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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. It seems that the ballyhoo in the media over Chloe continues. After DBTH examined the young media's infatuation with the new Lower East Side dancing den (and concurrent Beatrice Inn Backlash), Blackbook and the Observer review the review of the changing perceptions in the press. Not to be topped is Annie Fischer's Village Voice piece, laying out the full timeline of Chloe's media love. The one person who didn't get that we were talking about press coverage? You guessed it! Slowy somehow construed a discussion on the media to be a defense of an old favorite, and fluffs up her pseudo bona-fides by saying she has already compared Beatrice and Chloe to each other (a great feat of mankind), has actually been allowed inside the Beatrice Inn (we need to talk to Angelo) and that a staff photographer has taken photos at a sponsored event there (yippee!). The whole thing reeks of Pulitzer. The point? More...
  2. The Chloe v Beatrice hype has reached epic proportions, even infiltrating mainstream media. In response to a Village Voice article detailing the chronological history of the subject (really, we can't imagine a more worthy subject for a legitimate newspaper), Blackbook will hold a conference tomorrow at the "neutral" Rosebar. It will be interesting to see what all the attention will do to the previously demure Chloe. [Blackbook] Some naysayers (ehem NYTimes, SF Chronical) have proclaimed absinthe passe, already. Say what you will, but we are looking forward to the slew of newly invented or imported high-quality brands coming soon to a liquor store near you. [Serious Eats] News flash - according to a recent Pew poll, young people in their 20s like New York! Whoopee! In general, though, people were mostly ambivalent about New York, ranking it between DC and Dallas in the middle of the top 30. Though we can probably thank Sex and the City - our fair city ranked top 10 for women [NYTimes] More...
  3. Picking up where DBTH left off, the Time's Diner's Journal reports Andrew Carmellini will take over the kitchen at the Greenwich Hotel in a yet to be named restaurant that will open this spring. DBTH favorite Ken Friedman, owner/designer of the Spotted Pig and the John Dory, has been brought on as design consultant. Hot diggity. Jean Georges Bails on Ago [DBTH] More...
  4. Our comment of the week/month/forever comes from the still scorching thread "Mansion Is Dunzo", i'm an ex long island jew, who went to a big state school, became a frat boy where i was a campus god, moved to the city to work a finance job my pops got me but eventually got axed due to downsizing.... im being overly stereotypical to make a point. Much more after the jump! More...
  5. In today's fast paced enivronment, when you want your chicken balls and soda, you don't want to have to carry two different packages. So BBQ Chicken (but not barbecue!) has created a container that allows you to hold both your drink and chicken balls. That's 50% less container, while still getting 100% of the nasty. We've seen some wacky things in our day, but this may just be the wackiest. More...
  6. We have all borne witness to the spirited debate about the future of the crobar/Mansion/M2 space. According to some, the new idea that's going to save NYC nightlife and lift the venue out of the red is texclusive partnership between M2 and Ministry of Sound. As images of double-stacked Mitsubishis, sounds of Paul Oakenfold Transport and the pages of Mixmag swirl around in our head, we have to ask... for reals? This is really the business model that will bring this debt riddled operation into the black? From the press release: "We are super excited to be partnering with Ministry of Sound to bring New York a superfluous clubbing atmosphere." says Mark Baker, renowned nightlife aficionado & Co-Director of the evening."We are combining the worlds best music with a sexy entertainment in a chic environment." Newsflash:Superfluous means you "serve no useful purpose" . Not the best adjective. World's best music? Andy Caldwell? All the big room Dj's are locked up at Pacha, Webster Hall, and the like. And if you care about the crowd, you are probably spending your nights Cielo. More analysis after the jump. More...
  7. Gothamist gives the lowdown of the places to be this Superbowl Sunday. Top of the list: Wildwood BBQ. [Gothamist] Aptly named Georgia-founded and based NYLO (New York Lofts) announced (belated) plans to bring their concept to New York (and Dallas and Chicago) soon-ish. [HotelChatter] Grub Street cites the Observer stating - gasp - the last B&T-free outpost in the city may have been contaminated. That's right, a model is blabbing reports of "Jersey Trash" at Beatrice. [GrubStreet] More...
  8. It's funny when someone sends out a flyer, and then realizes their own folly. The Ace Hotel is dealing with it in a proactive way. Heh. More...
  9. After being an object of desire for New York's young media elite, a Beatrice Inn backlash is in full effect. The past 6 months have seen multiple outlets gang up on our little West 12th Street friend, most recently by the Observer, whichtakes a hatchet to the Beatrice's new and supposedly lax door policy. The Observer quotes an anonymous Model, who says “I’ve seen the doorman let in Jersey trash—girls dressed in like H&M and Forever 21—sleazy guys looking to pick up underage girls, Gossip Girl wannabes, and like C-list celebrities.” Ouch. Simultaneously, a true love fest for Chloe has erupted, with the charge being led by none other than Grub Street/NY Mag, who use every chance possible to sing its praises. The space was immediately dubbed the new Beatrice, and has a devoted and loyal following. But is the Beatrice's time on top really over? Verdict? More...
