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    sancib reacted to poccnr in what was the worst job you ever had?   
    Does your county reimburse you for $ owed for licensing? If not, then it "sounds" like they may be doing something wrong... I am a fed employee and must keep up with educational responsiblilties every year. I am registered in my vocation and must show completion of educational advancement each year... 20 credit hours. My employer sends me to seminars.... Penn state, Miami U, etc... and I leave, usually with a huge hangover and a certificate of completion to forward to the finance department in the form of a travel voucher. Check with the billing department of your institution to ensure that you aren't being forced to pay for something that should not be accrued by the individual. But damn, that does frickin' suck!
  2. Downvote
    sancib reacted to intoxikated in This Sucks...   
    thanks for all of your help and advice...i got a ct scan in the emergency room a few weeks ago and it came out normal...the nurse told me to take motrin and get some rest..and maybe its sort of stress related bc once i found out that it wasnt a brain tumor or anything, i started to relax and i felt better for about a week...then i made the stupid decision of partying a little on the 4th of july...i had half of a joint and maybe 5 beers...i had been better for about 8 or 9 days...and that week, the tension started coming back...it's not like an actual pain, its just this really uncomfortable tension, like my head is in a vise or something...and its different areas of my head, it usually starts out in my left temple...so now ive been having it again and ive been freaking out...i just made an appointment for a neurologist for tomorrow...hopefully, he'll give me something to make me get rid of this tension once and for all...its driving me crazy...its not like it hurts so bad or anything, but its just this really really uncomfortable tension...i have no idea what it could be...people have been saying that maybe its anxiety, but im not particularly stressed out about anything except for this...maybe its physical anxiety or something...i just hope that this neurologist can give me something to make me feel better (and he should at that price....$200 for an office visit plus any other tests...and the suckiest part is that im going to be getting health insurance with my job as of aug 3...blah)
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    sancib got a reaction from intoxikated in This Sucks...   
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    sancib got a reaction from weyes in Lawler fakes it @ Avaland   
    FKNG A Weyes! I so agree with you, I love Spundae because it has better vibe, but more often than not Avaland has the best music. I would rather be somewhere the crowd is cool and the music so,so...than a place where the music is great and the people are fake...
  5. Downvote
    sancib reacted to weyes in Lawler fakes it @ Avaland   
    i hate avaland, but i hate the fact that they get all the djs i want to see even more. ever since spundae first left circus, things have gone downhill, for me. the crowd i love is still at spundae, but the music is usually at avaland. i don't go to see some of my favorite djs just because they're at avaland. people often say that one shouldn't let a crowd spoil one's fun on the dancefloor, but the clientele there is so despicable to me that i just can't enjoy myself. i'm hoping that things will settle down at some point and that the hollywood phonies will leave, allowing some room for the music-lovers.
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    sancib got a reaction from poccnr in Dj Irene @ Circus   
    lol isnt that what we all say after excessive inebriation. I had fun,I always have fun.I just need some decent tunes,good folks,and cool vibes.
    too bad you ended up prayin to the porcelin god.
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    sancib got a reaction from barraquilla in Good Techno/trance type music club in LA???   
    Well for thurs the 23rd, although its not trance, its house, check out the bungalo( see thread that says the good life on the messageboard.) I am sure that there will be cool people there. As for Friday there usually is "Heaven" at the vangard or club red. But no big names on either day as far as I know.Hope you have fun enjoy the scene.

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    sancib got a reaction from djmikey77 in Goin to La for 1st time...what r some hot clubs   
    Well it all depends on what kind of music you like... If you like trance/dance music you definitely have many choices. My personal favorites are Giant@Avaland(see www.giantclub.com) there is also Spundae @circus (spundae.com) thats on Sat.'s, Fri you might check out The Vanguard.No matter what chances are you'll have fun.
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