket.

  3. At first I thought it was a dumb move... but I guess he wasn't going to sign next season anyway so atleast the sox got something in return. Apparently he's been somewhat of a bitch in the clubhouse too, but who knows. The worst part is I doubt the sox will sign pedro next season too, I just have bad feeling about it.

  4. I want I want I want. Give me. Give me. Give me. (the common attitude of most who are new to our Country)

    Thats all fine and dandy to want WHEN YOU ARE NOT AT WAR.


    Security first !!! (in my eyes)

    security isn't an issue anymore since we're already in Iraq and won't be pulling out any time soon... the war against terrorism will be an ongoing problem and will continue to be whether Bush or Kerry gets voted in. So instead I'm considering other necessities such as health, over tax cuts.

  5. kerry's proposals on public education and healthcare seem better than bush's.

    exactly... Kerry's healthcare plan seems more desireable to me than Bush's tax cuts, either way I'm probably not voting since I dislike both of them and don't think either one can do much good for this country.

  6. anyone who thinks team USA wont win the gold is an idiot

    this is the best american team since the original dream team

    haha sure.. the average age on this team is like 23, most of these guys think its going to be a walk in the park. NONE of them have every played in the olympics including AI and Duncan, Okafor hasn't even played in the NBA yet... they have to adjust to the new rules, they can't argue with refs, and most importantly they have to get used to playing with one another. Teams like Spain, Serbia, Argentina, and others have been playing together for years, which is why they all beat the US last time... I do agree that its a great team, but it's too young and inexperienced, and sometimes that's all it takes to lose a championship game.

  7. don't act desperate, be comfortable, friendly, and funny. Also, don't spend too much money or get all fancy, because then she'll always expect that... first few dates I like to keep things casual and focus on getting to know each other. So just sit back in your chair, act like you're too comfortable, and don't show her that you're way into her.

  8. Nothing personal, but I'll take the reported story over that of a biased Red Sox Fan...

    As for the beanings, what you say works well in theory but be both know that the reality is completely different. If beanings are part of the game then bench clearing brawls are part of it as well...

    It's obvious that we both have strong opinions and are not going to budge, so I'm going to stop at this point. So in parting, it was a fun series as always. Hopefully you guys can build off this and we can do this again when it means a little more...

    sounds good... but just to clear something up, I'm not a die hard sox fan :) I'm a Torontonian living in Boston, so I'm a blue jays fan at heart... I just really like the Sox, and I don't mind the Yankee's.

  9. You weren't there to see it, it's much different when you're 50ft away from it and in the whole atmosphere of it all. A-Rod was pointing and cussing, and was walking extremely slow. He could have mouthed off and just walked to 1st, but he didn't, instead he decided to stagger around and keep talking, everyone in the crowd pretty much expected a fight at that point. His body language said it all, he wasn't interested in just walking to first.

    Comparing football and baseball is pretty dumb anyway... with your mentality I guess tennis players should beat the hell out of each other when they get hit by the ball.

    Also, getting beaned is part of the game, so you DO take it whether you like it or not... if you can't handle getting hit or can't control your temper, then don't play the game. Imagine what the quality of the game would be like if batters always yelled "fuck you asshole" to the pitcher everytime they got hit... you're not supposed to enjoy it, that's why you get the free walk, so just shut up and take it.

  10. Wrong again...


    On Saturday, Rodriguez reached on Bronson Arroyo's error in the second inning. He came up again in the third, and Arroyo plunked him.

    Rodriguez moved slowly toward first base while glowering at Arroyo, and when Varitek stepped between them tempers flared

    So once again, A-Rod thought he got hit intentionally. He didn't charge the mound. All he wanted to do was say his piece and go to first. He was walking towards FIRST when Varitek mouthed off. So if Varitek keeps his mouth shut none of this happens...

    wrong again? when i was wrong before, or even in this case? he didn't charge the mound, but he was off the line going to 1st base, any time a batter starts mouthing off it creates unnecessary tension... you just don't do it in NY-Sox game unless you want to start shit. If someone says fuck you asshole to your teammate, you'd say something back too... trash talk is a part of sports, they just took it too far. 3 batters were hit yesterday, did they say anything? Nope, and the game went on. Unless you get hit in the head, spine, or neck, just shut up and walk to the base... I don't know anyone who's played baseball that hasn't been hit by the ball, it happens, and whether its intentional or not doesn't matter as long as you're not hurt. Not directing it at just A-Rod either...

  11. Just like Manny did in last year's playoffs. Oh wait! He didn't even get hit... :jerkoff:

    I get pissed off when Manny does it too, so I don't see your point, we're talking about A-Rod anyway... this is the greatest rivalry in sports, and the game was tense to begin with, A-Rod could have said a few words and kept walking, but he kept going on and on, we were just waiting for him to STFU and move his ass along to first. He won't be running his mouth next time, I guarantee it.

  12. People get hit in baseball, STFU and go to your base... I was about 20 rows up and saw it all go down. A-Rod yelled "fuck you asshole" to Arroyo, Arroyo then grabbed his package and said right here. Then A-Rod started walking slightly towards Arroyo, NOT the base, then the shit with Varitek happened... I can understand getting angry when someone hits you in the head/helmet, in any other case though just deal with the pain for a minute and play the game.

  13. I don't see why her grabbin her mans junk makes her trashy.

    When your main audience are 6-8 year old girls you have to have some sort of responsibility...

    Madonna could pull all this stuff off, and she did.. Brittany just looks dumb and trashy.

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