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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. After some <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/socialista-hotel.html">joint work </a>by DBTH and our friends at <a href="http://www.hotelchatter.com">HotelChatter</a>, the HC crew comes in with the <a href="http://www.hotelchatter.com/story/2007/12/17/162355/41/hotels/Breaking_News_Sean_MacPherson_and_Eric_Goode_Fork_Over_33mil_for_Hotel_Riverview">final blow</a>. Eric Goode and Sean McPherson, the hottest boutique hotel company this side of Jason Pomeranc, have apparently come to terms on the Riverview Hotel. According to an HC tipster:<blockquote><strong>The Riverview Hotel was purchased by Sean and Eric for approx $33.0 Million recently.</strong> The Hotel is an SRO (Single Room Occupancy), which means that none of the rooms have their own bathrooms, sinks, kitchens or even basic amenities.<br /><br /> The reason they are not accepting any reservations is b/c they would like to begin the process of removing any and all long term residents, most of which are homeless, drug addicts and drunks---similar to those you would find in the Whitehouse on the Bowery.<br /><br /> By not allowing any new "guests" they limit their risk and exposure for new problems. <strong>They will have a very difficult time removing most of the long-term stays, especially since there are strict laws prohibiting the harassment of such individuals.</strong></blockquote>Excellent point. But when there is a financial will, there certainly is a physical way. May we suggest hiring the Pinkertons, who we hear have been slowly rebuilding their forces somewhere in the mountains of West Virginia, waiting to be called on once again. More...
  2. <a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp1.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2fOsoSmtPI/AAAAAAAAA6o/p---PpkP9W4/s1600-h/P1020824.JPG"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp1.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2fOsoSmtPI/AAAAAAAAA6o/p---PpkP9W4/s400/P1020824.JPG" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5145308365419099378" /></a>Last night, DBTH stormed the gates of <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/norwood-in-action.html">Norwood</a> to check out the lay of the land. No, we are not a member. No we don't consider ourselves to be <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/11/norwood-norwood.html">trespassing thieves</a> either. We were what most people you see inside a private club are: an invited guest. So what did we find? Not much. But not in a bad way. Confused? We are too. Basically Norwood is a converted townhouse on 14th Street. There are four floors.<br /><br />· First floor is check in, lower lounge and drawing/parlor room, and out back is a traditional English garden.<br />· Second level is the restaurant, empty when we got there, empty when we left. The menu was full of hearty winter dishes, very similar to what you may find at the Waverly Inn these days. We would eat there.<br />· Third floor is the upper parlor room, with a bigger bar, more couches, and a piano. A band was set to start a bit later in the evening to entertain the small crowd.<br />· Fourth floor is the screening room, a very small place that seemed quite utilitarian. There were screenings of the new film <span style="font-style:italic;">Entrepreneur</span> last night. <br /><br />That, dear readers, is all there is to it. Why we were there? Well, that's none of your bees wax. However, it did involve absinthe and that's all we're going to say. We learned there are about 380 active members so far with the hope to grow the list to 600 over the next year. The place is apparently quite busy during the week and over the weekend is used as a meeting place before going on to bigger and better things. The members we talked to are happy they have joined, but wouldn't all members say that? At least as first. The rooms were warm and cozy, and the bar selection was choice. Consider us willing to go back, but undecided on accepting a membership. <br /><br /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://picasaweb.google.com/s/c/bin/slideshow.swf" width="400" height="267" flashvars="host=picasaweb.google.com&noautoplay=1&RGB=0x000000&feed=http%3A%2F%2Fpicasaweb.google.com%2Fdata%2Ffeed%2Fapi%2Fuser%2FDownByTheHipster%2Falbumid%2F5145305075474150321%3Fkind%3Dphoto%26alt%3Drss" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed> More...
