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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. Have you been dying to live the thrilling life of a Williamsburg Hipster? Do you love Top Chef? If you answered yes to both of these questions, than do we have an offer for you. The apartment at Twenty Bayard that was the Top Chef home base is currently for rent, offering 2 levels of gloriousness with 3 beds, 2.5 baths, two terraces and panoramic views. Not included: Williamsburg cache and skinny jeans. But whatevs, the kids at Sweet Ups and Diner won't care that your style ain't all that when you invite them back to your Top Chef crib for some blow and Tecate. The high life can be yours for just $12,000 a month, but at least there's no fee. Sweet. Top Chef Apartment For Rent [Craigslist] More...
  2. Are you all torn up over the closing of the Knitting Factory on Leonard Street? Now that both it and the Wetlands are long gone, do you want to fill the gaping hole in Tribeca's music loving heart? Great news! You can take over the Knitting Factory lease and have your own 3 story nightclub. YAY! YAY! We're going to get a nightclub! YAY! Here are the particulars: 6,000 SF Ground Floor 1,000 SF Mezzanine 6,000 SF Lower Level 4,000 SF Sub-Basement Spread out over the 3 levels, that's 17,000 feet of space. It also comes pre-approved with 3 cabaret licenses, meaning your customers won't just have to stand like statues through the night. We are sure they will appreciate that. Now here's the rub . . . More...
  3. Let us take a moment to explore the world of celebrity chefs. Rocco Dispirito catches a lot of flack for a variety of reasons. Some of it is deserving, some of it not so much. But according to Whitney Casey, the one thing that Rocco should never catch flack for is his, um, penis. The Match.com columnist, author and former TV personality told Howard Stern that: Rocco Dispirito was the best lay she ever had. She also claims that he had a perfect penis. Howard asked what that means. Whitney said that he looks like the statue David. Howard said that statue has a small dick. She said that he's a good looking dude from head to toe and his penis was like a Viagra version of the statue of David. That's definitely TMI for a person who is cooking our food, or at least used to. Now we know why Rocco is in no hurry to open another restaurant. More...
  4. What happens when a weekly gossip magazine files a report on clubs and bars that may turn a blind eye to the City smoking ban? A Little Birdy files this report: i was at the beatrice inn a week or so ago (the friday after christmas actually) and no one, literally NO ONE, was smoking. it'd been a month or two since i had been in, so i scouted out a sufficiently hirsute, skinny-jeans-wearing fellow to ask about it. he said they'd changed the policy and smoking was now off limits. i found it hard to believe but his waify lady friend nodded sadly in agreement. any other news on this? did i just hit an off night? one of the joys of that place has always been its 'den of iniquity' atmosphere. would hate to see that go. Smart move LB, seeking out the fanciest fellow in the skinniest jeans to get an answer, but like the old adage says - "Never trust a fellow in pants an 11 year old couldn't squeeze into". As you can see from the photograph taken in early 2008, smoking has never been allowed at the Beatrice Inn. That's what "No Smoking" means. For the many nights we have spent there, we never witnessed anyone in violation of these rules, and will personally vouch for the owners and managements vigilant enforcement policies. More...
  5. While it's true that all good things must come to an end, saying goodbye is oh so hard. So when we strolled across the now shuttered Knitting Factory, we paused for a moment to reflect on all of the down and dirty fun that both DBTH and so many other funsters have had during its mighty run. The Knit is moving across the river to hipper and cheaper pastures, while the founding owner is pursuing more adult hobbies. Somehow, the new Knitting Factory just won't be the same as 74 Leonard Street. But that's OK. We will get through this together. More...
  6. It's ads like these that make us think so highly of Andre Balazs. More...
  7. Those crafty cocktail devils at Freemans are at it again. A recent once over of the winter cocktail menu revealed a new drink named the New York Trading Company, made with Applejack (the season's most popular spirit), lime juice, and Velvet Falernum. That last one made us scratch our heads, so we cued up the DBTH research staff to find out more about this mystery ingredient. So is this stuff really made of velvet . . .? More...
