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Everything posted by fresinha12

  1. how does that make him a hypocrite??? and second he is running as an independent...get ur facts straight... and u completely miss the point I made earlier, if corzine judged that the info presented to him was bullshit, why did kerry vote for it??? pls stop living in a dream that kerry would change america's image in the world...Kerry's only role was to disrupt dean from taking the nomination and the entire democratic party conspired against him. the voters for other candidates were asked not to vote for their candidates if they didnt have enough numbers and vote for kerry or edwards instead. Even that left wing looney Dennis Kusinich had his ppl vote for kerry because there were'nt enough of them, so they collectively ganged up against dean. Kerry is the systems candidate and his policies are exactly like bush, so why then vote for kerry, vote for bush cause the policies wont change, infact u will deal with a bigger evil. A facist is a facist, kerry is a facist, call him a democratic facist, that doesnt change the fact that he is a facist.
  2. Somehow, with western I am afraid I am gonna hurt my groin real bad LOL! I dont know how men in the wild west got used to it. For some odd reason i thought u were up here in the north east. Dressage aye?? well maybe when I am down in florida to vote, I will see how good ur dressage is....
  3. Vote nader instead! but again the point is according to corzine the info was "laughable" so how can kerry in his right mind vote for it? who is dumber? the guy who acts on bullshit, or the guy feeding the bullshit???
  4. Just for u, i am gonna rent an armani suit today...so when do u pick me up?
  5. Man, this response is even more and nerdier than ur other post. There is a saying, when u dig ur self into a hole, help urself and stop digging further. BTW Ralp Lauren brands are so fuckin cheezy, made from the sweat of poor labourers in houndaras or other latin american sweat shops. But its clear that u r not capable of affording a brioni or barbera the labels of choice for the rich and famous. ( Ok I got that from watching the amazing life of donald trump!)
  6. A&F is a north eastern brand, home to old blue bloods like teddy roosevelt. which of course u dont belong to, so u would'nt know. but here is some fashion advice, dont wear labels that ppl might mis-hear u and think u got some kind of sexually transmitted disease. hermes sounds awfully like herpes....u sick perv!
  7. Guys u are all missing the point, both the democratic and republicans wanted this war at any cost. if u look at it, there were a few senators like john corzine who voted against it, i met corzine sometime back and he told us that the intelligence provided to him then was laughable, so therefor he could'nt go along with it. kerry had access to the same piece of information corzine had, and he voted for it....tells u how much kerry is capable of leading this country. Bush at least is a straight shooter, he does what he says literally, the other day he made a statement that the "terrorist are creative and innovative in their ways to destroy our way of life, and so are we". I mean u got to give it to Dubeya, he is honest! u may think he is dumb, he is'nt, he is down right a straight shooter!
  8. What a fucking piece of a bullshit propaganda. Have u seen an arab sudanese?? they are black, u put one dafuri next to a sudanese and u cant tell the difference. The are all black! they also happen to be of the same faith. What is behind all this is the oil rich field of dafur that are of such a concern to us here in the US. PLS go on the internet search for a picture of sudanese and a dafuri, they are all the same race, black! so this is not a racial war, this a war for oil, the dafuris are trying to reclaim their land, the sudanese are trying to enforce their way over that oil rich area. simple as that, its not white or fairer babies, its black oil that plagues these SOBs. BTW the british were behind the dafuris to instigate a revolt against the sudenese govt, then convieniently the brits claim human rights violations to counter the obviously stupid sudanese govt, which was stupid enough to fall into this trap. MY take both the Dafuri tribal leadership, the jenjaweeds and sudanese leadership should be tried for crimes against humanity along with tony blair for instigating it.
  9. ohh dont remind me of the days when i tried bare back riding, I still remember my soar ass....btw where do u go for ur practice? is there a place in queens? do u know of any place where I can play polo??? I know of one place in Jamaica bay, but I dont like riding western style, and they didnt have any horses for the english saddle....plus they dont have any polo horses....
  10. NMN, thank you, thank you...pls stay bored @ work more often, u r a wonder when u r bored....again thank you.
  11. I honestly dont give a shit about kerry or bush, I am voting Nader cause I think we need a third party to balance the corruption in our system.
  12. seriously, how can anyone spend so much money on clothes to cover what?? I mean I wear clothes that make me feel comfortable, doesnt matter if I got em from the flea market or Target. Thats right folks, Target is about as high class as it can get for me.
  13. ITs so stupid for ppl to spend so much money of a suit or a piece of clothing. I remember when I interned for a firm on Wall st, my boss advised me to buy myself a $1800 suit from some place I dont even remeber, luckily for me by the time I had accumulated that kind of money, the internship was over....
  14. ITs so stupid for ppl to spend so much money of a suit or a piece of clothing. I remember when I interned for a firm on Wall st, my boss advised me to buy myself a $1800 suit from some place I dont even remeber, luckily for me by the time I had accumulated that kind of money, the internship was over....
  15. Hmmm maybe I should wear one of my brioni blue blazers,oooh thats for the country club, nope I think I will go with my zegna,or maybe my canali jacket, what do u think canali or zegna or u like men with blue blazers???
  16. Man that reply is sooo ohh no wait, I dont want to say more, but dude, get a life....and pls lacoste is no wardrobe for the rich & famous. ever hear of A&F?? now thats what ur grandpa would have liked!
  17. Muzikchick: u r one hot mamacita, u just turn me onn with your deep intellectual msgs. seriously, I am impressed, I c eye to eye with you on all topics. U & I should hang out sometime....
  18. well the light I c is that that the republicans do what they say, i mean even though I dont agree with anything those jack asses say, u know what they are upto, but with these democrats (the mainstream ones) u have no idea what they are going to do, they say one thing and do the other. Infact, clinton that SOB attacked iraq while pretending not to be engaged into a conflict with iraq, he kept insisting iraq was in in breach of UN resolutions thats why he had 10 yrs of continous bombing of iraq, putting an embargo in place, which was not even authorized by the UN security council. Democrats have damged america in the last 12 yrs more than any other administration, the slogan its the economy stupid, is such a betryal to american values. all of a sudden we were supposed to forget everything, every deplorable act committed by our govt and just be happy the economy is doing well. Which by the way was nothing more than a fraud, the economy was funded entirely by the dotcom bubble and ended with it.
  19. OK fine then, i will go b4 gabo and do u, i dont like recently banged up chica's anyway....
  20. hmmm, I never fantasize about any person, but cars, oh yeah now ur talking, recently I have been fantasizing about driving this red ferrari s240 modena spyder.
  21. I couldnt agree mroe... thats why I am thinking of voting for a 3rd party candidate, cause kerry and bush are pretty much the same piece of cloth. but given the chances of a ralph nader wining, i think kerry will make for a worse president than bush. at least with bush he is dumb enough to say whats on his mind, kerry u have no clue what this guy is upto....
  22. or more like a 745i killer??? s55 AMG is in a class of its own...
  23. monique and gabo bring a whole new meaning to phrase "tough luv", they like to put on this board fight and then when its time for the meetup both will be doing each other......all I can say is, can we make it a
  24. Yeah, I agree lets make it on a week day, wknds I am way to busy sleeping.
  25. well he forgot the pre-nub part, naughtybabe make sure u dont make more than him before u say "i do"
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