  3. Finally, our Little Birdy checks in with a <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/first-responder-1oak-part-ii.html">final</a> <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/first-responder-1oak.html">update</a>. After telling us all about the entrance, dance floor, bar, smoking patio, and the sexed up Bolivian bathrooms, our final installment deals with a more leisurely feature. We'll let our LB take it home, "I just talked to a friend who was at the opening, and aparently <span style="font-weight:bold;">they put in a pool table, a la Rose Bar. I can't figure out if these guys are good, or just glorified promoters/posers</span>." Ah, the eternal question. Do any of you have any thoughts? Comments are welcome. More...
  4. <a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp0.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2ZtooSms6I/AAAAAAAAA3U/BNzPrl0XlpM/s1600-h/L1000813.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp0.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2ZtooSms6I/AAAAAAAAA3U/BNzPrl0XlpM/s400/L1000813.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5144920169095017378" /></a>We are usually sick of the holidays by December 1st, so by December 15th we had really had our fill. After doing everything in our power to not attend another holiday party, a friend managed to snag our company at a little loft party going down in a choice loft in the heart of Soho. For that, we thank them. There really are few things better than a well thrown loft party, and this was right up there with the best of them. We are talking 3 stocked bars - <span style="font-weight:bold;">2 for alcohol and 1 for sushi. That's right, they had a full on sushi bar with fish provided by Nobu</span>. Don't like fish? Get yourself a slice of Lombardi's pizza and saddle up for the entertainment, which in this case was a little person elf stripper (above) who was hired, we are guessing, to spread holiday cheer and expose himself. Fascinating. Despite the unwanted nudity, we had a smashing time, reminding us that holiday parties aren't all bad. Especially this one. <br /><br /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://picasaweb.google.com/s/c/bin/slideshow.swf" width="400" height="267" flashvars="host=picasaweb.google.com&noautoplay=1&RGB=0x000000&feed=http%3A%2F%2Fpicasaweb.google.com%2Fdata%2Ffeed%2Fapi%2Fuser%2FDownByTheHipster%2Falbumid%2F5144916831905428209%3Fkind%3Dphoto%26alt%3Drss" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed> More...
  5. Below is the second part of a <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/first-responder-1oak.html">special 3 part expose </a>on the newest crapspot to open on NYC's far West side. According to a Little Birdy who was there on opening night:<blockquote>The room with the fireplace overlooks the dance floor which is in front of the bar. The DJ booth is at the head of the dance floor, and as expected, is elevated over a small dance floor. The DJ was very good, and you could tell he wanted to play some really serious shit, but had to tone it down because of the finance crowd (80's rock and all). The dance floor has a few small tables, likely for VIPs. On the side opposite the letter wall there is some artwork of a boy with a crown blinding him on what looked like a canvas with lego bumps (same art as in Cafe Bari) I can't remember the artist's name, but he is a French guy (by way of Israel, I had a chance to chat with briefly). Beautiful artwork, and the main room has a double barreled vaulted ceiling that made you feel like you were in a doublewide version of Gold Bar. Boothes line the wall opposite the letter wall, and the U-shaped bar continues to wrap around to the floor that looks like a paino keyboard on ecstasy (as featured in NYT piece). The oddest part of the bar was a stadium style seating of Versialles style upholstered chairs that went up, probably 5 levels....I had heard they applied for a cabaret license, so I don't know if the idea was to rip off The Box and do shows, but that is to be seen. If you walk underneath the stadium seating. you can get to the back where you can go downstairs to the bathroom, which is a very cool part of the club. The wall looks like a Louis Vuitton bag because it's done in that type of brown with very fine gold pinstripes. The bathrooms are like hidden passages becuase it's hard to tell where to push on the wall to get it to open. The bathrooms are like being at Gold Bar. <span style="font-weight:bold;">Single person bathrooms with locks which are great for bumping a line, or banging some girl you meet there.</span> The faucets and sinks are gold, and there is a James-Bond style gold gun on the wall. Weirdest part was that there was Method soap dispensers (seemed out of place and may not be permanent). The VIP room was still under construction, but it looked pretty cool with a small bar and lounge area. The hallway leading to the VIP room has a wall that looks like they stacked burlap bags of U.N. rice to make the wall. <br /> <br />I guess that's about it. <span style="font-weight:bold;">It will definitely be a great place and tough to get into. </span> But with everything moving out of MPD and into FiDi/TriBecca, I wonder what made them choose that location. It truly is in the middle of the projects. </blockquote>We don't condone the illicit drugs or public sex, but maybe that is what the <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/dbag-thursday-part-1.html">fearsome foursome </a>had in mind. Only time will tell. Coming up, the exciting conclusion to our Monday mini-series. Do stay tuned. More...