  10. Time for our newest feature, That's So Dow 14,000, when we look back at all of the silly habits that were picked up during the boom times. Today, we look at crappy drinks. One Little Birdy has been so inpired by our latest feature, they decided to send in their own topic. Let's let LB explain. "My friends and I stopped by the bar at Bobo on Friday night at around 11:00 to grab a quick drink at the bar. One Jack, one Jameson, one Bailey's (don't ask), all on the rocks. The bartender serves them in these nice big highball glasses, with 4 ice cubes and no booze. Then he tells us it's $36. We asked him if this was the entire drink, and he said yes, which in turn knocked his tip down 50%. The pic is the lineup of the 3 after the ice melted a bit, but the glasses were no more than 20% full of liquor. The Dow is at 8,000, bro. How about pouring some stiffies?" We totally feel you, LB. The days of dropping double digits on a 2 oz. glass of mid-range liquor is deader than Mansion. Hey barkeeps, let's just agree that if we agree to give you $12, you agree to full 'er up. Deal! That's So Dow 14,000 [DBTH] More...
  11. Above Allen, the rooftop bar at Allen (natch) and Houston will be going the way of The Eldridge (read: VIP cards) come March. For the next month or so, however, we peons can enjoy the views...and booze. [Thrillist] Foodies may soon be able to drink with their haute dessert at Momofuku Milk Bar. Word has it that the establishment is after a liquor license [The Feedbag] Unfortunatley, the mysterious Rhum Rhum Room on St Marks is nothing but a home bar, replete with live parrots (for decoration) and a wide variety of rums (for drinking) [Grub Street via NYBarfly] More...
  12. Red Hook's own Sixpoint Ales is turning 4, and to celebrate, they are rolling out a special 4th Anniversary Dubbel Trubbel, a Belgian Chocolate Dubbel featuring chocolate nibs from the Mast Bros. out of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. According to the Pointers, "it's 9.6% ABV with hints of banana and lots of chocolate." Hot skippy. There are also a bevvy of anniversary events lined up at locations around the City to celebrate. Find out how to get free Sixpoint, right this way . . . More...
  13. It's another devastating blow for the restaurant space in Robert De Niro's Greenwich Hotel. First, the surprising and thorough bombing of Ago sent the restaurant crowd a twitter. News of Ago's merciful closing got the same crowd worked up over who would take over the space, and rumors of a Jean Georges Vongerichten and Jim Lahey combo quickly emerged, with many predicting it to be a done deal. Not. So. Fast. We have heard rumors that the economic downturn has not left the JGV Culinary Concepts empire unscathed, with some concepts that were gang busters here (Spice Market) do not play as well in Atlanta. And while Jean Georges restaurants in global cities like Shanghai will always draw a crowd, now is not the time to be investing your own money in a space where a project like Ago, which should have been successful, failed so miserably. That being said, Jean Georges has apparently decided to abandon any plans for the Tribeca space, with his reps telling us "preliminary discussions took place, but no actual agreement was ever made with Jean-Georges." Guess it's back to the drawing board for Bobby D. More...
  14. Over the weekend, a spirited debate erupted in the comments section between DBTH readers and Steve "Mansion Will Save Clubdom" Lewis, which prompted Uncle Stevie to quip "i just might sign that petition to get rid of me over at bb and just write in comments here. no editors, back and forth dialogue. this is way more fun." We happen to agree, and love the spirited debate. Mansion Is Dunzo [DBTH] More...
  15. It's time for our latest feature, That's So Dow 14,000, where we fondly remember those heady days when New York City was seemingly paved with gold. Today's subject: Choosing Your Gratuity. Back in the good old days of Dow 14,000, New York City diners could choose their own gratuity to leave servers after a meal. While it was once acceptable to leave 15%, the last decade saw that rate rise to approximately 20%, and sometimes a bit more. Those days appear to be over, as Chinatown landmark Joe's Shanghai has instituded a mandatory tipping policy, making sure that all of their hard working dumpling slangers get at least a 15% tip from their customers. According to the sign, this is done "For Your Convenience", minimizing the chance that you think too long about cutting that gratuity down to 10%. More...