  8. Want to know just how cold blooded 1OAK's Binn really is? A Little Birdy tells us: I went to 1OAK with six hot girls on Saturday night. The girls had two other girl meet them outside. Binn let me and my group in right away, but he wouldn't let the two other girls in, probably because they weren't as attractive. Apparently they were really upset, but since I didn't know them, I went inside. Oooh, that's cold blooded. Binn certainly is a barbarian. But we guess that's why they pay him the big bucks. More...
  9. SB3, the sexy restaurant with the sexy cocktail list that brought sexy back to the corner of 3rd and B, is closed for renovations. After a strong start, the operation had become something of a shit show. The renovations will hopefully fix whatever ails the space, but we can only hope that whatever gets fixed, they don't touch the sexy. Whatever you do, please don't renovate the sexy. Additional photos after the jump. More...
  10. Shocker: alcohol linked to sex [Gothamist] Rainbows and holidays on temp or permanent hold [Curbed] The Smyth is coming to town [HotelChatter] Why not consider a super hip move-in with the folks? [CityFile] More...
  11. Lovers of season cocktails rejoice! We are in the thick of Meyer Lemon season, giving professional and home mixologists a window of opportunity to use a delicious and now in season ingredient in your favorite cocktails. We have found the lemons on sale at Whole Foods for $2.99/lb (~3 lemons), and have been using the sweeter, less acidic citrus fruit in a variety of drinks. Our favorite is a homemade recipe we are calling the Meyer Swizzle. Recipe is after the jump. More...
  12. Has a price floor for Jager shots been set? At both Bull McCabe's and Ryan's Irish Pub, shots of the dark brown go for a clean $3 a piece. While a bit more pricey than Continental's 5 for $10, it is nice that you can take these down one at a time. So if your neighborhood bar tries to charge you more than $3, here is your visual proof that they are ripping you off. DBTH - always on your side. More...
  13. Welcome to 2009 everyone! In case you slept through the weekend, here's what you missed. A writer who already hated absinthe goes deep into the absinthe revival and shockingly discovers that she still hates absinthe, comparing the fad to "ear piercing for men, tattoos on women, those cigar bars, pole-dancing-aerobics classes, mind erasers, blogging about one’s bikini grooming, naming one’s bong after a cartoon character." Her various tastings conjured thoughts of mouthwash and licorice, helping to reinforce her pre-conceived notions of absinthe as being overrated. It seems silly to seek out a trend that's not a trend just to bash it. Why not just not order absinthe? [NYT] Been dying to know more about the most powerful doormen in New York City? Why not read this fascinating and expertly written expose that tells you (almost) everything you could ever want to know about Wass, Binn, Jonny Lennon, Angelo and Frans. [P6 Mag] Free drinks and how to find bars serving free drinks! [NYT] Britain rang in the New Year their own special way - by getting blitzkrieg drunk and placing 999 calls every 7 seconds, which is the "second highest volume of calls since the Millennium". Here's to a classy 2009. [Daily Mail] More...
  14. Despite the hullabaloo caused by the SLA's new rules for receiving a New Years Eve operating permit, plenty of establishments managed to get their applications submitted and approved in time. As of December 30 at 4:00, 221 Manhattan bars were granted All Night Permits, and an additional 43 in Brooklyn. This means that everyone who wants to drink until 6 AM will have ample choices of location, including the Eldridge, which is still selling tickets despite the owner's declaration that all guests have to be approved by management. Way to be on top of your business. We have also determined why so many Strong Islanders make their way to Manhattan to ring in the New Year. Nassau County only has six bars with All Night Permits, not nearly enough space for all of that hair and attitude to let loose. The shame. The shame. All Night Permits List [PDF] More...