  6. Reports are trickling in from 1OAK, the new Meatpacking spot that some said wouldn't open until January. A Little Birdy was there last Thursday for the opening event, that's a December Thursday mind you, and filed a lengthy and complete report on what the set up is<blockquote>So I went to <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/1oak-already-financed-up.html">1OAK on Thursday night</a> because the hedge fund I work at uses Bass Trading as a broker. . . the group of guys inside was the biggest bunch of finance geeks, although they tried their hardest to bring in the hottest girls from their firm (HR girls, Investor Relations, Admins). I'm a complete architecture and design freak, and my girlfriend always gets mad at me becuase I point out that one designer was trying to reference Gehry's guggenheim in Bilbao and shit like that.<br /> <br />That being said, 1OAK is very well designed and I have no doubt it will be a huge success....it has some unique aspects, but it really takes the best features from the best places around the city. Richie and his crew clearly did their research.<br /> <br />You walk in from the outside (which has been photographed a ton) and there's a qhaki colored rug on the floor feels almost like a golf green. There's a desk in front for reservations and the curtains separate the first room from the next room where the coat check is (on your left.) Then you walk into the main room. <span style="font-weight:bold;">To your left is the infamous wall of (gold, although they didn't look gold leafed (yet?)) which was a very cool effect. </span> It looked like there were about 10 layers of letters tacked on top of each other, and below that is about 3 booths. The booths were half moon shaped and could easily hold 6-8 people, looked like suede tan/brown leather and very comfortable. To your right is the bar, which is a U-shape and looks like it pays homage to Death and Co. because it has cursive carvings in the bar, and also overhead. A cool feature of the bar (which I think has been reported) is that it looks like there are piano legs on the corners. If you walked straight with the lettered wall on your left, and the bar on your right there is an elevated area with a fireplace in the corner and some chairs and couches. The coolest part of the place (in my opinion) was clearly taken from Buddah Bar. If you walk onto the patio, which is directly off the room with the fireplace, there is an alley in the back which has been mirrored to make it appear larger. This is there solely for people to smoke without having to go outside, the patio couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 feet deep and 10-12 feet long, but feels very large because of the mirrors).</blockquote>Mind you, this is just part I of III. Additional notes are on the way. But let it be known that 1OAK is ready to accept your hard earned ducats. It's going to be a big day. More...
  7. Did anyone put ''new club in downtown Miami'' on their wish list this holiday season? Santa has come through with Parkwest, a 6,000-square-foot dance and lounge palace at 30 NE 11th St. Opening its doors Friday with the weekly Stereo party, the club features the usual top-of-the-line sound system and an unusual LED wall, the only one of its size in South Florida. With five bars, VIP areas and lounge seating, the space, according to a publicist, '' ``can be transformed from intimate lounge to concert... Link To Original Article
  8. It's Friday afternoon and we are still posting about 1OAK. It just opened last night and we already hate this place with a passion. But when we get the news, we share the news. And this is news. Another little birdy lets us know that the 1OAK crew is having themselves a private opening event tonight - invite only of course - that will be starting right as the <a href="http://nymag.com/daily/food/2007/12/1_oak_1_models_2_much_fun.html">1 Model Management party </a>is starting to wrap up. Our LB says, "they are piggy backing on top of the model party to invite people to a private opening. <strong>That way it will be full of models since their party is early. Oldest move in the nightclub book</strong>." So a place called One of a Kind is using the oldest trick in the book? All of our illusions are shattered. Kids let this be a lesson in the cold hard facts of nightlife life. Just go be a banker or something. The nightclub business is all a farce. A farce! More...
