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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. Rival producers Timbaland and Scott Storch -- who've trash-talked each other in song -- had a near run-in Monday night at BED's Motley Bird-sponsored Secret Society party. Each was with his respective entourage, lounging on a bed, and both sipped on energy drinks and vodka for a good two hours before noticing that the other was also there. After a few final sips of his cocktail, Timbaland finished up and headed out with his crew in a black Mercedes-Benz. No exchanges were made, no badly rhyming barbs... Link To Original Article
  2. For once, Cyndi Lauper wishes she weren't so unusual. The singing star, with hits including Girls Just Want to Have Fun and Time After Time, wants heterosexuals to become ''straight allies'' to gay people. Link To Original Article
  3. This probably isn't shocking, but the guys I went to Hebrew school with weren't the world's greatest athletes. We were pretty decent in basketball and soccer but not one of us received a scholarship to play collegiate level sports. However, on a really good day, I bet we could have beaten the Miami Dolphins this season. And if we just trained a bit harder, we might have steamrolled over the Heat as well. Link To Original Article
  4. Before taking off next week to wherever the turkey beckons, give thanks to the fact that Miami's no longer the coma-inducing cultural turkey it used to be. Sleepless Night drew 100,000 people to Miami Beach earlier this month and at least 22 art fairs are expected during the Art Basel onslaught three weeks from now. The only coma we may suffer now will be from wearing ourselves out with too much to do. Link To Original Article
  5. There are plenty of brews marketed with guys in mind, none more so than St. Pauli Girl beer -- with a picture of a sexy blond fraulein plastered on the bottle. Link To Original Article
  6. It has survived Prohibition, the Depression, various hurricanes, an influx of crack houses and the emergence of South Beach as an international night-life hot spot. Most impressively, it has thrived in a city where the live music scene can charitably be described as inconsistent. Link To Original Article
  7. In a city where aging is as frowned upon as a woman who wrinkles her nose at Botox, it's hard to imagine celebrating lines and age spots, but alas, we will do just that on Friday, as the city's oldest bar, Tobacco Road, marks its 95th birthday. Link To Original Article
  8. After scouring the Internet for facts about Daylight Saving Time, I'm no better informed than I was at the beginning of my quest. However, and this is not a joke, from what I've learned William Willett initiated the modern version of DST in 1907 because he was an avid golfer and desired more daylight in the afternoon to practice his putts. Link To Original Article
  9. I was on the computer late one night checking e-mails, when I received a message from a friend. ''OK, when do you know if a man that you hang out with likes you or is just being nice,'' Amanda wrote. ``It's like you get the vibe, that he likes you, but he doesn't make the move.'' Link To Original Article
  10. Before they became limousine famous, Emmylou Harris and Bruce Springsteen played in a litany of run-down, no-name joints, where small, unsuspecting audiences got that rare chance to see, hear and touch undiscovered genius. Link To Original Article
  11. Actors Benjamin Bratt and John Leguizamo celebrated the premiere of their movie, Love in the Time of Cholera, at Social Miami at Sagamore Thursday night (costar Javier Bardem was supposed to attend, but missed his connecting flight). Bratt and Leguizamo showed up together with Leguizamo's wife in a black van around 11:15 p.m. They were both laughing as someone dressed as Juan Valdez walked the red carpet with a donkey named Conchita, compliments of the Colombia tourism board. Link To Original Article
  12. Stow away the Ambien this weekend and whip out the Red Bull, Motley Bird and café cubano. It's time for Sleepless Night, the free all-nighter in Miami Beach beginning at 6 p.m. Saturday and going all the way through until 6 a.m. Sunday. There are way too many events to list here -- check back at the front of Weekend -- but we guarantee if you bop around the beach Saturday, you will absolutely stumble upon something. One question we did have was this: If the event is free and open to the... Link To Original Article
  13. October is a rough month for me so I felt no remorse as I recently flipped my Dave Barry desk calendar over to November. First of all, I had to deal with my birthday and the new gray hairs that accompanied it. Secondly, Oktoberfest's barrage of bratwurst is literally weighing me down. And now I may have to do a detoxifying body flush from the pounds of Halloween candy still sitting in my stomach. And lastly, isn't it about time someone publishes the official and absolutely hilarious Gabe Berman desk... Link To Original Article