  15. We are officially winding down 2008 here at DBTH HQ. And what a year it was. There was that thing, and that guy over there, and that place that did that stuff that was so crazy. Do you remember? Of course you do. How could you forget? As we prepare to welcome 2009 into our lives, we wistfully look back on 2008, and remember The Year That Was: Story Of The Year - The recession and its pending impact on the nightlife and hospitality sector. Cancelled projects, fleeing investors, cut rate hotel room prices and pending taxes on drinks and alcohol are all a result of the credit crunch. Its impacts are unfolding behind the scenes now. Venue of the Year - Santos Party House. Andrew W.K. and crew spent a good amount of time making sure their everyman dance hall was perfect, and they have seem to hit on every level. DBTH Favorite Bar - The Rusty Knot. Go ahead and bring the hate, but free tunes, great food and Tecate with salt and lime juice on the rim always pleases our soul. Now that the buzz is gone, the Knot is a great place to hang. Best Cocktail Lounge - Apotheke cast away the pre-conceived notion of what a cocktail bar is, and created a unique vibe in which a science lab meets Sprockets to serve up the most unique drinks in the City. DBTH Favorite Cocktail(s) -Too many to name, but we loved taking down many Smoky Rob Roy's and Bee's Kisses at Freemans, Back Forty's at the Back Forty, and a shout out to the refreshing Gin Jam at Double Crown. DBTH Favorite Cocktail #2 - Jameson on the rocks. Nuff said. George Bush Award - Given to to the things we just want to see go away. The winner is, of course, Matt Levine and the Eldridge, which managed to make all of us simultaneously laugh on the outside and cry on the inside when reading his many, many interviews. We want to ignore it, but there is simply too much to cover. Trend of the Year - Subterranean lounges. What to Watch For in 2009: The Ace Hotel - New York. The City has not seen a project like this in a long time, and we eagerly anticipate seeing the impact this has on both the area and industry. 2008 MVP - Down By The Hipster. Who did you expect? We would also like to thank all of our readers, Little Birdies, media friends, media frenemies, and everyone else that helps make DBTH tick. For those of you keeping track, we are a full 22 months into this thing of ours. It's been a great ride and we expect the hits to keep on coming deep into 2009. They said it would never last, but they couldn't know that we were too crazy to stop. Happy New Year everyone. Humbly, DBTH More...
  16. Christmas Week marks the annual migration of New York nightlife characters to South Beach for the busiest nightclub week of the year. The last 12 months has brought a lot of change to Miami, some good and some not so good. DBTH traveled down Miami way to investigte the new, the bold and the beautiful in Miami: The Fontainbleu: If you haven't seen the billboards for the new Fontainbleu, it's safe to say you have been living under a rock. They are everywhere. The billion dollar plus reno of the resort that Bond made famous opened to the public a short while ago. Not wanting to be swayed by a PR driven opening event, we held off visiting the space until now. Almost all of the resort is now open, barring Hakkasan. The verdict? Not impressed. For the amount of money pumped into this place, the results are more Vegas than Miami, with an abundance of cheese. Velveeta to be exact. To make matters worse, the restaurants and nightlife spaces were a bit lacking. The buildouts look cheap and the crowds were terrible. Particularly disappointing was the Miami Marketing Group-run nightclub Liv. It was massive and still felt like an old theater rather than a brand new nightclub. Tiesto was packed on Saturday, but come on... it's Tiesto in Miami. It could be in the middle of Overtown and people would go. The Fontainblei is simply too big to fail, but that sure as heck don't mean it's a success either. Oh, there's more. More...
  17. Proof roars to life again, as Sloane Crosley recounts her first encounter with binge drinking and tequila, saying "Six shots and two beer chasers later, I grabbed the nearest receptacle — a half-empty extra-large bag of Lay’s potato chips — and released the contents of my stomach into it." That night changed her relationship with the bottle and chip bag forever, and we are all better off for having heard the story. [Proof] More...
  18. The last week of the December is not a standard time to open a restaurant, so we were surprised to see the newly unveiled 111 First Avenue. The space, which promises Small Plates and Wine, is putting the finishing touches on the interior and looks set to open any day now. That's great news for fans of, well, small plates and wine. And if you are one of the many who have recently been laid off and are looking for work, that sign on the door says the restaurant is hiring. More...
  19. From sweaty downtown clubs to the world's most famous arena, a guide to the best concerts on the last night of '08. More...