  9. <a href="http://bp0.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2LodoSmsuI/AAAAAAAAA08/TISdo-gZAbs/s1600-h/2007_btiglogo.gif"><img style="float:right; margin:0 0 10px 10px;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp0.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2LodoSmsuI/AAAAAAAAA08/TISdo-gZAbs/s200/2007_btiglogo.gif" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5143929320139829986" /></a>Yeah, 1Oak <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/like-we-said.html">hosted an event </a>last night. And which company, pray tell, holds the honor of being able to say they christened the club? A Little Birdy checks in, saying "<strong>it was a private corporate party for BTIG Trading. Hence, no models.</strong> I know this because my friend is the office manager at BTIG and she worked the list for the party-….cheers!" There you have it. The traders have already staked their claim. We hope they all were given <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/dbag-thursday-part-1.html">hats</a>. More...
  10. The Empire Strikes Back. Godfather II. Lethal Weapon II. Matrix Reloaded. Hot Shots! Part Deux! I'm probably forgetting a few but, nevertheless, this is a near complete list of the only decent sequels in the history of America cinema. Although the odds are obviously against me, I'm setting out to write a sequel that will not only compare to the original but might actually outshine it. Link To Original Article
  11. Did anyone put ''new club in downtown Miami'' on their wish list this holiday season? Santa has come through with Parkwest, a 6,000-square-foot dance and lounge palace at 30 NE 11th St. Opening its doors Friday with the weekly Stereo party, the club features the usual top-of-the-line sound system and an unusual LED wall, the only one of its size in South Florida. With five bars, VIP areas and lounge seating, the space, according to a publicist, '' ``can be transformed from intimate lounge to concert... Link To Original Article
  12. I was at work when I got a call from a friend to inform me of an engagement. Not mine, of course. But it did happen on South Beach. Link To Original Article
  13. <a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp2.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2LcoISmstI/AAAAAAAAA00/MKtlcmko-MI/s1600-h/2007_1oak_open_002.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp2.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2LcoISmstI/AAAAAAAAA00/MKtlcmko-MI/s400/2007_1oak_open_002.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5143916306388923090" /></a><br />1OAK held it's <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/1oak-ready-to-go-live.html">first event</a> last night. We'd like to thank our friends at <a href="http://nycblog.citysearch.com/imbible/2007/12/1-oak-hosts-fir.html">Imbible</a> for the photo, and we would like to thank fogul Barry Diller for building that alien sailboat building on the West Side Highway, otherwise JG from Imbible wouldn't have been able to report<blockquote>Seeing as how our fancy offices at the IAC building are just two blocks away from 1 Oak, I did a quick walk-by after work last night and snapped the above photo. Granted, it was early (around 7pm), but from what little I could glean, the first guests to christen the new bar were, well, dudes--and not male model dudes, but like average, unglamorous, finance-type of dudes. Maybe the models were stuck in traffic, or maybe I just happened to walk by just as One Model Management's accounting department was arriving--you know, so they could get in before the door became selective. Lucky for them, at least this early in the evening, it was not.</blockquote>Now, since they are hosting events in return for money, we are calling 1OAK officially open. January our blogging ass. Just because the public can't get in to dance to hip hop doesn't mean anything. Have a good weekend. More...
  14. <a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp0.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2KUJoSmssI/AAAAAAAAA0s/tQlY0lTwSVY/s1600-h/2007_tenjunefiesta.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp0.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2KUJoSmssI/AAAAAAAAA0s/tQlY0lTwSVY/s400/2007_tenjunefiesta.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5143836617565713090" /></a>Because it wouldn't be December without Tenjune. Happy holidays to Eugene, Mark, and the whole Tenjune crew. Make money money go shopping guys. More...
