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Sven Vath, with a special guest appearance by God...

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FIRST OFF vath ripped another hole in my ass:chainsaw:.oO(wait that doesn t sound right... :confused: )i ain t gonna front altho when i got there i couldn t really get into it cause i was dead beat to begin with so i for the first few hours im sittin on the stage lettin the opener(who was he?!?!?!)havin his was way with me like a cheap slut.oO(i feel used) finally started gettin my shyt together an man....i couldn t stop dancin big ups to every1 at the met up letsee who was there?...

mikey...mad funny next time i ll buy u a drink so that way u ain t gotta worry bout bein sober

sonic/ghhhost....was crazy gettin there but how could u not find me just go toward the light

wideskies... always a pleasure dancin with u as always

zpander....can t believe u didn t realize who i was LOL :laugh: its all good tho

joeg.....i did it again yeah boy went in with 2 glowstix came back with 6 WTF:D .oO(tho i got a lot more to work on skillzwise :tongue: )

marcid21, thehacker, brickhouse, BigPoppa, Crobra, ScottyScribz, Crackcorn, Gothzane, Mist an all the others i forgot to mention see u all again soon

man was it packed!!!!! but it did have energy so its all good

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Originally posted by hitokiri24

FIRST OFF vath ripped another hole in my ass:chainsaw:.oO(wait that doesn t sound right... :confused: )i ain t gonna front altho when i got there i couldn t really get into it cause i was dead beat to begin with so i for the first few hours im sittin on the stage lettin the opener(who was he?!?!?!)havin his was way with me like a cheap slut.oO(i feel used) finally started gettin my shyt together an man....i couldn t stop dancin big ups to every1 at the met up letsee who was there?...

mikey...mad funny next time i ll buy u a drink so that way u ain t gotta worry bout bein sober

sonic/ghhhost....was crazy gettin there but how could u not find me just go toward the light

wideskies... always a pleasure dancin with u as always

zpander....can t believe u didn t realize who i was LOL :laugh: its all good tho

joeg.....i did it again yeah boy went in with 2 glowstix came back with 6 WTF:D .oO(tho i got a lot more to work on skillzwise :tongue: )

marcid21, thehacker, brickhouse, BigPoppa, Crobra, ScottyScribz, Crackcorn, Gothzane, Mist an all the others i forgot to mention see u all again soon

man was it packed!!!!! but it did have energy so its all good

oooh so thats where you were on friday. zehra told me she tried to get you to come to the party but you had to be somewhere else and i was like "whos jay?" haha silly me. call me cuz next week i def wanna c u and the masa crew!

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Hitokiri......nice to meet you too bro. Sorry to lead you in Xander's direction (the guy who was doing all the juggling and crazy shit), but it looked like you two had a pretty good battle going on there.

Anyway, it's almost 3am the next day and I'm STILL recouperating...

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

oooh so thats where you were on friday. zehra told me she tried to get you to come to the party but you had to be somewhere else and i was like "whos jay?" haha silly me. call me cuz next week i def wanna c u and the masa crew!

No dumbass that was sat i went to vinyl .oO(Idiot!!!:blank: ) FRI i went drinkin at a birthday party (baka!!) neway yeah most def it does sound like a game plan with the maru click too bad u weren t there tho we do need to chill somewhere again u pick the club:grin3:

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Originally posted by brickhouse

Hitokiri......nice to meet you too bro. Sorry to lead you in Xander's direction (the guy who was doing all the juggling and crazy shit), but it looked like you two had a pretty good battle going on there.

Anyway, it's almost 3am the next day and I'm STILL recouperating...

im trying to remember who xander was that was the dude by the corner right with the blue an other green glowstix?:confused: i dun remember cause im dumb beat right now

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Well hi kids, I am a newbie to this forum so be nice and say hello. And I'm not even from the States, I'm from London, but now I'm a camel jockey in the desert.

Just have to say it's fucking cool to hear your comments on the genius dance deconstructor who is Sven Vath.

The guy just sends electricity across the floor every time he's on. If you're travelling through Europe check out the Cocoon night at U60311 in Frankfurt......(Homer Simpson drool) - you'll never want to leave.

Remember - 17th June, grand opening of Coccon @ Amnesia in Ibiza. See ya there :spin2:

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hey everyone!

I was one of those preposterously drunk folks quoth noticed :)

music was great, but the first couple hours are a bit blurry...

Marci - great meeting you! and all the usual suspects plus those that i said hi too during my blackout period....

nathan! <----special shout out cause i never see you anymore

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Originally posted by barvybe

hey everyone!

