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Everything posted by fresinha12

  1. I dont think it has anything to do with looks...its just that women are bitches at the end of the day...if they are not having fun, they dont want anyone else to have fun either.....just my experience... or maybe the cock blocker is the one who is in some sort of a female period and hates everything assoicated with sex!
  2. stop smoking...period!
  3. Include me on the list...I can negotiate a better deal from one of those escort services...anyway wht i am trying to say is, I am good at bargaining, so i'll try to get a discount for all of us....
  4. anyone remember that song "I like big butts, abt that I dont lie, oh u other brothers cant deny...." I think it was this dude called sir mixalot....
  5. well all those pretty women who think they are the apple on top of the tree...herez how we guys look at it...that apple is going fall down sooner or later....whatever goes up must come down....so why bother wait till it falls down....after all...all those apples that fell on the ground were once up there on the tree......
  6. fresinha12


    OK so what time do I show up outside your office? want me bring my hand cuffs too??
  7. so r u going? cause we might meet up there..i'm planning on going too....
  8. OK! I dont get it...how do ppl not know when it is an "it". I mean one of the first things i do is grab the crotch to verify what I am dealing with....so ladies no offense if you feel my hands between your legs...I am just verifying....LOL
  9. fresinha12


    Just for monique I will put on my world war 1 uniform......maybe she'll get hot and horny and do me...
  10. well if u read carefully, I am not implying anything...merely stating that i "thought", which often means I think wrong....so I am not infereing anything here..therefor I am not sterotyping..... BTW anyone ever saw that episode of MAD where they had this hairy persian guy trying to fly on a plane it was hilarious....
  11. Heck ya...anyone saw that dude hung lo...I mean william hung from amercian idol...that dude rcoks...
  12. well u got to hear this one....me and my friend were out shopping for a car, so we wen to the benz dealership on park ave, i mean we wanted to check out this maybach..anyway, me and my friend are all dressed in jeans and sandals, and all the sales guys/gals didnt even come by to ask for anything, now I had no idea this friend of mine would be serious in buying a merc, but he really liked this Sl500 2003 model, so he asked this woman for the price, and i could'nt fuckin believe it she said, "its probably too expensive, a liitle out of your range" I mean WTF, we didnt even tell her what price range we were looking for...just cause me and ma boyz are dressed in jeans and are dark skinned didnt mean that we cant ask for the price....
  13. yeah tell me about it.....its usually when u have a grp of 3 girls, one is a designated CB'er....always! but its not like these damn bitches wont get any...I mean I'll happily do em too, after ofcourse I'm done with her friend...but Women u got a stop this ugly practice....and if its guy who ends up being a CB, I can take care of it...
  14. fresinha12


    her friend the fucking whore..cock blocker, found us out and took her away...i mean literally dragged her away.... never saw her again, so if it was any of u CP whores who gave away your panties to a guy some 3 yrs back in WH....PM me...
  15. fresinha12


    well, i dont remember such a place..but then I stopped going to WH for a long time, and I dont plan on going there anytime soon either...yeah I hear about the short skirt and no panites....though, its not hard to take the panties of like I did with that girl in WH, I told her I needed a suvenior to remind of her....I still have it!
  16. somehow I thought persian guys would be mad hairy, like a bear.....lol, i guess body hair turns onn a few people
  17. fresinha12


    by quite I meant some place where u can get it going without having people stare at me & ma girl....
  18. yes he is...and tell him I asked kifuk?
  19. fresinha12


    where in webster hall did u do it? damn, I was looking for quite joint to do it with this horny girl and I could'nt find a decent quite place.....
  20. I think you r generalizing asia to be a bunch of japos, hun go check some tall turks or gerogians or armenians...its an insult to us to be called short, every guy i know from back home is 6ft and above....I just dont get it, when ppl think that asian are just a bunch of ppl from china or japan, remember their are a billion plus indians too in asia....
  21. fresinha12


    have u guys seen that new hard-lemon ice drink ad, where this guy puts his tounge all the way into the bottle and all the ladies start checking him out! LOL,,,well I wish I had a tounge like that and...ofcourse an nice pussy to go along with it!
  22. hmm, I guess u've never met me....i'm that big hunk from the gym and when I dance, lets just put it this way...J'Lo would do me in a sec too...
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