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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by dianak33

  1. this is the greatest thing ive heard all day. i'm going to tell all of my friends bc we make fun of fatties too. but ill quote you like the great journalist that i am.
  2. i am craving chips and soda but refuse to eat it as not to ruin my chips and soda detox. i am 1 week sober.
  3. Yeah...we'll try and fix that.
  4. http://money.cnn.com/2007/03/13/news/companies/youtube_viacom_reaction/index.htm?cnn=yes this is disgusting and will ruin everything good with the site.
  5. omg!! i cant believe you said that. that is just too funny. stacy. yeah, she's there.
  6. i tend to go out with guys that ive known before the date. so if i met some random guy who asked me on a date, i wouldnt do that. so no, i don't really worry. this is one of those questions that requires a lengthy conversation. lol.
  7. yes i have. if i want it, why not just have it?
  8. no, im saying that i've never gone home with anyone i met in a club.
  9. sweetheart, no need to yell. im right here.
  10. Try the corn at cafe habana in the Lower East Side. 229 Elizabeth St. It's pure heaven.
  11. uhm. i dont know what fsn means but im a full time editor with clubplanet. there are a bunch of things on the site besides the message boards...you should check them out. let us know what you like and don't like. make suggestions, etc.
  12. no. the girl had a one night stand with my neighbor and the following week another one night stand with a drug dealer. and it was only a one night stand bc she died. she was from ct and one of those girls who "we never expected this to happen to."
  13. Tuesday is Law and Order night for me.
  14. two years ago, my neighbor brought home a girl from crobar. she was coked out of her mind. the next week her pictures was in the newspaper. she od'd in some drug dealers bed. i think its very dangerous for women these days...
  15. Due to the success of boobies, I have decided to potentially incite yet another riot and ask...is sex on the first date okay? is a girl a whore or does she just know what she wants? and would you ever go home with someone from a club? or have you already done this? lets talk!
  16. call me a bitch again and then maybe ill tell you.
  17. You have definitely perfected the art of bragging. I wish I could say that I met my boyfriend and all of my friends online, too. You should teach a class at the Learning Annex.
  18. anyone who uses the word tool is a tool. you think you are so awesome that i would voluntarily communicate with you? and you dont piss me off. this is the internet, not the real world. you mean nothing to nobody. piss off.
  19. I checked your registration date and I applaud you on your seven year commitment to making the Clubplanet message boards a great place to be. I have absolutely no intention of taking away any of your powers and I'm sorry I got off to a bad start. However, I was told to do this so if you have a problem, take it to Dave. But seriously, I'm not interested in fighting anymore and just hope to have more interesting discussions about various topics. I sincerely apologize for my retardation.
  20. agreed. its time to move on.
  21. cybertrain? wow. okay. so im trying to take over your cyber playground and now im going to get hit by the cybertrain. interesting. im going to go consult my cyber therapist and ask what exactly it is i should about not posting properly. perhaps he has a manual. and please. i said that witty comment on page two. MOVE ON.
  22. report away. when i get the email ill be sure to take proper action.
  23. um..once again...this is a community board which means we comment on other peoples posts. if i wanted to have a private conversation, id call a friend. so really, get over it. and i might not be the best poster but at least i dont hide behind a nicole ritchie avatar. is it because you're fat? ugly? both? people like you have names: haters. so keep on calling me a skank and insulting me. anything to help you sleep better at night.
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