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Everything posted by fresinha12

  1. yo jade, u the one who had thread of being asked by ur parents if ur a lesbian.....I now know why other women along with us all men keep hitting on u....u r one hot mamasita....
  2. doesnt need to make sense.....i just wanted a reason to makout with the hot mamasita...
  3. here we go again.....i think u need to stop stirring the pot!!!! pot stirrer!!!
  4. No the drop in dollar is because of the staggering debt that bush has accumulated, plus our rising trade deficit, it has very little to do with interest rate drop...believe me the dollar is the currency of exchange for the world, the drop in interest rate would have minimal impact! BTW how was it good? think about this, since Oil is traded in dollars, the europeans or chinese now could buy oil for less since the euro can now buy more dollars thus more oil, in other words the drop in dollar value, caused a drop in oil value for the forigen exporters thus their cost to produce goods went down aswell, in respect to US goods prices going down the rest of the world saw a drop in cost of producing their own goods, so retrospecitvely speaking it did not help the US goods....second of all we dont produce a whole lot anymore, remember outsourcing to mexico and china for manufacturing??? So pls before arguing do some more detailed analysis.....but its good keep it up...I like where this exchange is going....
  5. Well under bush the drop in value of the dollar is what I mean plus the dangerous enviorment he has created with this war on iraq and stupid terrorist warning (u know code yellow,orange etc) that have caused losses in the stock market as well, under clinton, i mean the stock market, cause all the enrons and worldcoms flurished under his watch, most of the frauds were done during clintons watch but clinton had put an incompetant SEC governor who was a crook himself....I hope you know what I mean.....I could explain just dont have the time to write a detailed analysis...maybe I should write an op-ed....
  6. fresinha12

    So ummm...

