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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. Many think that Valentine's Day is for cocoa, fancy dinners, and flowers. Bah. Valentine's is really for fancy cocktails. With that, we bring you a few special drinks from some of our favorite mixologists that you can feel free to put together. The Rosangel Ruby Fizz (Julie Reiner - Clover Club) 2 ounces Rosangel Tequila ½ ounce Agave Syrup ½ ounce Ruby Port 1 bar spoon Pomegranate Molasses ¾ ounce Lemon Juice ½ ounce Egg White Preparation: Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a highball glass with one large ice cube. Top with Club Soda and garnish with a cherry.
  2. Want to know more about the soon to open Mexican inspired cocktail and tapas bar? Then do we have good news for you! We just happen to have some additional infor, and we are going to share it with you right now. Yay! Yay. The lounge, now called Su Casa, is the brain child of David Howell (Suede, Libation), Steve Salis and Deena Sayers (Surf Lodge). According to our Little Birdy, Su Casa will have "tapas served nightly, and the whole place will have a rustic old-world Mexican feel... Think Upstairs, designed by Frida Kahlo." How exciting. Coming at you this spring.
  3. Haven't made V-day plans yet? This year, slackers have their choice of Valentine's evening locale. There are loads of restaurants still offering reservations [NewYorkology] Dubai is going bye-bye. The one-hit international hotspot is apparently going the way of the general economy and then some. Foreigners that gave the place its party rep are leaving in scores as the jobs and the money dry up..and there's no unemployment to make it better [NYT] The Plaza is thinking rather optimisitcally. They are planning to charge upwards of $20k per night for their terrace suites. With even Dubai faltering, we aren't really sure who will be demanding such extravagance [HotelChatter]
  4. Just what is going on at 134 Eldridge Street, the home of Sasha Petraske's New York cocktail den Milk and Honey? For months, Sasha had been promoting his plans to convert the tiny space into a members only club, mostly as a response to meddlesome websites that kept publishing the once coveted phone number. The conversion was supposed to take up to a year. In the meantime, the space had closed for the past several weeks for rennovations, during which time it once again changed the phone number. The bad news is that Urban Daddy has already published the number, saying "For weeks, you've been wandering between watering holes, trying to fill the void of Milk & Honey's temporary shuttering. Well, your long cocktail nightmare is over. M&H is back and we've got something else you'll need: the reservations number." Now, there is no chance we are publishing it here, because that's not how we roll. But you can bet dollars to donuts that the number will be down by tomorrow. But does it really matter anymore? There are an insane amount of spots to get a delicious drink, so why fight over one with so few seats. Besides, Sasha himself is dishing up cocktails at White Star a few blocks away. Fighting to find a phone number to a private reservation bar is kind of Dow 14,000, no?
  5. Talk about timing! On the day that the gory details of the Porcelain Twinz lawsuit emerge, the Box is also celebrating it's Two Year Anniversary. Our little Boxy is all growed up! We are sure Simon and the gang have some ridiculousness planned for the event, so we suggest you turn over the piggy bank to find enough money for those famous $900 bottles.
  6. Our good friends at Papabubble wanted to spread the Valentine's Day love and let everyone know they are offering special V-day inspired lollies, heart mixes and a super special gold heart ring. Nothing will make your sweetie feel any more loved. Awww, candy. Be sure to tune into the Martha Stewart Show today to see the Papabubble wrecking crew make some candy with Queen Martha.
