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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by dianak33

  1. how does one get mod powers? i mean, i work here and im required to do this...what about you? and you peope are really clever. seriously. it amazes me how you can find fault in anything and everything. i dont really care what is said about me here but apparently im supposed to come back with an insult even if it doesnt make sense? school me, please. i want to make my bosses proud.
  2. i'm not a loser, really i'm not. so please dont think i am...because im not!!!
  3. good one. really. i still suck...blah blah yap yap.
  4. Okay. Using derogatory words against other members is not allowed. Why let a discussion about music go this far? It's unnecessary so stop it. Thanks!
  5. lets marry. seriously.
  6. what are you talking about?? i didn't call you skanky mcdoublebra. i gave you points for calling me that. go back and reread. i gave you the playground and the points. sheesh. this hostility is not good for my skin. please stop.
  7. skanky? i prefer the term whore. and i dont see why you've got your panties in a bunch. i thought this was a board where we comment on other peoples posts? i'm certainly not trying to take over your playground. i mean, if you really feel that strongly about the cp message boards, well then, its all yours. seriously, RELAX. on second thought, skanky mcdoublebra is a fabulous name. + 100000000000 for you!
  8. how the hell do you sign on cp everyday and not notice what is on the page? i hope that you at least noticed it was a different color....
  9. How often do you go tanning? Do you spike your hair really high? Is your name Anthony/Joey/Pauly and do wear wife beaters? If so, lets chat.
  10. hahahahahahaha!!!!
  11. Puking is indeed a fine art. For instance, how do you puke without getting it in your hair? Or how do you wait so that you puke on the curb and not in the car. It's a very big deal. But i guess you're perfect and have never thrown up after a night of drinking. You deserve an award. And not just for all of your very witty comments.
  12. i thought it was pretty funny but i dont know what movie its from.
  13. yes you can be. it means to be submerged. yes, i am a nerd and yes i did look it up.
  14. more embarressed about being a hall monitor. lol. not single/no i dont/ yes i am. and its better to be loved than feared.
  15. enough! i am already embarressed and will not say such foolishness again. but i gather i deserve it so go on with your bad self.
  16. Finally, someone who thinks I'm funny.
  17. my coworker says the same thing. maybe its because i am. russian, that is. i was born here though so someone out there just saved a lot of money on stamps.
  18. I should warn you that I am a moderator and that you should try extra hard to be respectful. I'm open for all forms of discussion about mostly anything but hate when people talk nasty to me. And to answer your questions: 23/brooklyn/none of your business I am an editor with clubplanet and i'm going to be posting things often. If you want to see more (like my picture and/or blogs) go here: http://www.clubplanet.com/dianak33.
  19. dear god. that is exactly what i fear.
  20. I like the word bump so I decided to post here. Is that a problem?
  21. Haha. That's cute. I would be offended if it were true. I guess I should make my picture bigger. =0
  22. The best of both worlds. If only it were that simple.
  23. I was just joking but to be honest, I don't have one friend who is happy with her body. Sad but true.
  24. I am always jealous of girls with fake boobs. They don't have to wear bras and when they do, its like an explosion of breast in your face. In order for me to look like that, I need 2 bras and some heavy duty tape. Sexy, right? Now heres the question. Do you prefer real boobs or fake boobs? Or are any boobs good for you? Talk about it here. Your answers determine whether or not I will speed dial that doctor.....
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