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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. Comic Con hits the Javitz Center this weekend with a host of geek treats on display. Here's five NYCC-approved after-parties where everyone will be able to tell you that Han shot first. More...
  2. Scratch The Eldridge, the newest hotspot is the "Pink Slip Party." Not only do these events pack 400+ into a midtown joint, but you get lost Wall Street bankers, desperate dudes...sounds like a best of the Meatpacking [Dealbreaker] Is Bed-Stuy the new LES? According to Grub Street, the area is getting a new speakeasy. Might be exciting for those in the boonies, but we've got our hands full in Flatiron now [Grub Street] Have a date but are stumped on what to do on the 14th? Check. Celebrating your 50th Anniversary? Check. Want to stay in super romantic midtown west? Well, Hotel Pennsylvania has the deal for you. [NewYorkology] More...
  3. You can see a lot of strange things when perusing the local bodega's fridge for a tasty adult beverage. We recently discovered Joose, which apparently is a malt liquor fueled energy drink. Needless to say, despite its ridiculously high alcohol content and energy boosting ingredients, we left it on the shelf and picked up something else. Maybe next time. More...
  4. Making its rounds today is the 2009 New York City Guide to Wining and Dining During the Recession, a helpful (if not obvious collection) of information on cheap eats, dining and drink specials and BYO friendly joints. Keep your budget small and your belly and liver full even during the blurst of times. More...
  5. Belvedere is introducing its brand new Belvedere IX spirit in collaboration with Parisian graffiti artist Andre. The spirit is being touted as a breakthrough in production and uses a similar methodology to that of gin, and according to the release, has 9 ingredients, "ginseng, guarana, acai, ginger, sweet almond, jasmine, eucalyptus, three cinnamon, and black cherry, blended seamlessly to create a warm and enlivening note on the nose." Smells interesting. For all of those who can't wait to try it, it is rolling out in LA at My House, and will be in NYC so very soon. Hooah! More...
  6. Are you feeling the pinch but still want to go out and enjoy yourself? Do steep discounts intrigue you? Do you love Jay Z? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then do we have a deal for you! Restaurant.com is offering a $100 gift certificate to the 40/40 Club for only $40. It's valid for dinner only with a $35 minimum food only purchase (Sunday through Thursday), so not sure if that means just food or everything. But hey, that's a discount and you get to live the Jigga lifestyle basically on the house. Hova! More...
  7. Yesterday's Afternews mentioned this Proof column on downpouring, the art of filling an empty premium bottle of booze with the cheap stuff. While we agree with Brian McDonald's statement that these downpouring bars are "the exception and not the rule", this item does coincide with a choice story that a Little Birdy told us last week. LB tells us "after dinner last Friday, our large group somehow wound up in the Meatpacking District at XXXX, which was actually very crowded and very fun. I ordered two Kettle One's on the rocks, and I swear that neither of the drinks were Kettle. They were giving me crap vodka and calling it Kettle." Granted, our Little Birdy was a bit tipsy at the time, but we know they know their vodka. Is it possible that our finest, most high fallootin venues are trying to give us the once over? Shudder.We may need to get Seven on Your Side down here. *EN: Name of the venue withheld. More...
  8. Zagat has announced a new addition to their guides: a guide to "dating and dumping" in New York. $6 buys you all the info you need to selecting the right spot for your romantic rdv. And sometimes we sit in awe of the things for which people require guidance. [Zagat] Isabella's ex-crew ran one vindictive ship. Possibly in response to extortion. Regardless, there were sledgehammers and a smashed kitchen involved over the loss of the restaurant. Catfight! [Curbed] Are you sure that's Grey Goose? NYTimes has alerted us to the trend of "downpouring," where some bars fill expensive brand bottles with well vodka. Which means worsening hangovers might become another effect of the recession [NYTimes] Murray Hill, of all places, is treated to a surprise guest: a luxury ($715/night) authentic Japanese guesthouse. If that's a bit steep for you, plebians can take a Tokyo-inspired staycation at one of the two restaurants serving imported delicacies such as blowfish [HotelChatter] More...
  9. Eataly, the supersize Italian food speciality store, is close to locking up a lease for 60,000 SF somewhere between Union Square and Madison Square. What does this have to do with nightlife and hospitality? Mamma Mia! [Diner's Journal] More...
  10. David Jaffee is all over the place these days. After claiming all DBTH readers to be "fucking losers" who "know nothing about NYC Nightlife", and threatening to "come out & talk shit to my face. Obviously you won't, cause you'll get beat down", the Jaff has taken to his own blog to establish the history of David Jaffee, nightlife extraordinaire. So just what is the story? I entered the working-world in NYC on February 23, 2004 and was happy to be a slave for 100+ hours a week as a first-year investment banking analyst. I’d nap in the bathroom to escape my superiors that treated me like recyclable garbage. I justified my miserableness by forcing my mind to believe that I was simply “paying my dues”; clearly I was delusional and manipulating myself. When I wasn’t slaving away at the office, I’d go out to bars and talk to girls - but the conversation would usually die quickly; I thought they’d be very impressed that I was an investment banker; they weren’t. I hated nightclubs because I couldn’t get in; plus, I was cheap and didn’t want to pay cover or purchase bottles. More...
  11. A welcome sign from the weekend, as the always delicious Nino's Pizza on St Marks and A proudly displayed that it's wonderful slices are still holding firm at $2.00. None of this $2.75 for a plain slice BS, or that $1.00 hogg mogg at Two Bros. Real pizza for a normal price. Let's go. More...