  7. Performers Heather and Amber Langley, better known as the Porcelain Twinz, officially filed their lawsuit against the Box and owner Simon Hammerstein in New York Supreme Court. While we have heard most of the gory details before, the court papers alledge that before Hammerstein would sign as a guarantor for a rental apartment, Hammerstein called them in to his bedroom "to talk" - and they found him lying on the bed in his underwear, the suit says. He told them to get in to bed with him, and "required" them "to remove their underwear before demanding" oral sex from them. It was creepy just cutting and pasting that. Shudder. Anyway, the Twinz are seeking an unspecified amount in monetary damages. We are guessing about a gabillion dollars. Meanwhile, the show goes on at the Box. Twincest Slap [NYP]
  8. Mccarren Pool will return as a real pool and resort-y type of retreat. Whoa. It's set to open in 2011 and will even include a sand volleyball court. And with spring coming earlier and earlier, perhaps the use will be extended to more than just the summer months [Curbed] Shocker - The Box is acting snooty, even in light of the economic times. They won't budge on entry price for parties nor will on their two bottle policy, starting at $575. Hm, well if someone is throwing that kind of money around, we're glad its in our fair city [NewYorkology] The Little Owl will have a little sib soon - its owner was community board-approved to take over 170 Waverly with a "laid-back, rustic" place named for his grandfather. Aw [Grub Street] Spring Break NYC? With the unseasonally warm weather and Pod Hotel's spacious $199 suites for sleeping 3-4, perhaps we will see even more college students crowding the Thompson and Bleeker nexxus during March-April [HotelChatter]
  9. We are always striving to make your DBTH experience more pleasant. What can we say - we really want to make you happy. Some of you may have noticed the addition of a Twitter Feed in our super sidebar area. We will be providing you with periodic alerts as we do our thing around the City and wherever we may be, and invite all of our Little Birdys to tweet tweet tweet us juicy tips and intel. DBTH Twitter
  10. We suggest you stop whatever it is you are doing and dedicate a few moments to step inside the life of the one, the only, David MoFo Jaffee. Pending law school student Brittany Mendenhall sat down with the Jaff to find out what really makes him tick, and we have to say, we are now scared of him. Some choice nuggets: On why clubs hire promoters: " If they could do it themselves why the fuck would they pay us full door or 20% of the bar? Some places are giving 40% of the bar just to bring people out. They can't do it." On getting paid : "I always get paid. Fuck that. Always. I'm a little fucked up in the head and it comes down to lowest hanging fruit. A club is not going to fuck me, well maybe they would, but they're going to fuck a ton of other promoters before the fuck me because I'll put their club on email blast." On work: "I freaking work like 100 hours per week...Last week I was in the office from 7pm on Wednesday until 6pm on Friday. No drugs or anything." On problems: "I don't really have problems anymore because people know I'm a little crazy in the head so they handle me with kid gloves." It's all gold. All of it. GOLD! [ChiChi 212 Interview with David Jaffee]
  11. DBTH headed down to Allen and Delancey to experience their recently announced Tuesday night special. To help attract customers, A&D were offering their delicious cocktails at a 50% discount (see receipt). Upon arrival at 9:30, we were surprised to find the front bar area completely packed, with patrons lined up 2 or 3 deep trying to get the overmatched bartenders' attention. After managing to snag some bar stools, we partook of several delicious cocktails and took in the scene. A group of bankers waltzed in around 10:30, several couples on dates, and some ladies enjoying the chicken for 2 house special. We noticed that those who could get a place to sit would stay for multiple drinks, but those who were on the periphery would drink and run. Our bartender remarked that A&D had tried to prepare for the masses by calling him at 7:00, but they were still seeing weekend like crowds on a Tuesday. Granted, the drinks were 50% off, but in these times, any way to get customers in the door is vital.
  12. Strippers, they're just like us! Blackbook has the lowdown about where they go out and it turns out...they hate promoters, and frequent the Box, Apotheke, Johnny Utahs, Niagra...we're all for diversity, but make sure to test that "between jobs" thing before getting between the sheets [Blackbook] Hyped-up and cooled-off Delicatessan has gotten some kudos from Travel & Leisure for design, meaning it is considered one of the best designed restaurants in the world. It joins the likes of the TKTS booth in Manhattan [Grub Street] If you are planning to BYO for V-Day or cook for your significant other, take these wine suggestions - there are options for foodies, those on a budget, and wines for just chocolate [Urbanite]
  13. Famed artist and international man about town Andre Saraiva has lent his talents to the recently launched Belvedere IX. Now we hear that Andre is bringing the world renowned Le Baron to New York City to help launch the new spirit here. Le Baron will take over a space for a very limited run, so make plans to get there before its too late.
  14. An old Little Birdy returns from parts unknown to drop a Mexican bombshell on us, telling us to brace for yet another cocktail den. But this time, there's a Baja twist. According to LB, "There's a new boutique bar opening soon on 6th ave and 8th street in the West Village. It's in construction...plans to open for events as of March 1, plans to open publicly May 1. Mexican themed cocktails and tapas with a brand new mixologist to hit the streets." Expect some playful, tequila inspired cocktails on the menu. Ain't nothing wrong with that.
  15. Bungalow 8 UK may be going the way of Bungalow 8 New York. Apparently, the cool debate is on, even though the place has been open for little more than a year. Reports of underagedness and business-types have infiltrated the blogosphere. TBD for good during fashion week [HotelChatter] Bored of shuffleboard, darts, pool, and the like? Might you fancy a bout of ping pong? One of two places within Manhattan to offer the game to revelers is, natch, Fat Cat [Gridskipper] JE Englebert is claiming that proximity to Penn Station is grounds for nightlife success. Gross. And our best frenemy makes an astute point, calling it all a "hot air" [GoaG]
  16. You heard it hear first kiddies. Urban Daddy is poised to relaunch their website as of tomorrow morning, providing members with the latest and greatest info on a more user friendly and interactive portal. DBTH has seen a preview and was colored impressed, as the Daddy provides another helpful tool to keep us informed of how we should spend our growing free time and dwindling savings accounts. Congrats! UrbanDaddy More...