I was one of those preposterously drunk folks quoth noticed :)

music was great, but the first couple hours are a bit blurry...

Marci - great meeting you! and all the usual suspects plus those that i said hi too during my blackout period....

nathan! <----special shout out cause i never see you anymore

Hey Pete! I remember you being EXTRA happy that night...:D

We do have to hang more often...lol and I'm REALLY sorry about the clock in the face... :mad:

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Guys, thanks for coming out Saturday night. I realize now that English wasn't even close to being an option for me that night but I tried to be as coherent as possible. Sven kicked my ass nicely and I can't wait to see him again. To everyone I met (xpander, thehacker, marcid21, quoth, wideskies, lavendermenace, phuturephunk, crobra, joeg ((I know we met before)), big poppanils, hitokiri24, brickhouse, idrthrbclbng) thanks for showing the old timer an awesome night. To anyone I missed I'm sorry!

Jimmy Crack

PS - to the oldschoolers- jammy the supermodel formerly known as jamjimvin, and trippintrance - you know how we do

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As Expected!!! Sven is a living legend! and Gene Lefosse really impressed me.

I am so sore, its not even funny. I'm sore in muscles I didnt know I had. I can hardly walk.

I had the most awesome time. saw a whole shitload of people, but didnt hang out too much cause I couldnt stop bouncing.

shout to all you crazy CPers:

marcid (did you get enough gossip? lol.) Xpander ( how the hell do you NOT fall on you ass? its beyond me :eek: ) quoth ( did you even dance?) sleepiswaste, scottyskribz, trippintrance (I missed you!), gothzane, bigpoppa, ROHA, mist, crobra, Saigray( my partner in crime), thehacker, brickhouse and wideskies (do you guys know how cool it is for me to see the breaksheadz jumpin around like freaks to techno? :D JOY) joeg (yeah), idrthrbclubbin, phuturephunk (yeah, COMBAT KREW!!!!) barvybe (I'd give you a more detailed shout but I live with you for christ sake, thats just a little ridiculous, dont you think?) bog, charrails and neydogs (I never see you guys!)

very very nice to finally meet dub16, ghhhost ( hope the hugs met expectation ;)) holy shit I met CRACKORN ( I swear I was like a 12 year old girl meeting the backstreet boys :rolleyes: )

It was pretty cool seeing MR. Hawtin bouncing around in the middle of the dancefloor, I must say. Too bad I was too starstruck to go introduce myself. I'm such a dork.


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Every time these threads of nights of amazing wonder get going, I jump on and read with big smiles remembering all the energy and joy of the night...

But bouncing all night on the dancefloor means I miss out on meeting all of you kids that I don't already know by face. And then come monday morning NO ONE remembers me! I'm gonna turn into a sleazy politician, shaking hands in the chill-out room for monday morning shout-outs. People I wanted to meet: Crackcorn, Idratherbclubing, hitokiri24 and ghhhost. Next time.

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2:30 pm - Monday Lunchbreak

Me sprawled out on the library desk at work in a coma.

My boss walks in to get a book and sees me like I fell out of the sky and landed on the table.

Boss "Rough weekend?"

Me "Uuuuuuh"

Boss "Have fun?"

Me" Uuuuuuh"

Boss "Want some coffee?"

Me "Uuuuuh"

Boss "Want an ambulance?"

Me "Zzzzz...."

It was an extreme pleasure to meet all of you.

I apologize if I couldnt her a damn thing anyone was saying to me. I was making sweet love to the amps earlier.

Hope you all had a wonderful time and have a fast painless recovery.


"Someone get me a defibulator and a bottle of Jack! Stat!"

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Originally posted by Crackorn

MIST (with a T) !! I couldn't rememember the name. One other guy's name I can't remember, tall guy, tank top......

Hitokiri (Jay)...

And sorry to Wideskies...I told her the name of the guy with the afro was Mike (err...thought it was phuturephunk :worry: ) when it's Jay...

eh...I was a little off at that point in time...

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Originally posted by xpander

Hitokiri (Jay)...

And sorry to Wideskies...I told her the name of the guy with the afro was Mike (err...thought it was phuturephunk :worry: ) when it's Jay...

eh...I was a little off at that point in time...

. . . that's not THAT much of a boo boo . . Remember, I did have a nice baby fro going up until about 2 weeks ago . . .

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Originally posted by xpander

Hey Delirious Fairy! Are you trying to take over dancefloors with out me again?!?!


What, you expect us to wait til Nap time is over??? Come find us on the playground when you've put your blankie back in your cubby, lil pup.

(You know I couldn't do even half as well without assists, so don't feel bad)

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