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What do you guys think about TRUST?

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Ragga trusts everyone at first...greatest show of respect in my book!

But if it ever comes to the point that I lose someone's trust...one strike and you're done.

Trust is number one in my book - it doesn't have to be earned but it should be respected.

Ragga's 2 pennies

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I would have to say give 50% earn 50%.

If you are 100% honest person yourself you tend to give that trust to people alot easier then people who are not 100% comfortable with there own honesty.

There are also different kinds of trust. Some kinds of trust can be given and some have to be earned. All in all there is only one person in this world that is not family that I trust 100% and that is my friend of 17 years. Obviously earned.

Yeah there are other people that I trust. But to an extent. So to get to your question. It depends on what kind of trust you are talking about. If possible please be more detailed...

Example: I can trust you with my life savings but can I trust that you don't go behind my back and talk about me...

Dont know... Trust is just a touchy subject...

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Originally posted by codica3

Hmm.. so I'm guessing none of you are humanists?? :laugh:

I dunno.. I can't ever make the decision.. a lot of people say trust needs to be earned but I usually go into a relationship with friends, people, significant others, etc.. automatically assuming that I can trust them and only decide to NOT trust them if they does something to make me loose that trust..

Maybe that's why I get dicked over all the time?? :blown:

although i try not to do wut u do i do...but unfortunately u can't trust anyone but urself until u kno the person inside out. and i got to learn that lesson once again:mad: lol....i trust a lil the rest has to be earned if something is done by a person i think i can trust that betrays me once that trust is earned in my eyes that person is dead and will never have the opportunity to earn that trust again...so to all u lil boys and wanna be playas who try to play games:finger:

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Originally posted by bebby6919

TRUST needs to be earned definitly... this is a relevant topic to a couple of CP people problems lately.. hmmmmm.. i wont say any names as well b/c thats not right.. and I could bring up another topic by asking a question but I wont all Im gonna say is.. "Age does matter"...:laugh:.... Trust is the MOST important thing in a relationship.. weather it be friends or b/f, g/f.. once you break that trust.. in my book.. your DONE!

hey wuts my lil sayin when people break my trust....oh rite rite GAMEOVER!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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For new people...I have faith in their ability to do the right thing.

Some people dont have faith...so they become....repremanded.


My trust is a bond with a person that precedes everything.

To break my trust is to know the true definition of wrath.


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Originally posted by hotchickie5

lol....i trust a lil the rest has to be earned if something is done by a person i think i can trust that betrays me once that trust is earned in my eyes that person is dead and will never have the opportunity to earn that trust again...so to all u lil boys and wanna be playas who try to play games:finger:

wanna be playas??? :rolleyes: you apparently don't even realize that you've lost someone who cared about you more than you can imagine and who was actually loyal to you beyond belief. what was that again....'age does matter'? not if you truly care for someone, it doesn't....and you apparently didn't give two shits.

if you had 1/100th of the feelings that person had for you, you would've allowed for a second chance, considering the offense wasn't that big to begin with.

'GAMEOVER :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:'??? wow, that shows some real maturity on your part....you didn't even have the decency/courage to face that person afterwards!! how childish....:blown:

and don't you DARE tell me to mind my own business, that's my best friend i'm talking about. don't even bother responding, your opinion is irrelevant at this point....you already showed your true self.

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Originally posted by dolik

wanna be playas??? :rolleyes: you apparently don't even realize that you've lost someone who cared about you more than you can imagine and who was actually loyal to you beyond belief. what was that....'age does matter'? not if you truly care for someone, it doesn't....and you apparently didn't give two shits.

if you had 1/100th of the feelings that person had for you, you would've allowed for a second chance, considering the offense wasn't that big to begin with.

'GAMEOVER :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:'??? wow, that's some maturity....considering you didn't even have the decency/courage to face that person afterwards. how childish....:blown:

and don't you DARE tell me to mind my own business, that's my best friend i'm talking about. don't even bother responding, your opinion is irrelevant at this point....you already showed your true self.