  16. View Larger Map One or two is normal. Three or four is something to notice. Double digits is a mofo trend. Over the past 12 months, Manhattan has been inundated with basement lounges. And while the Beatrice has been around for more than a year, and Ella and Macao are also above ground, they contribute to the new below ground movement that makes drinking at street level positively passe. As for roof bars, well, you can just forget about those. Back in the high flying days of Dow 14,000, the roof was the only place for fashionable scenesters and ballin' bankers to strut their stuff. Now, in this our winter of despair, the in-crowd has found it fashionable to crowd into these bunker like spaces, hiding from the destruction that lurks above and hoping that when they emerge, they will find better days. Fat chance. More...
  17. It's time to shed a tear for Socialista, Armin's Cuban themed lounge on the West Side Highway. According to Page Six, the club ran smack into a bevvy of smoking fines from the Health Department, and when they tried to pay, the DOH said "Where's Giuseppe Cipriani? He's on the liquor license. He has to be here." Cipriani is apparently hiding out in Uruguay, hoping that the storm surrounding his tax troubles blows over. With it's slick design and star studded ownership, Socialista was a success right out of the gate. But management issues, an unfortunate Hep A scare, and isolated location knocked its legs out from underneath, making its closing just a matter of time. We know who lost, but are there any winners? More...
  18. The NYPD and New York Nightlife Association have created this handy dandy flyer to help bar patrons stay safe during these dark days. Some very helpful tips, especially if you are a rube who just got off the bus from Nebraska. Watch those laptop bags! [BB] More...
  19. Today, the 21 Club announced that ties are no longer required for gentleman wishing to dine within its hallowed walls, a loosening of its historic dress code which, along with some other special offers that they hope can breathe life into the business during these trying times. As our friends at Eater point out, it is the sad passing of an era. [Eater] [Photo Credit] More...
  20. Well, it took a bit longer than the four months that we predicted, but not by much. Mansion is calling it quits just short of a year after opening. After dropping close to $3 million renovating the former Crobar space, the team from Florida has decided to pack it in. According to Page Six, promoter Joey Morrisey has agreed to take over the space, rebranding it M2 with plans to bring back the popular Alegria gay night and host a weekly Ministry of Sound party. That sounds like a path to success. In 1999. And after telling his readers that the Mansion team is "a force capable of leading clubdom to a new era", Uncle Stevie tells us that Mark Baker is beyong estatic with M2. Because declaring bankruptcy, finding new partners and trying to pump life into a dead business model is so very fun. See ya later Mansion. We'll pour one out for you. More...
  21. By all accounts, Soho House New York has been a smashing success. New York's media and arts elite clammored for a coveted membership, members from London made sure to spend a bit of time in its cozy Meatpacking confines while in New York, and companies loved to throw glitzy bashes there. Win, win, win for everyone. But in these downtimes, when many people are looking to cut costs whenever possible, are SHNYC members thinking about bailing on the annual dues? And who will want to replace them? One Little Birdy who is not a member tells DBTH that they have been approached by a few members, offering a membership at a "discounted price". While this does not spell doom, it is a troubling sign at a time when the company is focused on a global expansion. What say you, DBTHers? Are you ready to cancel your membership? Are you ready to sign up if given the chance? Comments are open! [Photo Credit] More...
  22. Do you want to have a piece of Meatpacking history? The furniture from the now shuttered Lotus was thrown into the street yesterday. Head there immediately and try to scavage whatever is left. [The Feed] More...
  23. A pair of new spaces are opened for business. Sort of. First up is Above Allen, a members only space at the Thompson LES hotel has soft opened. Cards will be mailed out to select members sometime in early March, and come summer, Above Allen will pull back its retractable roof to let guests enjoy the fresh air. A quick hop and jump away is the still not opened Woodson and Ford, which Urban Daddy says is "destined to become the next great underground scene, now open (sort of) in Noho." We aren't sure about that, but we are positive that the Wood is still not open to the public and they do have a $14,000 piano in the center of the bar. Please dont rest your drink on it. More...
  24. A reader writes: From: Carnegie Hillbilly Tip: GoaG "discovers" Tucker Blair. I don't wish to add fuel to the fire but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. My comments to the post speak for themselves. Also featured: Central Park Conservancy. I wonder how David Patrick Columbia over at NYSD feels about the stowaways. In the beginning is was comical albeit sad, now it's unbearable. The GoaG-driven photo whores are inundating and subsequently ruining once favorite nightspots. Put the cameras down and I'll be damed if someone tries to tag me in a directory photo! Like many did with Sex and the City, I feel Rachelle and others are so doing with shows like Gossip Girl. I fear nothing is sacred, or authentic anymore. Social observation has its place: Tom Wolfe, Patrick McMullan, others, but this amateurish fame-whoring and impostering must stop! Also, who the hell is this Brittany Mendenhall? Another Rachelle? And her BlackBook interview?? Atrocious! Contemplating an outer borough, CH We aren't sure what any of this is about, but it sure is funny. And Rachelle loves needlepoint! How quaint! More...
  25. Six notable nightlife openings. More...
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