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Everything posted by rollrgrll222

  1. rollrgrll222


    aww...that sux.... booty calls are more problem than anything..I'd rather just pleasure myself...much easier and I don't have to remember anyone's name
  2. ooohh yyeeaaahhh...mmm....nice and squishy...lol that would be a challenge...omg
  3. YO..what the fuck is up with her non-matching nipples...is it me or do they look like they are from two different tits???
  4. LOL...nice....I prefer oral pleasure anal is only for special occassions..
  5. I used to be terrified of needles..I got over that real quick when I realized how much more satisfying shooting drugs was...but I never understood how someone can keep shooting in the same spot...augh..my ex got an absess and it was gross....I freaked on him...then this girl in detox had one..she had a bandage on that was all bloody..she took it off and left the bloody gauze on my table..and she was HIV postive...whoa...disinfected everything
  6. you can ask all you want...doesn't mean your gona get shit...lol..
  7. weed constricts your blood vessels..it decreases the pressure so you don't feel it..plus it's a mild pain killer...that's why people use it for glaucoma..it takes the pressure away
  8. OMG !!! fuckin awesome movie but the fuckin absess shit made me so ill I never got one but I got high with this girl who had two on her hand..the smell was sooooo bad!!!!!!
  9. I love gettin high while watching that movie... I just hate the detox part..I can totally relate
  10. wow...cheap....awesome thanks
  11. my friend got pregnant cause she didn't know... but as far as I know, antib's and weed are ok....what are the pills for???? you got a yeast infection
  12. rollrgrll222

    hey gabo

    and also the king of trollups....lovesit
  13. cool....evertime I mention it to someone they look at me cockeyed...seems like not too many people know about this flic
  14. I'm moving down to Atlanta within the next month or so and I wanna know what the scene is like...is it lame?? am I gonna have to take trips to south beach?? I need to know..
  15. i like the high performance ones on cop cars...fucks me up everytime I see them on a regular car..fuckin narcs
  16. depends on the milligrams...I usually eat 7 of the 500mgs that usually gives me a good buzz....I have a high tolerance though
  17. speaking of X....are chocolate chips still around?? I haven't bought press tabs in awhile and their the only ones I'll eat..othere than pure mdma...anyone know?
  18. nope...but birth control will stop working on antibiotics
  19. ok..this is like my fav movie of all time but I can't seem to find it on DVD....did they stop making it cause it's so graphic?? What's the deal???
  20. yeah...I knew a girl that took it and ended up dying of water toxicity..she basically drowned herself by drinking too much water
  21. whoa...red flags...no good.....sounds like that PMA shit...that shit's crazy
  22. were you smokin and got stuck somewhere..hiding from the night ninjas??
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