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Everything posted by djsienpileggi

  1. hehe... classic comment.. that should win for BEST COMMENT OF THE YEAR.
  2. no need for scratching in house music... in my opinion.. yeah it sounds cool sometimes.. when done at the right time.. but then it gets a little mundain after awhile
  3. well all of the posts have been good entertainment when im bored.
  4. wow.. and this was his very first post on the board. maybe he was 86'd on his first night at UTOPIA, and he has held it bottled up inside for all these years. Count to 10 Andy
  5. well to be totally honest to both of you ..When you see the VIEW tally.. it does include alot of people who happen to stumble into a thread wondering what the topic is all about.. and when they see the BULLSHIT thats posted (from both sides.. ) they leave.. but when they leave . it doesnt take that tally back... so, its nothing really to be proud of or take pride in, its a technical aspect of messageboards that cant be changed... Now if there was a ticket counter that had a Poll for Thread Topics.. and you wanted to vote that This is a Great Topic, or Great Discussion, or ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS BULLSHIT... I think alot of people would vote for the latter.. just my 2 cents.... I would just like to see more positive topics .. with people accepting everyones opinion and not taking it to heart, unless for the better.. no im not some tree hugging sap.. just a nice soul..
  6. I dont mean to sound like a pooper, because I too, was there and had so many good times and memories of all the Elements that came together to make Utopia what it was. From the DJ's to the Music, Strippers, Club Kids, Dancers, Glowstickers, TransSexuals (in all their Diva glamour), Bouncers, FireBreathers, Congo Drummers, Silver painted people... it will be fun im sure .. but it can never be UTOPIA..UTOPIA.. It wasnt even the same after the fire. It lost something when they came back with the HOSPITAL WHITE look. I will have to say that I am going to have to keep my lasting memories of Utopia untouched and untainted. But please, take alot of pictures and try to post them so we can all see.Would be interesting to see who survived this long..
  7. so whos your favorite team for the superbowl? THe Bulls or the Astros?
  8. Well Like Empire Ballroom does have Vip Tables roped off.. some you can still sit at behind the ropes, only until they sell the table. then you gotta move. Same as in Seamless Afterhours.. All the table are roped off on the dance floor area, but you are more then welcome to come and sit down at the table until they sell it. And even at JET, the tables arent roped off, but most of the time if a table has a bucket and ice and glasses, its taken. But at Jet, they have the bucket of ice, Orange Juice, Water, and Cranberry Juice all on the table and you can sit there, and even pour some of those juice and stuff and they havent said anything about it... I thought that was pretty cool.
  9. Well I own and use Final Scratch 2, which is able to handle the high speed scratching abilities of alot of beat jugglers and turntablists. Serato is a very sweet and precise system as well.. but both systems are only as good as you set them up to be.. the correct stylus for your type of work.. correct counterbalance adjustment,correct system specs and tweaks even down to the slip mats. Although I dont scratch myself because I am a house and progressive house DJ (YES I can scratch before anyone decides to say anything, I just dont see a purpose for it with my music) I havent really put the system to a full blown 2 or 3 hour set of scratch and juggling. Great topic though..
  10. Well I for one am a big fan of Electro,.. I have been playing more and more or at Teatro, and even when i go to see other djs play, alot of the newest, hottest tracks (not hiphop) are Electro... So yeah it would be a nice thing to hear how someone might remix some hip hop (both real and fake) with some electro. Some tracks out there are way to electro.. geeky sounding. i can see alot of people having fun with it.
  11. I knew this was a stupid topic. .we have drifted way off course Gilligan.! Appreciate all comments and opinions.. but i wasnt asking how to be a good DJ, every DJ has their own little flare that makes them good. Although I have never met Supra, I know of her through my friend Miss Joy.I am not into the downtempo stuff, so i havent heard her play live. But she must be good if she landed a gig at Studio 54 and ICE and Tao. so props to her on that. as far as mixing clean.. Even the superstar DJs make mistakes .. and some up and coming djs mix better than the superstars. But we have all had that unforseen element take our perfect mix and trash it.. a piece of lint.. or an invisible scratch on vinyl or cd.. or someone having a great time to the music get a little too close to the dj booth and KAPLUNK!KAPLUNK!KAPLUNK!KAPLUNK!