  15. <a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp1.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2F9G1yLwBI/AAAAAAAAA0k/T0qNTuZ03gM/s1600-h/2007_trumpwentzkings.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp1.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2F9G1yLwBI/AAAAAAAAA0k/T0qNTuZ03gM/s400/2007_trumpwentzkings.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5143529805904068626" /></a>Nothing says D Bag like Donald Trump and Pete Wentz. While the two aren't very much alike, they are both pretty big D bags. At least that's what we we're going with today. Sorry myspace. So to have the two of them team up for one terrible promotion - even if they have absolutely nothing to do with it - is too lame for us not to mention. A Little Birdy forwarded us some news of a new promotion going down at <a href="http://angelsandkings.com/">Angels and Kings</a>, Wentz's little bar in the East Village. Ladies, please pay extra special attention, as this one goes out to you:<blockquote>I'm the PR person for Angels & Kings (Pete Wentz, Fall Out Boy, Gym class Heroes, Panic at the disco own it) <span style="font-weight:bold;">We are starting a promotion with Trump Vodka were the ladies get comp. trump 8-9 mon to sat</span>.</blockquote> Free Trump vodka for an hour a night! Who is the ad wizard that came up with this one? Probably a D bag. We have already called CB 3 to let them know there may be a riot on East 11th Street 6 nights a week. Anyway, one of you fine ladies please order a Trump & Tonic for DBTH. Gratzi. More...
  16. <span style="font-style:italic;">It's time for Part II of our very special D Bag Thursday. Because this place is full of D Bags.</span><br /><br /><a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp0.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2FcGlyLwAI/AAAAAAAAA0c/DYvBr5MW5TA/s1600-h/2007_thebox.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp0.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2FcGlyLwAI/AAAAAAAAA0c/DYvBr5MW5TA/s400/2007_thebox.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5143493517725384706" /></a><br /><br />DBTH also went to the Box last night for the Hugo Boss event. Cool space, especially if you don't like being able to sit. But standing is OK if you don't mind a bunch of D Bags bumping into you. Unfortunately we do. Then the show started. Wow. And we don't mean in a good way. <br /><br />That's it for part 2. Please stay tuned for part 3.<br /><br /><span style="font-style:italic;">Photo courtesy of New York Magazine</span> More...
  17. <a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp1.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2E631yLv-I/AAAAAAAAA0M/OxBWO9GbHew/s1600-h/2007_scottrichiegroup.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp1.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R2E631yLv-I/AAAAAAAAA0M/OxBWO9GbHew/s400/2007_scottrichiegroup.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5143456980438597602" /></a><span style="font-style:italic;">Hey everyone! Today is D Bag Thursday, a very special feature brought to you in at least two parts? Why today? Why not. Part 1.</span><br /><br />It's Wednesday night. You (or DBTH) is at the oh so swanky <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/new-years-special.html">Rose Bar</a> enjoying an $18 cocktail or two, and a group is seating at one of the side tables. And in this group, you notice many of the gentleman wearing the same hats. <span style="font-weight:bold;">That's when you realize it's Scott Sartiano and his Butter posse, all wearing Butter hats.</span> To the layman, it may seem they really just love butter. But we know it to be some kind of D baggy gorilla marketing campaign or whatever. And if you are going to wear a hat with the name of your restaurant and lounge on it, wouldn't it be 1OAK, your new space that's poised to <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/12/1oak-ready-to-go-live.html">open tonight</a>? Those hats probably never made it back from the glitter factory so they went with the standby.<br /><br />In anther twist, we travel in the way back machine to the last time 1OAK was set to open. Well, they had to cancel their events and put the hype machine on hold for a bit. Our Little Birdy said at the time, "saw Richie Akiva at Rose Bar last night. . . Anyway, I was expecting Richie to be doing something else when his new club is supposedly opening tomorrow night. I'm putting my money on December... if they're lucky." Ditto LB. Ditto.<br /><span style="font-style:italic;"><br />Photo from NY Times</span> More...