  12. New York nightlife is suffering another blow as even models are going for 50% off. They are even talking about - gasp - "focusing on studies." But what will become of the meatpacking after dark on a school night? [Cityfile] We might stay home with a stomach ache after reading Uncle Stevie's poetic musings on why he dates younger girls. Look for this manther celebrating his birthday tonight at Greenhouse, he'll be the one buying rounds of Midori sours for his entourage. [Blackbook] The Smyth is the latest addition to the Thompson hotels family, opening tonight in Tribeca. And the lobby (and rooms) are apparently well-outfitted for some action [UrbanDaddy] More...
  13. There are all kinds of segues from the end of dinner into alcohol consumption. A Little Birdy shares a recent experience that was news to us, saying "the other ngiht i had some friends in from out of town, who were craving thai food. based on reviews and convenience, we went to the seemingly innocuous Planet Thailand 212 for a late dinner. at 11pm, a dj came out and shortly thereafter, during dessert, some male strippers appeared to the delight of the b&t female patrons. A hilarious grind fest if I had ever seen one." We prefer a nice port ourselves, but whatever floats your boat. More...
  14. So many things are popping this morning, we decided to bust out an old favorite. Quick Hits! We reminded you that the Spotted Pig's annual Super Bowl Staff Party would shut the place down this weekend. Juicy details have emerged of the debaucherous evening at the Soho House, including roof top pool plunges, broken glasses, pork belly, steak, scallops and an after party at the Rusty Knot. Expect some surly servers on W. 11th Street during the afternoon shift. [Eater] Uncle Stevie is newly single and hosting/DJing a birthday party for himself tonight at Greenhouse. If you are female and under 19, he wants you there. [BB] DBTH favorite the Anchor is poised to unleash a new, more sophisticated cocktail menu later this month. Huzzah! [NYT] Have cash? Want to open a restaurant? Now may be your chance, with new listings and potential deals available by the bucketfull. But beware. Business is in the crapper and may be for many, many months. [NYT] More...
  15. Another week, another speakeasy that gets put on shout. This time, Thrillist spills the beans on the Raines Law Room, a cozy little cocktail den below the Chelsea Inn. Raines features both plush velvet arm chairs and curtained booths that allow for maximum privacy for your small party. Service requests are made with a chain buzzer. Spring will see a small outdoor patio space for even more cocktail enjoyment. [Thrillist via Eater] More...
  16. The much beloved Holiday Cocktail Lounge on St Marks Place is up and running again, and lucky patrons who wanted to watch the Super Bowl in style were treated with a special Holiday Lounge offer. We would go with the chilli. The Holiday is still open on a limited basis, but a sign is posted on the awning announcing its daily hours. More...
  17. You don't need a date (or even social skills) to have a good time at one of these events on February 14. More...
  18. How to make the most of Valentine's Day, no matter what your budget. More...
  19. A gamut of options for drinking in the Super Bowl, filled with all the chicken wings, domestic beer, wagyu nachos, after-party D.J.'s, and free cupcakes you'd expect. More...
  20. Suba, the refined, underground sister of Boqueria, has been sold to the Spitzer's team who plan on turning it into a Mexican restaurant, just what the area needs. For another month, however, patrons of the restaurant can enjoy half-priced bottles of wine with their tasting menu. [Feedbag] E x c i t i n g. Cafe Select's back room now has its very own door. Thankfully Grub Street has thus far resisted the comparisions to other establishments because we've got some of that going on already. [Grub Street] Not everthing is down and out. Well maybe it is but then we go drinking! Apparently liquor sales are up in the US and we will soon be the largest consumers of wine in the world. [BoozyNYC] More...
  21. From today's post Want To Work At Guesthouse?: Great news from my cubicle here on Wall Street!!!! I went to Guest House and was hired on the spot to be a bottle host. Also, they gave me the option to work part time as a bathroom attendant!!! DREAM JOB. Come to guest house and bro out with all of my Jersey boys. See you there, bottle in hand!! PARTYYYYYY, (Also join my spam list, go to my website and sign up for my text messages to be harassed!) Playing Hard, David We love us the Jaffster. Have a great weekend everyone. Humbly, DBTH Comment of the Week [DBTH] More...
  22. Philadelphia's annual Wing Bowl took place this morning at the Wachovia Center. 20,000 people watching 20 gluttons stuff their face with wings at 6:00 AM, as some of Philly's finest talent ("Wingettes") counts the wings. A class operation all around. But good news for New Yorkers, these two stunners will be appearing at M2 tonight for the first Ministry event. Don't be late. [Photo Credit] More...
  23. The Spotted Pig's annual staff party, always held on Super Bowl Sunday, is the rare day when the restaurant is totally shuttered. If you have a weekend craving for gnudi or the famous burger, better head down there on Saturday, because on Sunday, you are a straight out of luck. More...
  24. Contrary to the rumors floating over in Slowville, Marquee is not closing. A rep for the club tells DBTH, "Nope, not true at all. Just talked to Noah and 100% false." Not only is the report 100% wrong, it is impossible. You cannot transfer a cabaret license from 27th Street to 10th Avenue, anymore than you transfer air rights, a waste transfer permit or any other similar license in that manner. The license is for the specific property. Stanley the Olympian should stick to leaving nasty comments and leave the real work to Rachelle. More...
  25. Yesterday, Guesthouse held an open casting call for waitresses, bartenders, bottle hosts and doormen. The Craigslist ad states: Please bring a resume with a cover sheet and head shot attached. This posting is intended for people with experience in the industry who can bring something to the table. Come prepared for a brief 5-10 minute interview and be aware that our time is just as precious as yours; if you're not at the top of you're game or qualified for the position PLEASE don't not waste our time. They also classified it as "a dream job in this economy". Is this a dream job to you? Do you want to work at Guesthouse? Did anyone out there get hired? Let us know! More...
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