  12. wow... all very interesting replies. I do understand where Vegasbabie is coming from, just because I spin house doesnt mean I have to play what everyone knows already to keep them happy.I can take a chance with a sick new track that totally catches them off guard.. I can play a crazy progressive house track that does the same.. Although I do have to disagree with the part about not knowing anything about his music past the point of his cd collection. I do, not just hours of research of music, but even full days.. RedBull, some Chips.. some coffee. some Subway and I am stuck to my chair, previewing track after track after track before i find the right one.. and there are alot of DJs out there that do the same. Diving into a backroom full to the roof of old records is the traditional way.. but not needed totally.But that doesnt add or take anything away from the DJ doing the research. Well I dont do mash up . but I do play hard electro and progressive even dance house tracks where my mixes are 2mins long to let the songs play off of eachother.and accent one another. Taking vocals from the 1st track and playing with the beat and melody of the incoming track and vice versa. If the track is long enough I will sample a simliar sounding song in for about 30secs to a min.. then bring on another Full track. I dont really work hard behind the tables because house tracks and progressive house tracks are about 7mins long.. 2 mins in and 2 mins out. so i have 2-3 minutes to look for the next track.. cue it.. . then match it. and bring it in.. I dont have skills just yet to play around with 3 tables at the same time like Digital Boy and Faarsheed. I do like to play for the crowd, I do like seeing them react to a track they havent heard in awhile that brings them back in time.. or exposing them to a new hard track that makes them go OOOOOOHHH SHEEEAAATT!!.. I also like taking a request that someone has.. but playing a remixed version of it to sweeten it up and show some how versatile i can be. I dont have much exposure, but im not an unknown DJ either.. so i am learning the ropes of the industry still.But I do know what my peeps like to hear.Maybe in a year you will hear of me and want to come check me out and maybe i might be a DJ that you can remember because of how I do my thang.
  13. HEHE.. yeah i guess it dont really matter about their ass.. when you are only gonna be looking at their face. .but sometimes a nice rack really brings out the color in their.... uhh.. oh yeah.. their eyes lol.. Well as far as the occasional track drifting off to create the gallop or stutter it does happen from time to time with alot of DJ's. even the BIG SUPERSTAR ONES.. but i have learned. that it doesnt matter how it started.. or how it happend.. what matters is how you deal with and correct it. some are smooth corrections. some are over corrected and turn into a train wreck. I am sooo critical when it came to my mixes.. and yeah I started to learn that out of the few hundred people that might attend an event.. maybe 1/16 of them will be a dj ,and they are the ones that hear those little mistakes.. and say something.. everyone else just continues to rock on..
  14. I know this sounds like a stupid topic, but i was just curious to know what stands out in peoples mind when they either hear of a DJ for the first time, or if they have seen them play, what stood out in there memory, for them to go back. I know the tracks they lay down is enough, but maybe something else stands out. Being an up and coming DJ for quite sometime, I have always looked up to my mentors and noticed COOL things about them that I sort of envy. Like a cool DJ name, or Cool clothing style, or cool eyewear or headgear( and i dont mean the headgear you get from your orthodontist either ) For instance, DJs that just use their own cool sounding names like Steve Lawler.. Roger Sanchez..Erick Morillo..Carl Cox. etc.. Even the local DJs like FaarSheed, or Chris Aureilius (however you spell it)Duane King..even Hollywood. David Christian..Adam Webb..Javier Alba..Joey Mazzola or DJ Names like Digital Boy.. or Scotty Boy.. The Funkler..Jose 2Hype..Vegas Vibe. OB One.Miss Joy. Eyewear.. Roger Sanchez.. and Scotty Boy. HeadGear: I think Boy George takes the cake on this one. Fashion sense. Roger Sanchez. Carl Cox. Miss Joy.Boy George.Chris Gar-cia those are just a few examples .. but i being plagued with no real fashion sense.. the dj name is chose were my initials ESP.. but turns out there is already a DJ ESP . so i just went with my name( not cool sounding) I wear glasses, but they dont accentuate my looks like they do for Scotty Boy, or Carl Cox.. But I do lay down some fucking banging ass tracks though lol..