  18. Remember when we <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/2007/06/17th-street-one-of-kind.html">first told you </a>about 1OAK, the new west side club that was to be owned and operated by a mega nightlife collective of partners. Well, <strong>it's ready to open</strong>. A much trusted Little Birdy tells us, "I was speaking to a person closely connected with the club. They are ready to open, for real this time. The first event is tomorrow <em>[Thursday]</em> night, lock stock and smoking barrel. The owners and promoters are very excited about it." And why wouldn't they be. They put a lot of time, effort and sweet moolah into it. That doesn't mean that we are looking forward to going anytime soon. Have you been to Butter lately? Heh. Onward. More...
  19. <a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp2.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R19hFRv0T-I/AAAAAAAAAz8/a2l9D_Cbq3A/s1600-h/2007_JW%26dbtH.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp2.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R19hFRv0T-I/AAAAAAAAAz8/a2l9D_Cbq3A/s400/2007_JW%26dbtH.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5142936042771599330" /></a>A little gift came our way this week from another original classic. Read em and weep. Thanks JW. More...
  20. <a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp2.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R13-Yxv0T9I/AAAAAAAAAz0/LVO8EI7I2UY/s1600-h/2007_shockey.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp2.blogger.com/_rXFbguiy0i0/R13-Yxv0T9I/AAAAAAAAAz0/LVO8EI7I2UY/s400/2007_shockey.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5142546051151187922" /></a>He had had zero catches this past Sunday, but Jeremy Shockey is bound to catch something while hosting his New Year's Eve Party. Ladies, if you don't have plans, may we draw your eyes to this <a href="http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/tfr/501983965.html">craigslist ad: </a><blockquote>Manhattan’s hottest, newest nightclub is hosting Jeremy Shockey’s New Year’s Eve Party and we want to surround his guys with the city’s hottest girls. <span style="font-weight:bold;">If you think you can dress, dance, and drink the part, then please send one head and one body shot</span>, as well as your name and contact info, to brunofierce@gmail.com. Free entry and open bar all night long to the ladies we select.</blockquote>Nice. So ladies, if you are a triple threat, please do send Bruno Fierce an email. And bcc us. Because we need to know more. More...
  21. Brooklyn Lager isn't found on tap in this part of the borough. Shoot-em-up hole-in-the-walls of lore are hard to find, too. Instead, stumble into these Bed-Stuy drinking establishments that have flashy dance floors and a preference for top-shelf booze. Plus, one hole-in-the-wall just for kitsch More...
  22. Just because <a href="http://downbythehipster.blogspot.com/search?q=sakaya">we broke</a> the story, we may as well take you all the way home. Specialty sake shop Sakaya is poised to open tomorrow. We'll let owner Rick Smith bring it home. "It has been nearly two years since we returned from our first trip to Japan together with the commitment to our dream of <strong>opening NYC's first shop dedicated exclusively to sake.</strong> Tomorrow that dream becomes a reality." Kanpai Sakaya. Kanpai. More...
  23. Not all Art Basel events are created equal, and that goes for the invitees as well. Don't fret if you're not a billionaire collector or artist. Some events and parties are open to those who participate in the inexpensive art of people watching. Among them is Gen Art's Vanguard Exhibition and Party from 8 p.m.-midnight Friday at the Palm Court, 309 23rd St., Miami Beach. With works from more than 25 cutting-edge urban contemporary and pop surrealism artists, the party celebrates the Francesco LoCastro-curated... Link To Original Article
  24. Even if I woke up feeling completely refreshed after 10 hours of sleep. Even if I stretched my joints and muscles with an invigorating yoga routine. Even if I then fueled my body with a balanced breakfast and guzzled a triple espresso washed down with a jumbo-size Red Bull . . . . Link To Original Article
  25. This past Sunday I met up with my friend Vince to catch the Dolphins-Jets game, hoping to watch the local team bust its losing streak. But I had no clue Vince had been busted -- literally and figuratively. Link To Original Article
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