    Hi...welcome to other side....where there is no escape, welcome to the dark side.....
  7. so are u??? answer the question.....
  8. bro.... we'll invade cuba next.....
  9. i'm indifferent to sudanese massacares too... there are bad ppl all over the world...what should i be doing??? I can only correct whats in my power, and since I am tax payer to the US thats the only thing that matters, I can only correct what my country does....I dont care about others....
  10. You got to put things in perspective, Clinton was'nt exactly responsible for the boom in economy it was in some part triggered by the internet bubble, that bubble bursted as it should have because it was all based on fraud, and yes clinton let this fraud continue by passing the the telecom act of 96! Bush on the other hand has'nt done much to help the economy, he has increased the debt to record level, this is very dangerous in the long term to our economy, he has squandered whatever surplus we had on a stupid tax cut for the rich and the iraq war....what he should have done was spend the surplus on the economy by increasing govt spending on domestic goods, he should have reined in the chinese by imposing tariffs on chinese exports since the damn commies dont have a free market. In summary, both men are stupid and crooks, we should be trying both these son of a bitches in court for their man-handling of the US govt. believe me, its not just bush its also clinton who is responsible for this mess, I agree with igloo that clinton too used iraq for unjustified attacks and is responsible for killing innocent ppl in sudan and afghanistan and iraq, when he bombed some pharama factory.....so I say we should prosecute clinton and bush, since both have bloods on their hands and have caused american ppl monetary losses......
  11. I know...dont remind me....I thought when I was in college ROTC that this day would never come....
  12. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=564&ncid=564&e=4&u=/nm/20040629/ts_nm/iraq_britain_berg_dc Father of Executed American Blasts Bush, Media 2 hours, 33 minutes ago Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo! By Kate Holton LONDON (Reuters) - The father of an American civilian beheaded in Iraq (news - web sites) accused President Bush (news - web sites) and the U.S. media Tuesday of ignoring the "horrible face of war." "People like George Bush and (U.S. Defense Secretary) Donald Rumsfeld (news - web sites) don't see the pain that people have to bear -- they don't know what it feels like to have your guts ripped out," Michael Berg told a news conference. The decapitated body of Berg's son Nick was found by a roadside in Baghdad and a grisly video of his beheading was posted on an Islamist Web site in May. "What I'm trying to do is show to the American people and the British people ... that war has a wretchedly horrible face," said Berg's father. The elder Berg was in London to speak at a demonstration against the foreign troop presence in Iraq Wednesday, which had been scheduled to coincide with the planned U.S. transfer of power to the Iraqi people. Nick Berg, 26, traveled to Iraq several times looking for work in the reconstruction effort before going missing on April 9. "He thought he was supporting the Iraqi people and the Bush administration by going over there, not with a gun but with his engineering tools," Michael Berg said. Bush and the American media have ignored the "true horrors," added Berg senior, who has blamed Bush and Rumsfeld for his son's death in previous interviews. He said he believed anti-war sentiment was now very strong in the United States. "There are 11,000 plus Iraqi citizens that are dead and each one's family is as affected as I was, but the American media doesn't cover these people. It doesn't cover the people who are suffering the most." Nick Berg was one of dozens of foreigners kidnapped in early April as U.S. forces launched an offensive on the restive city of Falluja, west of Baghdad. He was believed to have been beheaded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, an al Qaeda supporter. Since his death, militants have also beheaded U.S. hostage Paul Johnson in Saudi Arabia and South Korean Kim Sun-il in Iraq. All three men were videotaped wearing orange jump suits similar to those worn by prisoners in U.S. detention facilities like Guantanamo Bay. "This is not a game that people in Washington get to play," Michael Berg said. "It affects people the way it's affected me and my family and the families of Paul Johnson, Kim Sun-il and the thousands of Iraqis." "Observing someone's pain just makes you think just how can they (Bush and Blair) possibly do this. There isn't enough money in the world that could ever make this worthwhile."
  13. Oh shit...I only did 4 yrs with the rangers....I am not picking up that phone...darn it, just when I thought it could'nt get worse.....
  14. I'M a luver not a hater.... wasnt there like a song from blondie that had this lyric????
  15. I know...these hot mamasitas need to be ass spanked!!!
  16. hells ya! I'M down...so whoz bringin the drugs? wherez turtle bay, sounds like its on the east side? right? what street & ave? and what time?
  17. so am I being invited???
  18. If I am not mistaken, I can c ur friend's nipples...great shot....
  19. He was impeached by the congress, the president has to relinquish office only if the senate rectifies the congress's vote, in this case the senate did not ractify the impeachment and thus the voted to censure him.... that is why I said he was impeached by the lower house, censured by the senate....I did not play with words, i simply stated the facts. http://www.freedaily.com/articles/000414n1.html BTW on your statement below: the senate voted 55-54 against perjury charges.... inorder to force the president out of office the senate needed a 2/3 majority vote to impeach him out of office!
  20. He was impeached by the congress, the president has to relinquish office only if the senate rectifies the congress's vote, in this case the senate did not ractify the impeachment and thus the voted to censure him.... that is why I said he was impeached by the lower house, censured by the senate....I did not play with words, i simply stated the facts. http://www.freedaily.com/articles/000414n1.html BTW on your statement below: the senate voted 55-54 against perjury charges.... inorder to force the president out of office the senate needed a 2/3 majority vote to impeach him out of office!
  21. u started this thread, u post first! simple laws of physics dear.... I wanna see a pic of your booty....
  22. clinton was impeached by the lower house, the senate censured him....pls get ur facts right.... bad intelligence or not a non factual statement means a lie, excuses dont explain lies, you maybe made a mistake but u did lie.....
  23. My friend, technically speaking the state of the union address is under oath, i.e under the oath take when the president is sworn in.... technicalities matter, its wht law is all about....
  24. O found a great article ... http://www.counterpunch.org
  25. WSJ and other media outlets dont read things carefully anyway....you should read the opinions, here is a link http://wid.ap.org/documents/scotus/040628rasul.pdf goto wid.ap.org for other opinions as well, infact i would say read the yale or harvard law journal on its next publishing.....
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