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Dude Eat a dick.. you have been fucking putting people down ever since you came to this board and every one has be nice to you well Im not gonna be nice if your gonna act like you have a golden rod shoved up your ass now shut the fuck up and act like a fucking human you wretched little gnome. We aren't here to entertain you or to impress his fucking highness... go back where you came from King Cocksucker...

and oh yeah Welcome to Clubplanet

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

Thank you for the welcome. I don't believe I've put anyone down. Maybe one comment, but I'm just calling things as I see them. If you do not like that, then I will not converse with you.

and you can cut that psuedo civilized psuedo intellectual shit man. if you don't see they way you have insulted people at least on 4 occasions that I have seen then open your eyes man... play nice
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Originally posted by siceone

and you can cut that psuedo civilized psuedo intellectual shit man. if you don't see they way you have insulted people at least on 4 occasions that I have seen then open your eyes man... play nice

I honestly don't see it. Some clarification would be nice.

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

Thank you for the welcome. I don't believe I've put anyone down. Maybe one comment, but I'm just calling things as I see them. If you do not like that, then I will not converse with you.

so why don't you tell us a little about urself?

what clubs you go to, what music you like, where you from etc?

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Originally posted by godfatherbam

this kid is a schlep, just ignore him and maybe he will go away...:bigfinger: oh and i agree , if siceone dont like him, that is godd basis for my own judgement as well...

Another follower. This is impressive. I have one person who states that I'm putting people down, when for the most part I'm just making personal observations. And I have others that are following the first without either attempting to read what I said, or quote it to give me proof on my transgressions.

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

It does. I have killed my emotions to cope. Dancing is an inherantly emotional activity, therefore too chaotic for my mindset.

dude...grow the fuck up, u are on a CLUBPLANET!!!! it is a msg board for clubbers...which apparently u are not, so why are u here then, nevermind what ur friend told u about, we all have a good reason for being here...WE ARE CLUBBERS!!! so fuckin get lost :bigfinger:

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Originally posted by godfatherbam

dude...grow the fuck up, u are on a CLUBPLANET!!!! it is a msg board for clubbers...which apparently u are not, so why are u here then, nevermind what ur friend told u about, we all have a good reason for being here...WE ARE CLUBBERS!!! so fuckin get lost :bigfinger:

I find your mastery of the English language staggering. Please, try to be more constructive.

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

I find your mastery of the English language staggering. Please, try to be more constructive.

actually u silly fuck, i only talk respectfully and in good english when i address people whom i do respect, or at least like...u on the other hand, are getting on my nerves real quick, so just stop right now before this gets out of hand, because no one likes a drama queen, which u seem to be...

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