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Posts posted by trigger55

  1. I do not deny the fact that he may have said it. But don't believe everything you read in the paper.

    Yeah, they're usually exaggerated or taken out of context... like Schilling saying "I want to make 55000 New Yorkers shut up." There was more to the conversation than that. I guess it helps make the series more interesting though heh.

  2. What's the best way to go about getting some? I have the hardest time concentrating on schoolwork sometimes and could really use some every once in a while... I don't have ADD (don't think I do atleast), more like a severe lack of motivation when it comes to school, so I probably couldn't get a prescription.

  3. Once again the ragheads are crying "don't discriminate against us" waaa, waaa, waaaa ..meanwhile they were out in the street celebrating & not once have any of them condemned the slaughter of innocents of 9/11

    actually some of the head Islamic sites apologized for the act of those twisted terrorists and condemned the attacks. Didn't really expect you to take the effort to read anything other than israeli propaganda though.

  4. the whole shit was that MLB sanctioned and put the Whose your daddy shirts out and there being sold in the YAnkee clubhouse and MLB stores ,whereas the anti yankee shirts sold up in boston are masde up by regualr peeps

    Redsoxnation bitched and moaned enough that mlb pulled them

    Just like NY bitched and moaned to have the Evil Empire t-shirts pulled from Fenway in the past :)

  5. France bitching and moaning again, what a surprise. Turkey's 70million people will likely give them the majority in the EU parliament, ousting France. Muslim or not, that's the reason why France doesn't want Turkey in the EU. I don't see how having muslims in the EU will affect it at all, if you're going to blame the economy, politics, or whatever then go ahead, but putting religion at the top of the list just adds to Frances ignorance.

    Most of Turkey is in Asia, half of Istanbul is in Europe and thats it (but just that one part in Europe has a huge population).

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