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Everything posted by fresinha12

  1. hey I've seen moniquetz007, and believe me she iz not ugly, I mean shez hot!! ...so moniquetz007 stop makin us ugly folks feel good!!
  2. wht a possy reply....r u by an chance from west vrigina??? looks like it! get out of ur little small world of CP and get some real world exposure...go to england, go to berlin bum heads.....all u got here in NYC is some crap up place like spirit...., It used to be good over here but the pot-heads like u keep getting all the big clubs closed over ere.....lemme tell u something....nightlife in the city is dead...it used to be something in the late 80s and early 90s...but back then ur existence was'nt even concieved! u were a liquid! so u wouldnt have a clue....
  3. I think brandie and silver bull are one in the same person, a transgender ! it uses a different SN for each organ!.....as for the rest who argue that harnon is that best....well whatever tickles ur pickle!
  4. well getting free drinks is like gettin paid bitch!! what exactly do u mean by supporting randall, is he ur luver? or r u his baaiiittcch? so if u have any slightest grey matter in ur brain use it! and stop incriminating urself with your stupid responses...... bitch im not boxing u im being hospitiable i send u to the hospital thats how i get it to u let the doc op on u he dont get rid of u u back on the street i fuckin tear ur clits up again this is not a hypocritical issue im gonna crticial condition ur tissue...
  5. All this crap u guys post proves my point....ye all are in some way or the other paid by spirit to post your biased shit....Hernan the best DJ in the world yeah right...looks like u've never been to Ibiza...butt head...
  6. yeah right...since when did u become an expert on Djs??? how much does spirit pay u for posting this crap?? I have seen better, that cause I've been around a lot, and not just some punk as NYC joint, I mean i've been around the globe....I wonder y this medyoker DJ was invited of all the other choices.... U guys have no clue what great talent is out there.....
  7. Usually when u go to a club @ 12:00am and you dont have to wait in line is generally not a good sign....well yesterday Spirit sucked big time....this is the last time i am ever going to that dill hole joint on a friday...... First of the place was fucking empty....i mean till 4 am the joint was empty. Then u had 14-16 yr old horny high school kids running around....I mean I couldnt get a decent booty dance with a honey without thinking if i could go to jail for 20-to life....... then they had this mad ass big time suck DJ from somewhere in south america...more like argentina.....Ok, i am definetly for diversity....but please....when I have to pay to get in the club..at least make sure u got a decent DJ..... Bottom line...all i saw were fags makin out on the main floor, kids cramped up on one those upper floors......my advice stay away from spirit on fridays.....dont believe the crap CP posts here..... and all u spirit fans here on this message boards....go back to ur school prom....and yeah ask ur librarian out for a prom date....stupid 16 yr olds....
  8. Howz spirit for a pickup place.....whts the girl to guy ratio there?? I cant believe CP will have this place listed as a singles pickup joint...
  9. Muzikchick is obviously turning me onn....hey listen i plan on being there too....lets meet up!
  10. damn, cali is hot too...those huns on the beach.... so u wanna hang out?
  11. damn shez hot! moniquetz007: where in queen r ya?....if u r look like anyother colombian girls i know (from medajene) i wanna go out with u....damn that place has hot mamis.....
  12. wht...now i am begining to agree with NMN
  13. point is that we kicked the old dictators only to replace em with ours...like ahmad chalabi, paul bremer, pachachi, like the kurds who are as brutal as saddam.....get my point sir?
  14. yeah thats me the guy u r all talkin about, they guy doing the laundry...dont remember me, im the guy who works at the laundromart down ur block...yeah thats me...thts how i dry clean your clothes..... OK I am JK...u never saw my pic.....but i could show u, if you send me yours first!
  15. got a better solution for you...why dont you vote for someone even more radical like Sharon or BB...obviously I think u have dual isreali citizenship like richard perle and wolfowitz, doug feith all these corny crooks work in the pentagon and are the reasons behind why we are in this war.....it seems like america is doing isreals dirty job......hey if israel wants to fight iraq it should do it on its own.....pls dont drag us americans each time you get intimidated by some punk arab ruler! i should'nt generalize israel, I would say likud party.....cause most isreali are better minded ppl....but these punks in DC and brooklyn are scary....so fez up, make luv and not war oh btw this whole fucking war is going to make israel's existence more difficult, cause ppl all around the world are now beging to hate america and isreal......
  16. wht green stuff do u smoke? I like to get hight too....just to further this discussion, where are the WMDs? where are those nuclear stockpiles? they make u believe u can hide this stuff under your bed.....just think about it, how big is our oakland ridge lab? its big enough to be spotted from the moon! u need huge infrastructure to develop nuclear weapons, things like heavy water resevoirs, high-speed centrfigues, fission chambers....my uneducated friend take my word, u cant hide nuclear bombs in your closet OK! you need huge infrastructures to develop and maintain em....
  17. yeah well we got rid of the big bad evil guy to replace him with our big bad evil guy...the torture in prisons has'nt stopped now its just our guys doing the killing...think about it? you think the rest of the world is as stupid as us? and buy thi s crap...what liberation do people have, did u know that most of the people in the prisons today havent event committed any crime, they are there because our boozos think there life is in danger when we bomb their houses.....wht a fuckin hog wash!
  18. how about a pic from u??
  19. listen u queer dick....shez talking about me....yeah thts right! thts me after i did her last night, and took the courtsey of cleaning her dirty linin afterwards....
  20. reallly i dont remember, when?...send me your pic so I can refresh my memory
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