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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. ryan2772

    happy Bday Level

    happy birthday, crazy motherf*cker ;D
  2. hey Ryan thats some funny shit......if you keep on going at that rate everyone will remember who you are without knowing your name. ;D most people don't.
  3. i must've been just a victim of the tiesto hype :
  4. pod, i just heard the news! congratulations, you'll be a great dad! what are you gonna name him/her?
  5. werd. ill say it right now, i went to space friday. why? bc i knew automatically it was going to be an enjoyable time. and thats the reason i go out in the f-ing first place. thanks for everything that night, john. and say hi to beth again for me ;D
  6. nah, that ho didn't smile at me, i was just kidding!!!! she is hot as hell, though. i just get happy when she remembers my tab w/o me telling her my name (pretty sad, huh?) ;D
  7. of course we should all try to support (just about ) everything that comes across these boards. i can only speak for myself, i do my best. ;D but life (my life, anyway) involves more than just music. i got a lot of sh*t going on, so i can't make it to every obscure dj that comes to town, and i sure as hell don't like it when i get reamed for the decisions i make, ESPECIALLY when someone mentions the dollar amount that i spent. back to getting positive, i can't wait to see andrew throw it down at lush in a couple of weeks. i'll be there, and so should everyone else! ;D
  8. i'm interested to see what bradbury thinks after he sees the movie. either way, isn't there a statute of limitations on this? i mean, shit, this book was written in 1953. the correlation to bradbury's novel isn't going to change his reputation either for the positive or the negative. i think he may be trying to drum up some publicity. and to me, that's all he deserves from michael moore.
  9. i agree. i saw the video, and i would've wasted 'em too
  10. i didn't realize it was so complicated to kidnap someone. i thought you just throw them in your car and drive away.
  11. that's a REALLY stupid thing to say. i pride myself in being interested in several types of electronic music, and i was at tiesto all night, had a great time. so fah q if you think people that like tiesto don't have open minds to other types of music. cause there were 20 other cooljunkies that were there too. ask lyric and andrew chibale and bruno and johnny ramirez if and ANYONE else if they are supported, and they'll say they are. and i'm SOOOOOOO sorry i didn't make it out to see danilo. i'll just have to hope he comes again. some sarcasm there, but....if he comes again i'll definitely check him out. just don't be so goddamn negative, that's not gonna help anything. you can't get a crowd through guilt.
  12. i think guyman is a closet tiesto fan. it had to have taken some effort to find this article. or he's just really into cleveland's electronic music scene. hmm...i think i just outed you, guyman. anyhow, i had read on tiesto's website about this, that he had to perform in front of some governmental officials. i think that's a pretty interesting story. that doesn't happen a lot, i don't think. i'm happy for him. ;D
  13. man, what a night. and that's all i have to say about that.
  14. i'll be there for the scantilly-clad hootchies
  15. some other douchebag named villo is on right now. damn i'm gonna miss him. gotta leave work @ 7 :'(
  16. glad i could inspire you guys! fortier roooooooooooooooooooooocks :o ;D alex you better rip it!!!! 2 minutes......
  17. great choice! that movie scared the sh*t outta me
  18. www.protonradio.com should be a good one!
  19. Not enough people care. you're right! ;D
  20. your welcome ! good to meet you last night...keep those mixes comin
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