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Everything posted by fresinha12

  1. could'nt agree more....stop taking those alcholic drinks! and increase ur cardio, plus do some running as well, try to run 4-5 miles everyday! 4-5 miles in an hour or less.
  2. LOL! eat cal's malari is what he meant!
  3. Ladies, dont show us ur tummies, show us where the meat is...show us where the fat is.....
  4. Hmmm, i like to see some Ass shots...god damnit! now bitches show us ur pooches....and some tits..
  5. fresinha12

    Here I am

    Dude...u dug ur self in a hole there....though I like the come back....
  6. fresinha12

    Here I am

    well u rone hot mamacita....i could make you into one proud mama if interested. but u'll have to find a husband on your own...LOL!!!
  7. I agree therez no point in attacking any country....but i question what is our fucking strategic interests in that country? let isreal be on its own, let it deal with its neighbors. BTW the isrealis actually supported the taliban regime because the taliban didnt get along with israel's biggest enemy, Iran. Also Isreal supports the current and past sunni dictators in pakistan when pakistan and US were training the sick motherfucker suicide bombers a.k.a jihadis in afghanistan. Israel's only way to existence is to come to terms with its neighbors, and live with em peacefully. If that means kicking out all those mother fucking settlers from new york, los angeles so be it. Its really the american and russian jews in isreal causing all this problem for the rest of the isrealis. The other isrealis believe it or not are peace loving non finatical people, I happen to have dated this girl back in college, she and her family were nothing like the neo-cons in our current administration.
  8. how about when they killed our fellow countrymen named rachel corrie....when was the last time the US govt ever killed an isreali?? so why the fuck would a isreali govt bulldozer run over one of our citizen.....
  9. doesnt kerry have a JD??? thats way more than an MBA....second what GPA did he have?? I would like to know.
  10. I just dont get it, why the fuck do we have invade anything....I mean learn to live with others in this world not dictate it to em!...but I agree isreal is no ally of US, i just dont understand what is our fucking strategic interest in that colony.....besides appeasing right-wing jewish voters from bklyn and evenglists from texas, I dont see what the strategic interest we may have in that country, I mean it has no oil, no camels....so what the heck are we looking for....and please a "democracy" that secretly kills people it does'nt like is hardly democratic, its called houliganasim....!
  11. i guess ppl forget that europeans did the same shit to native americans here in north america as well.....its organized geneocide, literally the europeans tried to eliminate the genetic pool of native people.... so did u makeout with the 70 yr old bitch?
  12. Muzikchick....r u moslem??? in that case none of these arguments apply to u, so u would have no idea what these ppl are talking about......
  13. WTF r u talking about....all those drug pushers from afghanistan, turkey and Russia carry guns....i've seen it first hand, I had to go identify the body of dead turkmen who used to work in this construction company i used to wrk for....
  14. then I'M definetly down...what time do u ppl show up?
  15. I'M down, so what time do ppl start showing up, do I need to be on a guest list???
  16. What makes u think the guys is gonna fight u with his fists, imagine this, u sucker punch the dude, he leaves the place, u feel all macho and shit, and when u walk out of the bar later thinking ur the coolest m-f--kn dude on this planet, this fella shows up with a 9mm, and lets just put it this way....game over! like in all situations, let the authorities deal with it.....not unless ur part of the cosa nostra....then by all means bring it on....
  17. tsk! TSK! I'd kick any guys ass who would demand someone else to leave the bar "NOW", I mean if u dont like it, u leave! or let the owner of the bar take care of it..... and such a hypocritical statment "a girl is not worth getting hurt for"....so mr macho man, did u ever figure the other guy might just be able to kick ur ass, while u were trying to protect your girl..... On the other hand, I compliment everyone wheater they deserve it or not, I just think it is always politically right to say something good about everyone.....
  18. good luck, i hear that it gets hot and sweaty under those black curtains they wear.....oh, when u find one lemme know too, cause I like to find out what the hell are those bitches hiding under their cloaks.....
  19. For one, I dont think guys should be paying for food most of the time, I think it is only fair to split the cost...anyway my story, went out with this chick from hungary a couple of times, each time we went I pay for everything but after 2 dates I figure this shit is getting expensive, at least the bitch should offer to pay for her half....cause dating goes both ways, its not just the guys who are there to have a good time.... I for one have a threshold, I wont pay for the dinner beyond a second date, the women need to understand dat, i am an equal oppurtunity kind of a guy, I expect them to split the bill....or at least pay for either the drinks or the food. its only fair..... but ladies dont get me wrong, If i like you I will pay for even the wildest most expensive things that u crave, but one of the things I like in a bitch is that she should not be free rider....
  20. fresinha12

    need help

    dude its hard to do it when you are in a packed subway...( it was like that dantene ice ad) ahh well what would you LA'ers know about the fun we have on subways....... BTW I'll be in santa monica/westwood area, do you know of any good clubs around there???
  21. fresinha12

    need help

    In fresinha land its always weekend time ;-) as for the phone vs email, I think the email thingy works fine when you dont have her personal number, she gave me her office number and her personal email address! If i had called her chances are she would have been out of her office...
  22. fresinha12


    be careful that stuff can kill you....
  23. first ask yourself y the palestinians r dying to kill israelis?? maybe its cause they have taken up their land, most of the settlers in israel today are imports from russia, US and germany. Wait till the palestinians develop ways to throw stuff over the wall to kill isrealis...this wall is not the answer...its sad that isrealis cannot see that long lasting peace with their neighbors is the only way to go.... if history is a lesson the great wall of china was built to keep the mongilian invaders from entering peiking, but it only delayed the mongolian invasion, but it did not deter gengis khan's followers from destroying the xiang dynasty... history has lessons....learn from it!
  24. fresinha12


    Yup....ever hear of nude beaches??? there are a couple around here...therez one one next to sandy hook in NJ, and therez one a little off from jones beach..nothing like being naked on the beach...
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