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Everything posted by fresinha12

  1. senior me no habla espaneol...so pls explain wht just happend???
  2. can someone pls invite me to wherever everyone else is going on wednesday.....I dont like being left out....
  3. OK seniorita, my spanish may not be great but...that word "nada",means I am not gettin any...and that just aint funny....
  4. WTF is going on wednesday and why isn't anyone inviting me????
  5. yeah, well either way one got impeached, why not impeach the other one for a lie too? aint that what "high crimes" supposed to mean?
  6. Scalia and steven both wrote the dissenting view, the majority opinion does'nt support what scalia or stevens were arguing, i.e. that hamdi be charged or in scalia's view either charged for treason or have the congress suspend hebus corpus. so in the majortiy opinion, the govt can keep hamdi incarcerated without charge, but still have access to a lawyer with limited or special instructions from the AG or Defense Secretary (litereally this is the implication of the ruling) so you hold someone without charge, with limited access to a lawyer, who operates unders special instruction, and then just maybe if hamdi is really really lucky prove the govts case wrong, but how can he prove the govt's case is wrong if he is not charged with a crime?? and he is gitmo for the past 3 yrs, he has no access to witnesses, no access to alibis etc... this ruling if you read it carefully, pushed the burden of proof on hamdi as opposed to the prosecution, which has the burden of proof....
  7. Scalia and steven both wrote the dissenting view, the majority opinion does'nt support what scalia or stevens were arguing, i.e. that hamdi be charged or in scalia's view either charged for treason or have the congress suspend hebus corpus. so in the majortiy opinion, the govt can keep hamdi incarcerated without charge, but still have access to a lawyer with limited or special instructions from the AG or Defense Secretary (litereally this is the implication of the ruling) so you hold someone without charge, with limited access to a lawyer, who operates unders special instruction, and then just maybe if hamdi is really really lucky prove the govts case wrong, but how can he prove the govt's case is wrong if he is not charged with a crime?? and he is gitmo for the past 3 yrs, he has no access to witnesses, no access to alibis etc... this ruling if you read it carefully, pushed the burden of proof on hamdi as opposed to the prosecution, which has the burden of proof....
  8. dude word got out that asian guys suck in bed,and have very small male organs....
  9. Ok, which lie is worse and got a president impeached? " I did not have sexual relations with that woman, monica lewinsky" or " Iraq posses Weapons of mass destruction, posses a threat to the international community, iraq has links with terrorist organizations..." One lie caused a near failure of a marrige .... the other costed over 800 US soldiers to die.....and left countless children orphaned.. Please put things in perspective.....
  10. I agree that Kerry wont be any better than bush....as for the movie, I noticed ppl were talking after the movie that the movie didnt answer some question they had in mind before they came to watch, and here is my take the movie is not meant to answer questions ppl might have, but the audience should leave the theater with more questions then they had before they watched the movie...
  11. technically the court left the whole issue which court should be accessible to the plantiffs...clearly the court says that the suspects have a right to challange their detention, but the court did not make clear which court has judirsction, i.e. is it the 9th circuit court or 7th etc or even for that matter military courts. The executive had been claiming that the detainees would be tried by military tribunal, so as most pundits were spinning that this ruling was a blow to the excutive, it is'nt the case, clearly they havent read the majority opinion clearly. Detainees in guantanamo could be tried in military court, as prisoner of war or military combatants, again this is wht the adminstration had been saying from the start and I dont see how the SC changed or reversed that excutive order... So all those law abiding citizen, dont rejoice yet, the court has still not made any significant change, In my opionion the court should have ruled on the designation of the detainees either as POW or enemy combatants...unfortunately the court did not address this criticial question.
  12. whts going on wednesday...I am lost somone pls invite me...
  13. "I have a dream......."
  14. HOT ...whos that hot mamasita in the middle with the black dress?
  15. POST EM...POST EM....POST EM.....POST EM....POST EM.....
  16. WEll I knew if i showed up, there would have been some ass slappin.....booty shaking and lots of luv making.... So thank ur lucky stars mamasita i was'nt there, or u would have jolted by the fresinhaMAN.......
  17. the authority to allow planes to fly that day had to come from the president, its an excutive order! and just for the paralegals on this board, to make an exception to an excutive order it has to be addendumed by another executive order or a stay order issued by the supreme court. The grounding of all flights was an excutive ordered issued by the white house to the DOT! Richard clarke does'nt make excutive orders he can recommend the president on writing one...so the responsibility and signature on that order is that of the president alone! In the event of 9/11 a state of emergency was declared, so at that point only an excutive order would have probably allowed airplanes to fly. BTW ladens brother was in DC the day of 9/11 (according to moore he was attending a carlyle group meeting)
  18. well just from observing the crowd, the first half of the movie, everyone was laughing and sort of having fun but the minute the iraq war theme started there was a pin drop silence, it seemed moore did put an interesting movie, it had a comdeical theme but then in a shot or two became serious, serious to a point where the woman sitting next to me was crying, especiall the part where the mother of the lost soldier was confronted by an iraqi woman in front of the white house...but then the last clip of the movie was hilarious...I got to give it to george W, he knows a funny line or two...I mean it, he would make a good stand-up comic! ppl underestimate him, he throws those sinkers intentionally...and hes good at it! so got give credit to geroge W for making moores movie good! but to address my view, I dont watch movies to get facts, i read books and dig up historical writings or statistics...i watch movie to guage what other people are watching and whts the impact of the movie on em...I do spy on ppls conversations after the movie to get a feel of wht they understood or felt....the movie by itself did'nt present anything I did'nt know.
  19. well..i could hook you with limelight though??
  20. so who is bringing the drugs???
  21. fresinha12


    monique I suspect your ass is cuter than that...cmon post a pic of ur ass...
  22. WTF...y do u have to mess it up for me...she was gonna send me her cover money in a check...damn...another lost oppurtunity...
  24. does anyone know the outcome of the portugal vs england game??? I have been busy lately havent kept up with the eruo2004?
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