  15. well I have only been there once, and that was when we did the AJ JEANS LAUNCH party there. From what i gathered from doing some RECON their, it seemed more like that underground alternative crowd, but also by speaking with some others.. it seems that they host to ALL WALKS OF LIFE there. Gay crowd, alternative crowd, Rock and live bands( i think)Funky crowd. They have a first friday of every month there which i heard is alot of fun.. Also break dancing and HIP HOP. They even held runway fashion shows there. Chris Gar-cia, DJ LOVE, and myself all spun house that night.. packed the place with 300people all night .. its not very big, but its cool. Drinks were cheap too.. (HELLO.. my name is Sien, and im an alcoholic)
  16. was really good.. i was surprised.. i thought they were gonna close early because it was busy up until like 3 then it died out .. and then people showed up at 4 and kept coming in . so we didnt get out until 6:30.. and we had to shut it down again while people were still there. .but was nice to see that even with Drais and Empire Ballroom that it was still busy.. we played a bit harder that night... so hopefully by word of mouth, it will be a consistant spot to be at.
  17. Teatro will be hosting a new saturday night spotlight. This night will promote more of the Dance House, Progressive House and Elektro house with of course.. DIGITAL BOY (Italy). Seeing as how the house crowd has been starting to emerge from their hibernation.. we are hoping to give them something to feed their appetite for house music and harder darker dance music. LOCALS ARE FREE!!! ( and not just local ladies.. ALLL LOCALS) hope to see you all out.... even if its not at TEATRO.. Be Safe.. have fun...
  18. Thanks to all of you that came out on Thursday night, it was great.. normally the club closes at around 5am, but it was so busy that we didnt get out of there until 7am.. with people still in the club, but we had to close it down.. so hopefully we can have another great wed and thursday night next week.. We played a little bit harder this time and it worked out.. people actually came and requested pretty hard songs.. so it looks like we have targeted the right crowd.. spread the word.. and thanks for the support..
  19. Well Teatro is going to be trying Saturday nights now, because the wed and thursday night House music nights have been picking up.. I will put a post up when I find out if we are gonna do another saturday night... Yes, virtually no standing in lines for more than a few minutes if that.. and of course great music... I will post up here, if its going to be a definite.
  20. wow.. this is definetely a treat.. this will be my first time hearing him live. Im sure he is gonna rock the house...
  21. As much as I would love to have 484 people view this thread, lets not go there lol... But its great to play along side one of the FOREFATHERS of Electronic music.. Digital Boy. I mean he has done it all.. playing from crowds of 4,000 to as large as 30,000 people. Just take a look www.digitalboy.us this is where I would like to take my newly found passion... but for now.. ill settle for standing next to a legend.
  22. yes, it has seemed for a long time now that we have been losing in the music revolution. Hip hop ( in its many shapes and forms) has been holding strong in the eyes of the corporate big wigs that see $$$ signs when they open up clubs.. Some have even been nice enough to make small House rooms on the side to pacify those of us that are bellyaching for HOUSE MUSIC. Digital Boy, is alot of fun to work with, very supportive.. and doesnt pull the reigns on how I play. I can never play TOO HARD, because he is right there to throw on some even harder tracks lol... Everyone has been just buzzing about how we play. I never thought some of the staff would be into electronic.. elecktro, even Progressive house. We have been starting around 1am with some Tabu type house music,funky house and samba .. then 2am we move to tribal , darker dance style.. then at 3 we start getting harder with some electrohouse.until 5 or 6am. I have taken a format that Joe Faarsheed uses at Pure, along with the funky style of Chris Garcia, at Drais and combined them into one night at TEATRO. thanks for the support,and hope to see you whenever you come out..
  23. For those of you that dont know yet, or havent heard yet. Digital Boy and myself are trying to establish a good wednesday and thursday night spot for locals, as well as tourists, but locals are FREE... I do remember when TEATRO was known for playing the cheezy cheezy stuff, but all that has changed now. Luca (Digital Boy) has been doing alot to push the harder dance and ElectroHouse , even Progressive House (which he plays at TABU every FRIDAY night). We hope that the locals will feel comfortable as well as energetic with the sounds that we have been playing these past few weeks. So, if you like the harder stuff.. and dont have any place good to go on a Wed and Thurs night..then come on out..No cheezy stuff here.. Thanks for your support....
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