  17. Desperate times call for desperate measures, especially in the NYC nightclub bottle service game. So the Imperial has decided to turn its business model upside down in an attempt to attract some new talent into its operation. Management has introduced "a new “Profit Sharing” program that benefits our immediate family of employees, and not outside promoters", with the hope that Profit Sharing "demonstrates our intense loyalty to employees who ‘go the extra mile’ in helping the Club to be an even greater success, at a time when economic incentives are even more important." Sounds intense. So what are they nitty gritty details? Click through to find out. More...
  18. A surprise video from the much discussed Corner Bistro incident has emerged on YouTube, apparently showing a busboy/waiter being struck by a friend of BlackBook writer Nick Haramis. Who was in the right? It seems obvious to us, but we will let you be the judge. The lesson is obvious, respect the rules of the joint and respect each other. It's tough enough out there without the violence. [GS via Eater via BB via DBTH] More...
  19. After our So Dow 14,000 series exposed the new tipping policies at Joe's Shanghai, our friends at the NY Post dug a bit deeper and discovered at least 12 eateries have taken up the practice, illegally! According to the Posties, restaurants must declare their tip policies clearly on the menu, and failure to comply could result in fines. Keep your eyes open Birdys, and remember, DBTH has always got your back. More...
  20. After a recent dustup with New York's finest, St Marks institution DJ Lenny M was back in business as of Sunday. Team DBTH saw him setting up his corner booth and asked what happened, to which Lenny replied, "Wha choo need, man?" Just to know all is right with the world. More...
  21. More great recessionary news! $11 rooms aren't the exception, they're the trend. Due to the current economic situation, just about anyone with a buck can have a luxury hotel room. It's a buyer's market out there. [NYTimes] The Waverly Inn is taking the friends and friends-of-friends policy to another level. Graydon Carter's extension to the other coast will be hosted at Clint Eastwood's Pebble Beach Mansion. [Radar] Patron is going for optimism. Even in the current economic conditions, they are launching a new, premium, "tasteless" vodka. They did, however, knock the planned price down from $50 to $40. What did we tell you? Buyers market. [WSJ via Grub Street] More...
  22. Breaking news over the Birdy Wire. DJ Lenny M, the lovable DJ who welcomes visitors to St Marks Place with his homemade mix tapes and od school hip hop and R&B, has been busted by the NYPD. Team DBTH spotted several plain clothes officers confiscating all of Lenny's music and just about everything else from his small booth on the corner of St Marks and Third Avenue. Downtown is going to be eerily quiet tonight. More...
  23. WNYC's Brian Lehrer show has created this handy dandy map of Uncommon Economic Indicators popping up in New York City. One that caught our eye? A run on Trader Joe's Two Buck Chuck, with the tipster reporting "Giving up wine is not an option -we're just setting new lows on price of the wine we drink. The cheap (2.99) reds and whites produced by Charles Shaw usually take up the whole wall at the back of the store. This week they were SOLD OUT." We suggest they also buy some generic asprin for the next morning. [WNYC] More...
  24. Is it ever too early to start thinking about the Hamptons? We say no! With the economic woes, ballers unloading their overpriced East End homes, and young bucks getting laid off, will this summer season poised to be a disaster? We asked a very well informed Little Birdy to fill us in on the latest and greatest in Suffolk country. LB tells us it is mostly business as usual, saying "As always the Hamptons market is flooded with Restaurant, Bar and Club space up for seasonal rental or management opportunities…there will definitely be a game of musical chairs, but you will find the ususal suspects out there again with the exception of a few who are busy elsewhere watching their other venues burn into flame." Overall, LB feels "the business in the restaurants will be as strong as prior seasons, I think you’ll find a drop in revenues at nightclubs though." We tend to think that the kiddies will still sweat to make their summer shares happen, breaking it down at the clubs and forgoing the lavish pre-dinners. And maybe the adults will be forced to use those chef's kitchens they had to have. We shall see. More...
  25. Jeremiah's Vanishing New York reports the Stefan Lutak, family man, World War II veteran, and the owner and proprietor of the Holiday Cocktail Lounge, has passed away. He was 89 years young. The much beloved dive on St. Marks place has been sporadically open over the past few months, and its future is uncertain. Pour one out for a legend tonight. More...
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