  14. Office romance. Those are two words that can cause plenty of trouble. I'm not talking about the stereotypical boss who leaves his wife for his secretary storyline. I mean singles in office settings who pursue their co-workers regardless of the warning signs human resources send. (And we all know there are some classic HR training films on this topic) Link To Original Article
  15. It's pretty scary that it's already Halloween. Scarier than that is that Dennis Rodman and his best gal pal Elaine Lancaster are hosting the Rodmania Halloween Party at Gulfstream Park Racing and Casino tonight, featuring DJ Irie, costume contests for sexiest and most creative costumes and drink specials -- although the cover charge is $20 in advance and $25 at the door, it's not open bar. But we think you're really paying for the chance to see the five-time NBA champ get dolled up in his freakiest... Link To Original Article
  16. Democrats disagree with Republicans. Wars are fought over religion. And there's bias over skin color and gender. But there are really only three types of people on our planet: those who love candy corn, those who despise it, and a few, like me, who absolutely abhor candy corn but yet cannot refrain from consuming handfuls of the aforementioned waxy confection. Link To Original Article
  17. It often seems like there are two types of first dates. One is the nonstop talker. From the time you pick her up for dinner, through appetizers to desserts, till the time you finally drop her off, it's nonstop chatter. Link To Original Article
  18. OK, so Fall Fashion Week in NYC crowned the hot colors for the season -- browns, purples, grays, orange and a reddish hue called chili pepper. While some may challenge the so-called fashion establishment and say that in Miami, nude is the new black, the real color that's hot on the nocturnal circuit is green -- and we're not talking money. Take the first annual Green is Glam party from 7-10 p.m. Saturday at The Setai. Thrown by the nonprofit Dream in Green to aid the public and private sectors in... Link To Original Article
  19. Matrix ist ein 1999 erschienener Science-Fiction-Film der beiden BrUder Andy und Larry Wachowski und der erste Teil eines dreiteiligen Science-Fiction-Films. Link To Original Article
  20. Halloween is one of the few holidays when it doesn't really matter whether you're single or dating someone. With inhibitions cast aside, we can pretend to be something we usually aren't (which is kind of what happens in the dating process anyway). The only time that doesn't work well is during a Halloween first date (which we will get to shortly). Link To Original Article
  21. What's a Yankees slugger to do when his team blows it? Why, hit South Beach, of course! Seems Derek Jeter has some free time on his hands since his team got knocked out during the first round of playoffs, so he checked into the Shore Club on Friday and hit Nobu with Timbaland. The duo then partied in Skybar's Redroom with five women and two other men. After that, they stopped by SET with nightlife promoter Antonio Misuraca, where they were surrounded by, according to a source, ``women five rows deep... Link To Original Article
  22. That's the conclusion by Travelandleisure.com and CNN Headline News, which asked people to rank 25 U.S. cities in a wide variety of categories. Link To Original Article
  23. The Internet never ceases to amaze me. I was nonchalantly procrastinating online as I so often do and serendipitously stumbled upon an interesting article about an exercise routine that originated in Tibet thousands of years ago. Digging around using Yahoo as my tool, I managed to find forums solely dedicated to this ancient form of training. From there, I poked around Amazon.com until I isolated three books detailing these exercises. Link To Original Article
  24. You've got a few weeks before you have to give candy to eager neighborhood kids, so while you're figuring out your own costumes, consider putting on your charitable face by attending a few very cause-worthy events. The first one is the Miami Children's Foundation's Inaugural Diamond Ball on Oct. 13 at the sleek and chic Ice Palace Film Studios, 1400 N. Miami Ave., Miami, where generous donors will receive a four-course feast by The Capital Grille and chef Michelle Bernstein; performances by Nicole... Link To Original Article
  25. This week we dive right into The Dating Game mail bag (OK, so it's really an e-mail box) for a couple of Miami stories about making an impression on those first few dates that have me puzzled. Link To Original Article
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