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Everything posted by fresinha12

  1. fresinha12


    anyone hear of this japenese dude from philly, hez being sued by a lot of ppl cause of the things he tattoed on his customers, for example one girl is suing him cause she justed wanted some fancy japanese/chinese symbols on her back, and he tattoed a phrase "I am a whore, fuck me" in japanese. anyway the girl didnt know what it meant and she went away happily, until her japenese friends from college were laughing at her, when she asked why they told her what her tatto meant....similarly another guy is suing this dude for tattoing " I have a little dick, beware" in japenese, this fella had no clue what the tatto meant until he went to Okinawa for his military duty in japan. LOL!! when this fella appeared in court his defense was that "stupid americans" dont know anything about his culture or language and think that its just cool symbols to be put on their butts and asses, so he was teaching this people a lesson..... So anyone who wants a chinese symbol beware, know what your asking for!!
  2. fresinha12

    Ladies ....

    WTF are u talking about???? send em my way, i'll take care of it!
  3. LOL!!!hahaha...whoever she is shez got sexy legs....
  4. I would like to ask raver...u must be joking right???? wht a piece of bullshit...pls if u or other moslems fell for this shit doesnt mean that the rest of humans r as stupid as u r.....pls....keep it real....i agree with igloo on this one.....I am not buying on of this and until they change their entire way of living and drop their anti-semitc crap, there is no hope for such ppl..
  5. saudi's have done shit for anything other than their own pockets, all they have done is pan anti-semtic teachings....bin laden and all his asshole followers are products of saudi "investment".....this will do nothing to the people who are crazy enough to kill innocent people, they will not listen to logic or human appeals, they are animals and should be dealt as such....these animals include the very same clerics u r talking about.....
  6. I agree. Bar dips, military pull up, wide grip pull ups, lateral pull ups and push-ups are the best excercise for your upper body.....i always feel great doing this routing vs say doing bench presses etc...
  7. those clerics are as crazy as the evengilst like jerry falwell and the grahams....wht u expect from crazy ppl is crazy shit....the face of all religous fundemenatlists is the same...they are all bent upon inflicting harm to humanity in general....so please stop being nieve and dont put your hopes in the hands of religous ppl..... second of all, i keep hearing ppl asking why dont muslims apologize for wht happened on 9/11 and my opinion on this is why should some ordinary guy mohammad apologize for something he has'nt done....9/11 was done by a grp of 19 or so evil doers it is they and their patrons who are responsible for it, not anyone else and certainly not a religon or group of a billion people! So please stop suggesting that these saudi creeps speak for anyone other than their masters....their words dont mean anything, the ordinary guy in the muslim could'nt care less about what these peeps say, the ordinay guy is only interested in putting food on his table and hopefully provide safe shelter for his family......
  8. I think its wishful thinking to expect any actions being taken on such hollow words....and secondly I think they are saying this cause they are under pressure from the saudi ruling family.....
  9. U know how pakistan got its nuclear bombs?...yeah thats right from us...if u want to research on this go and lookup this US govt program called ATOMS for PEACE....we literally gave em Nuclear reactors...
  10. yeah, I wished I had never invested so much of time with these loonies..but I want to clear something, i dont blame regan for all his action, after all the guy was asleep most of the time he was in office, its the people around him that should be held accountable, starting with his Vice President!!!!
  11. I cannot judge peoples intention, all i can see is their actions...and yeah a saudi cleric denouncing violence sounds oxymoronish.....but lets see what these words mean....words by themselves are nothing, saudi clerics should be taking action by pointing out ppl who are extremist so that they can be dealt with.....
  12. u must have failed in History....and believe me I know about history maybe cause I have a doctorate in it....or maybe cause I know some of the key people in the regan white house, who happen to be my thesis advisor....dumbass!!
  13. I have yet to read a newspaper that called the Abu Gharib incident as Prisoner torture...I think media is biased, they call torture "abuse" which mean totally 2 different things in the court of law and scale, the people tried for these crimes were tried for "Abuse" while torture carries a stiffer penalty, infact its not even torture, its homacide, yes a few of these prisoners were killed by our GIs.... This iraq prison issue is a far more important issue because of the scale involved, we went to bring democracy in the arab world by first putting people in jail without any reason, (yes many people were just innocent bystanders) and then treating them like dogs....if thats not enough, our GIs raped 12 yr old boys....I thought the army had somehting against homosexuality, but I guess these days anything goes.... so this is the message of our democracy, we rape boys, treat u like dogs, put in prison because we feel like and if we need to be held accountable we just sacrafice a few low level peons.......iraq is more & more begining to sound like LA!
  14. yeah stop scratching that pussy...is it me or that noise women make with their fingers against the pubic hair just makes me so mad!!!! they scratch more after they shave it...somehow that noise is too irratating...
  15. well all u spirit fans...good for ya...u all deserve JP...and his crack heads...LOL!!
  16. An ignorant reply....Regan created the afghanistan mess, that eventually led to 3000 of our fellow countrymen to be killed on 9/11....i think that alone is enough to justify why regan was one of the worst presidents...lets not talk about how many poor central americans regan had killed by his orders to invade nicaragua, guatemala. and as for the iranian hostages, it is clear now that regan had worked out a deal with iranian not to release the hostages until he took office, he even offered them weapons....forgot the iran-contra??dumbass! go get ur facts straight....i think the sun down in florida is burning away the rest of ur grey cells...
  17. What a pathetic board!!!.....so when do u call "torture", abuse?..ever wondered how u call it prisoner abuse...not prisoner torture....ever asked yourseld y we are in iraq. ever asked yourseld where the heck are those WMDs, so we are the liberators only to teach the world that whatever we do is only "abuse" and whatever anyone else does is "torture"....so all of a sudden all arabs are responsible for 9/11, dude the 9/11 attacks were done by 19 or so evil men...not an entire race....talk about painting the entire world with one brush....and u know y we should apologise to the iraqis cause its ur and mine tax dollars that makes the occupation of those people possible....as for bosnia or kosovo, we did'tn do shit...get ur facts right, NATO was going to attack serbia (under the contol of the brits) anyway... ALL i can say is that this message might just have been written by the Isreali amabsador to iraq...
  18. wht is this hookah lounge?? I havent heard that phrase for ages...they have hookah lounges in the city...wow, i hope this karma is not a sheesha lounge (i.e middle eastern)
  19. fresinha12


    I appreciate your ASSets too....and yeah put those assets into a lockbox...
  20. fresinha12

    If you...

    i'd say marbella or maybe even seville....nothing better than those siestas....thats the life, those who know what i am talking about....will probably agree with me!
  21. fresinha12


    I like the virgins on this board....shows that they are not corrupted by the evils of our society...i like that..
  22. B-Side is my new found bestest friend in this universe....
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