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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. sorry, but i just had to share this perhaps NSFW http://www.hedonistica.com/media.php?path=/videos/dog_sex_gone_way_wrong.wmv ;D
  2. hilarious! what a pussy http://www.hedonistica.com/media.php?path=/videos/baseball_missed_tossed.wmv
  3. i saw a group of like 8 of them chillin at south pointe park the other day. literally, they were chillin, really enjoying themselves. :-\
  4. shouldn't you be working???
  5. that's so messed up - why is our nation OBSESSED with religion and 'living in sin' there is just ZERO logic behind it It's totally scary. That's why living in America is not all what it's crcked up to be. It's as if our nation is going backwards towards the days of the Salem Witch Trials or something...LOL...Just look at how much influence the religious right wing Chirstians have on this country...And I thought there was supposed to be seperation between church and state. More and more as time go's on it seems as if they are merging together... I think you are missing a key point in your argument though...he said she was a private school teacher. More than likely it was a religious based school, which then has every right to terminate a teacher based on religious ethics. Fair? Well it will depend on your point of view. Im sure they would expect that their teachers be the embodiment of what they are passing on to the kids. Also, its not NEARLY as bad as some people make it out to be here.....most countries are infinate times worse with regards to religious matters influencing political ones. it was a baptist-affiliated school. that's why she laughed...not sued. she knew it was their right to do so
  6. i watched him do that drop kick...strangest thing i've ever seen in football. now that was magic
  7. Did she teach for a private school or something? yep she laughed, walked out the door cya in hell!
  8. my mom got fired from her job as a teacher (in charlotte NC) because they found out she was "living in sin".
  9. ryan2772

    WMC Mix... a bit late

    listening now good stuff ;D
  10. ryan2772

    space 18+ for girls?

    My little sister says otherwise... : so does my girlfriend
  11. that is definitely another language
  12. ryan2772

    WMC 2007 !!!!!

    no way. i'm going skiing in utah or something.
  13. umm one of my best friends that i grew up with was down the street from the pentagon when it happened. it wasn't a missle.
  14. i was looking for an alligator
  15. Brilliant. You obviously know how our Government works unlike others. Good post. i'm so jaded at the whole thing.
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/05/16/rudedrivers.survey.ap/index.html AP) -- Stressed Miami drivers speed, tailgate and cut off other drivers so frequently that the city earned the title of worst road rage in a survey released Tuesday. AutoVantage, an automobile membership club offering travel services and roadside assistance, also listed Phoenix, Arizona; New York; Los Angeles, California; and Boston, Massachusetts, among the top five cities for rude driving. Minneapolis, Minnesota; Nashville, Tennessee; St. Louis, Missouri; Seattle, Washington; and Atlanta, Georgia, were rated as the cities with the most courteous drivers, who were less likely to change lanes without signaling or swear at other motorists. More than 2,000 adult drivers who regularly commute in 20 major metropolitan areas were asked to rate road rage and rude driving in telephone surveys between January and March. The survey conducted by Prince Market Research has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.2 percentage points. Drivers owned up to some rude behavior themselves: Nearly all said they had talked on a cell phone while driving, and 64 percent acknowledged they occasionally drive too fast. Young drivers and people with long commutes were found to be the most likely to react to an aggressive or rude driver. The top reactions included honking the horn, cursing or making an obscene gesture. No distinct differences were found between male and female drivers. "Human behavior is so involved with crashes at all levels," said Elly Martin, a spokeswoman for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. "[Aggressive driving] is a pattern of behavior drivers exhibit over and over." AutoVantage, based in Norwalk, Connecticut, hopes to use the survey to educate people about how to resist road rage. Among its tips are remaining calm and not making eye contact with an angry driver. Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All
  17. that's just because you miss your homeland
  18. way too much blame in this country rests on the executive branch. our elected representatives are the ones that make the laws. and in my eyes, they're all fucking crazy. it really is up to congress to act. but they won't. they'll get bogged down by fillibustering colleagues and deep-pocketed special interest groups. i hope they can make things happen.
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