O my....:eek:

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trust def needs to be earned.....my prob is i just trust people right away and get stabbed in the back sometimes...what you gonna do right? thats life.....

but it should be a little of both...trust them and see if they can earn it as well...if they do both you have a keeper.....

<-----looking for a keeper:) :tongue::cool:

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Originally posted by dolik

wanna be playas??? :rolleyes: you apparently don't even realize that you've lost someone who cared about you more than you can imagine and who was actually loyal to you beyond belief. what was that again....'age does matter'? not if you truly care for someone, it doesn't....and you apparently didn't give two shits.

if you had 1/100th of the feelings that person had for you, you would've allowed for a second chance, considering the offense wasn't that big to begin with.

'GAMEOVER :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:'??? wow, that shows some real maturity on your part....you didn't even have the decency/courage to face that person afterwards!! how childish....:blown:

and don't you DARE tell me to mind my own business, that's my best friend i'm talking about. don't even bother responding, your opinion is irrelevant at this point....you already showed your true self.

yes this is my tru self...i don't date liars and everything he said to me was a lie. u r probaly to young to understand but until u do shut the fuck up. he's a child i hate children i need a man. it was a game from the start so that's it gameover. whether i found out the truth from him or someone else the same outcome would have resulted. u defending him just show wut ur morals r. in my eyes lying is as bad as cheating i don't care ow much someone cares about me. with my feelings and my trust one sttrike and ur out. there r no 2nd chances in this game called life. u can't take it back and u can't do it again. i'm sure that most people will agree w me on this one saying that he is an ass how long did he think he was goin to be able to hide this....even if i was told by him the same thing would have happened...i don't have time for this shit anymore. i need a man not a child which he obvioously is. so u kno wut gameover...u wanna say i'm immature and i'm i chicken for not callin him fine wuteva...the fact is that is i spoke to him i would've ripped him 10 new assholes...wut he did was disrespectful and insulting and that's all i have to say if he wants to say somethin he can say it on the boards and make himself look dumb instead of u doin it for him i'm sure most people will agree with me on this one. i can't be w someone i can't trust...i can't trust him and that's the obvious HE IS DEAD IN MY EYES:D

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~~~i honestly wasnt gonna get involved but against my better judgement i will.....

jess i think ur being too hard on him......he really did like u and that was the only thing he lied about......he really is a great guy and if didnt work out thats fine but it shouldn't be because of that "thing" u really shouldn't cut him off like that he really doesn't desrve that kind of treatment......

my $567:cool:

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Originally posted by hotchickie5

yes this is my tru self...i don't date liars and everything he said to me was a lie. u r probaly to young to understand but until u do shut the fuck up. he's a child i hate children i need a man. it was a game from the start so that's it gameover. whether i found out the truth from him or someone else the same outcome would have resulted. u defending him just show wut ur morals r. in my eyes lying is as bad as cheating i don't care ow much someone cares about me. with my feelings and my trust one sttrike and ur out. there r no 2nd chances in this game called life. u can't take it back and u can't do it again. i'm sure that most people will agree w me on this one saying that he is an ass how long did he think he was goin to be able to hide this....even if i was told by him the same thing would have happened...i don't have time for this shit anymore. i need a man not a child which he obvioously is. so u kno wut gameover...u wanna say i'm immature and i'm i chicken for not callin him fine wuteva...the fact is that is i spoke to him i would've ripped him 10 new assholes...wut he did was disrespectful and insulting and that's all i have to say if he wants to say somethin he can say it on the boards and make himself look dumb instead of u doin it for him i'm sure most people will agree with me on this one. i can't be w someone i can't trust...i can't trust him and that's the obvious HE IS DEAD IN MY EYES:D

All I have to this response....I feel bad for any guy that ever has a relationship with you. You're cruel, hypocritical, and cold-hearted. you need a man not a child?? LMAO sure, that makes sense. So you were fine with the 3-year age difference but yet ANOTHER MONTH obviously made him a player and turned the whole thing into a game. Let me clarify something, the only person who thought this whole thing was a game was you because in real life people DO get second chances...it's called being compassionate and understanding. Has it ever occured to you that the ONLY reason he lied was because he didn't want to lose you? Apparently not...

