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Everything posted by drdoom

  1. The Nazis are having it at Crobar. Ironic no?
  2. Read this buddy and you'll understand: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?t=289277
  3. Your inflamatory post included not even one accurate fact but whatever, I guess I'm the better man for not forwarding your DEATH THREAT to the authorities, even though I felt the need to archive it. Besides who's ignorant enough to leave a death threat on voice mail? And who feels the need to threaten someone in the first place based on a message board discussion. Grow up. As far as your battle, I guess I'm too scared. I'm not a battle DJ. I play for the ladies, without showing off and scratching/chopping which should have no place in a club anyway. Furthermore, why give your slow night any credibility by even remotely associating it with a spot that does big business? -jonpaul TRUST US ENTERTAINMENT
  4. I reported your death threats to the police. Thanks. -jonpaul TRUST US ENTERTAINMENT
  5. You interned there? Do you know what the fuck KC is up to? He was an acquaintance back in the day.
  6. Explain? Did you ever hear DLR on radio before?
  7. Not bitter . . . just promoting for Boris. Thanks. - jonpaul TRUST US ENTERTAINMENT
  8. Who gives a fuck, he's way past his expiration date . . . I can't wait for Diamond Dave! Yowsa!
  9. You should be "delted" you grimey sack of shit. TRUST US ENTERTAINMENT
  10. Ernest Hemmingway she is not.
  11. Yeah, even though it wasn't the traditional approach, the scene still served its purpose. Interestingly, it is now known through various historical documents, that Caesar was planning to declare war against Parthia on the Ides of March. Conspiracy factor right there.
  12. Vorenus' whore of a wife does a swan dive off the balconey of their house after he finds out the secret about his "grandson". Also, Pullo gets back with Eirene, and Julius Caesar doesn't mutter "Et tu Bruti?". Crazy shit.
  13. The taste of love is sweet, when hearts like our's meet. Oh I fell for you like a child but the fire went wild.
  14. I assume no spoilers then?
  15. I can't believe that no one here has acknowledged this excellent show at all. Much better than those pieces of shit called "Entourage" and "The Sopranos". Anyway, the death of Caesar was depicted well, and I can't wait for Octavian to start kicking ass next season.
  16. Waiting for elevatedflow to fuck everything up.
  17. Since when has Tae Kwon Do, Capoeira and Kung Fu been effective in any MMA competition? Let these two midgets fight somewhere else, and bring in celebs w/ real talent.
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