  20. Dear Miami, We know it's been a hard year for the entire city. The collapse of your local real estate market, local job losses, foreclosures, and a slowing tourism business have surely weighed heavily on your collective psyche. We feel your pain and want you to know that we are thinking of you during this holiday season. Unfortunately, there is a bit more bad news before this dreadful 2008 comes to a close. We think it's better to just come right out and say it, so here goes: Matt Levine, and some of The Eldridge staff have relocated to Miami for the week to organize a few special nights leading up to the New Year. Calm down, Miami. Please calm down. Don't cry. It will be OK. It's just for 3 nights and that's it. We understand if it's a bit more than you can take after dealing with everything else, but we want you to know that you can count on us in your hour of need. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need us. Happy Holidays, DBTH More...
  21. Over the weekend, a Little Birdy asked: What's going on with Apotheke? went by on a saturday night and all was locked up and dark... issues or taking a badly timed vacation? We are happy to report that there are no issues. The cocktail hit of 2008 was taking a bit of a holiday break, as the oh so charming owner Heather Tierney tells us "We closed the bar for holiday week to give our staff a much needed break. We're reopening [Monday] at 6pm." And like everyone else, Apotheke is hosting it's own special New Years Eve celebration, offering guests unlimited champagne by the glass, speciality cocktails, beer, wine and passed hors d'oeuvres. It seems certain that Sir Trummer and his mixology wrecking crew will have some special tricks up their sleeve. Tickets are $200, with tables for 6 going for an even $1000. More...
  22. Looking for an alternative to prix fixe dinners and overpriced tickets to crappy nightclubs? Are you also looking to eat in a new, trendy restaurant with some beautiful people? Shang, in the new Thompson LES, wants to win over your heart and mind, offering their full menu, fun tunes and a champagne toast and party favors for all guests. New Yeas Eve with no strings attached. That sounds pretty ok to us. More...
  23. Is there finally some competition for the Beatrice Inn? According to the Styles section, the answer is yes. The challenger for the hearts and minds of the scenesters is Chloe 81 in the Lower East Side, where the fashionable set comes to sip cocktails, listen to the Smiths and stare at each other. How exciting! But if the Styles section says it, could it possibly be true? [NYT] Is it possible for a bar to relocate and hope to recreate the ambience that helped make it originally successful. The answer is of course unknown, since each individual instance is unique and dependent on a number of variables. Our latest transient is the P&G, which is relocating to a new space in the Upper West Side. Some of their old customers are worried, saying they'll "feel out the new place. But we don’t know if the new place is for us — we’re old school.” But if the regulars give up the new location because it's new, won't they just have to pick another new bar? Hmmm. [NYT] Who is the real king of New York nightlife? No, it's not DBTH. It's Reverend Gregory Malia from Wilkes Berre, PA, an Episcopal minister who has become a favored client at bottle service hot spots like Pink Elephant and Citrine. Known as Father Greg, he seems "more than likely to spend money when the club is not packed. If it's packed, he doesn't do it. He doesn't want to draw attention." Because a priest leaving 30% tips, buying $35K bottles and taking waitresses on shopping sprees won't ever draw attention. But if he loves buying bottles, does he not know that Armand is simply the best? The best. [NYDN] Do you still not know how to cure a hangover? Eric Felton is the latest to dig around the topic, but again misses the real tonic for over-indulgence. The best way to cure a hangover is to not drink so much the night before. [WSJ] More...
  24. The end of the year is a very slow news cycle. How slow? Let us show you: Ethan Browne, the son of legendary Jackson Browne, is a top model for Armani and Tommy Hilfigger andhe has a burgeoning music career. He will be hosting New Year's Eve with actor Jesse Bradford at The Plumm along with porn sensation Heather Hunter. Both Bradford and Browne appeared together in the cult film "Hackers."Browne will also be spinning at the club New Year's Eve and he has approached The Plumm owner Noel Ashman about representing him on his new career as a club dee-jay. Did Ashman say yes? We are on the edge of our chairs here. We were also not aware that The Plumm was even still open. And can a new year's party get much lower than the son of a musician being paid as a host along with a 40 year old former porn star who's career apparently "peaked in the mid 90's"? This may not be the way to launch your new DJ career, Ethan. But at least this solves our New Year's plans. More...
  25. It's Christmas Eve and DBTH wants to wish you and yours a happy and healthy one. We may or may not be in a similar condition to St. Nick above, but as always, it's of our own doing. We will rejoin you on Friday for more DBTH fun. Merry Christmas and happy Chanukah. More...
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