You're calling me too young to understand?? That's funny because it looks like you know nothing about true relationships. How could you, if something as trivial as that makes a person 'dead in your eyes'? How could you ever give your heart to someone then? And no, believe me when I say this, most people will not back you up in this...your argument is weak and senseless.

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Ok, I know I should not get involved but I HAVE to say something.

I know someone here really cared about the other person, and that other person just blew them off cause of something that was REALLY taken outta proportion! I can understand if you are upset that he lied, but come on, you make it sound like he was lying to you left and right when you said EVERYTHING he said to you was a lie!!!!

And thennnnnnnn, you being the real "mature" one, get someone ELSE to tell him its over. haha thats seriously funny

You say you were so mad but come on, at LEAST call and give an explanation. You make this big deal about ages yet YOU don't act yours!

that was ridiculous though

yeah so i just hadda say that cause it got me mad:mad: :mad:

have a nice day


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Originally posted by romy20

Ok, I know I should not get involved but I HAVE to say something.

I know someone here really cared about the other person, and that other person just blew them off cause of something that was REALLY taken outta proportion! I can understand if you are upset that he lied, but come on, you make it sound like he was lying to you left and right when you said EVERYTHING he said to you was a lie!!!!

And thennnnnnnn, you being the real "mature" one, get someone ELSE to tell him its over. haha thats seriously funny

You say you were so mad but come on, at LEAST call and give an explanation. You make this big deal about ages yet YOU don't act yours!

that was ridiculous though

yeah so i just hadda say that cause it got me mad:mad: :mad:

have a nice day


wanna play the nipple game? ;)

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Originally posted by romy20

Ok, I know I should not get involved but I HAVE to say something.

I know someone here really cared about the other person, and that other person just blew them off cause of something that was REALLY taken outta proportion! I can understand if you are upset that he lied, but come on, you make it sound like he was lying to you left and right when you said EVERYTHING he said to you was a lie!!!!

And thennnnnnnn, you being the real "mature" one, get someone ELSE to tell him its over. haha thats seriously funny

You say you were so mad but come on, at LEAST call and give an explanation. You make this big deal about ages yet YOU don't act yours!

that was ridiculous though

yeah so i just hadda say that cause it got me mad:mad: :mad:


~~~just for the record: ROMY20 knows exactly what she is talking about.........i wont say why but she knows this situation better than anyone here! even aaliyah (RIP) has a song called "age aint nothing but a number" .............dont mind me im just rambling.................:cool:

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Originally posted by dolik

wanna be playas??? :rolleyes: you apparently don't even realize that you've lost someone who cared about you more than you can imagine and who was actually loyal to you beyond belief. what was that again....'age does matter'? not if you truly care for someone, it doesn't....and you apparently didn't give two shits.

if you had 1/100th of the feelings that person had for you, you would've allowed for a second chance, considering the offense wasn't that big to begin with.

'GAMEOVER :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:'??? wow, that shows some real maturity on your part....you didn't even have the decency/courage to face that person afterwards!! how childish....:blown:

and don't you DARE tell me to mind my own business, that's my best friend i'm talking about. don't even bother responding, your opinion is irrelevant at this point....you already showed your true self.

ok well now i guess I have to say something being that jessie is my best friend (eventho obviously she can defend herself)...

I think steve is a good guy and I wish things would have worked out differently BUT they didnt.

this whole thread is about trust... when you start off a relationship in a lie than you cant be trusted in my eyes... keeping the lie going b/c you KNOW it is gonna ruin something great is mistake # 1... obviously in the end nothing good will come of it esapcially b/c you know its wrong... Ok so it was a little lie but its really big being that he is his age and she is hers! It doesnt matter how much you love/like someone when you are lieing about something like that. Maybe he wasnt lieign about everythign he said but should jessie have waited to find out?!?!?!? HELLO! fucking wake up.. shes not dumb. Maybe she didnt face him in the end but I dont blame her! What would she have accomplished by doing that... ?? :confused:

Whatever apparently things werent meant to be.... This goes to show that a relationship is built on TRUST!

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