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Yeah.... during Going through it, the midget juicehead and i hit each other on accident i beleive, so i turn around to see, and he pushes me... so my drunk ass looks at my chest, then at him then proceeded to go Midget tossing, and threw him across the dance floor........ yeah..... so mother fucker talks mad junk yada yada.... ppl make us shake hands, end of story.... then his friend gets in my face talkin bout pickin on some1 my own size..... so i tell him to get the fuck outta my face, then i get kicked out..... then gary gets kicked out, then jay gets kicked out.......

cops outside dont want us there... im SHITFACED as all hell, so the cops tell us to follow them to a diner...... mother fuckers lead us to the police station, im paranoid, but they tell us to drive further down..... we chill in the diner, make new friends, lucas shows up(he's my best friend from home), turns out, he and Larry get kicked out right after us 3. we chillax in the diner for a few hours, drunk as fuck(i still am right now). My phone dies, i get numerous nasty VM's from other cpers cause everyones rides were all over the place........ whatever.

Mike bugout....... you are the man bro. Me and lucas got there when the club opened..... first 2 ppl there....... wanted to be the last 2 out bro. Got wasted as shit early on, so i was in RARE form. Dropped iillllllllllll shit bro.

I need fuckin sleep....... im drunk as shit dright now. More to come this afternoon when i wake up.

peace out,


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~~~heeeeeeeeeey......nmo rocked!!! i was having a fucking blast until our boys got kicked out:mad: the midget then went to apologize to bugout and to beg him not to get kicked out...can say PATHETIC!!!!! mikey was on point the entire night..awesome traxxx awesome mixing...mikey u r THE MAN!!!!!:bounce: for invasion part 3 (if there will be one) we have to have maaaaaad headz we need to show these cocksuckers that nyc clubbers are the best!!! anyways im mad tired rite now so ill proceed to pass out...ill write more tonight! :bounce:

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OMFG!!!!!! HOLY SHIT what a fucking night...more fun than i have had in a long ass time!!!! we all got kicked out FOR NO FUCKING REASON! but it was a god damn riot. i havent laughed so hard in forever :laugh: fuckin great night...we all got so drunk, tossed a midget and his boys, heard some siiiiick tracks, mikey layed it down like whoa! lol awwww shit...NMO invasion...status:successful! ah hahahahaha roflmao kf jnqeouvnkljir !:D:laugh:

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OMFG.. do you guys have ANY idea how much time I just spent typing out a review of the night when my explorer causes and internal error and freezes and has to be aborted?? OMG!!

Let's try this again..

Mikey -- **kisses to you always.. thank you for everything last night sweetheart, I hope you didn't get in any shit, I'm so happy I made it all the way up there.. as always, you were wonderful (Yes, I loved what you did to Ballanation last night!! It came out great!!) The CD is great, nMo edition, LOVE #12. As always, wonderful seeing you, I promise, things will be better soon, and I'll be back on the dance floor like no one's business :D In the meantime, I hope you're practicing. ;)

Paulie -- YES I LOVE HIP-HOP!! So don't forget to make me a hip-hop CD (and don't forget to put some fcrazy scratching on it!! I told you the deal with me already!!) You really fucking tear the turntables up!! :eek: Had a great time chillin' with you.. maybe next time if I'm feelin' a lil better I'll go tear the cages up on the dance floor!! LOL. Good seeing you, and hopefully I'll see ya again soon!!

Gary -- thank you hun for driving my ass all the way up there and all the way back!! Thanks for waiting for me too in the beginning, I really appreciate it.. I never would have been able to go if it weren't for you, too bad you missed a lot of the night!! That's ok, I hope you had a good time and made it home safe. Thanks again hun!!

Jay (godfadda) -- LOL thanks for rescueing me and Gary from the middle of the Palisades Pkwy!! That shit was wack!! I lost cell phone service and it was dark and there was NOTHING around!! Ahh!! Sux that you got kicked out, but hope you had a good time anyways.. LOL.. you were so drunk. Haha. Hopefully I'll see you before you leave for Cali......

Helen -- we're the official female door bouncers at Matrix!! LOL.. that was funny. Wonder if they got that dealer's money.. hmm.. oh wells.. people were crazy there!! I had a good time, I hope you did too. Good chillin' with you, hope to see you soon hun!!

Jay (hitokiri) -- damn, representin' MUTHAFUCKIN' BOO!! Haha.. wow, you're so tall and then you do glowstix & it's like OMG!! Hope you had a good time (I know you did!!) even though all that friggin' drama at the end of the night, everything worked out okay.

Robin -- remember, I'm NOT gonna say anything!! Do you realize how many times you came up to me and told me you were hammered?? I was like: DAYUM!! LOL it was a rare form, too bad shit went down, we all would have been ridiculously crazy up in there if we had all stayed in all night!! It's ok, hope you got home okay, the weather was shitty.. I'm sure I'll see you soon.. LOL.. remember.. I'm not saying a word.. LOL.

Larry -- nice seeing you hun, towards the end of the night I remember looking over the DJ booth and seeing just you dancing still outta the whole nMo.. I was like: aww.

Debbie -- fuck Draper!! LOL.. good seeing you there hun!! I loved your top I thought it was absolutely adorable.. I want one!! Heh.. hope you had a good time.

Jessie -- I heard that you had really bad back pains, I hope that clears up for ya.. be careful about going out with extreme pain, you could end up doing more damage. Hope you at least enjoyed the music and stuff last night. Feel better.

Alan -- sux that you had to wait last night and all but there was no need to get loud hun. It's all good though, hope you had fun, nice seeing you again. I'll talk to you soon.

Mike -- ahh!! Sweetie you wouldn't do that extended arm swing thingy for me!! "Last time I did that I hurt myself!!" Stop that!! Aww!! Great seeing you hun, hope the drive home was ok, hopefully I'll see ya soon. :D

Lynne -- good seeing you hun. I loved your belt with your jeans, it looked really good. Sux about the wait in the car but drama was unneccesary.. it's all good now though, I hope. You better get working on that 8 page paper that was due LAST Monday!! Heh, I still gotta work on my 15 page one due tomorrow BRIGHT AND EARLY. :blown:

Arty -- hi hunney!! LOL that was wack on the phone "No this is not hunney, this is hold on one second" LOL. You can be hunney too!! I didn't see ya do your rainbow lights last night, but it's all good.. one thing though: IT'S NOT ALL MY FAULT!!

Okies.. I'm still tired as hell but I gotta start my day and get working on that friggin' paper. And I gots 2 more due on Tuesday so I gotta get CRACKIN'!!

I had a wonderful time, it was definitely worth the 3 hours!! Definitely not a weekly event for me, but I'm sure as hell glad everything finally worked out, and I was able to make it up there!! Next invasion, you can count me in. :D

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Cody.... that was a review and a half right there. wow..

and shhhh;) :tongue:

OK, So I am soooo hung over today. I got there with my boy lucas right as the place opened, and Mike, you had a very siiiiiick tribal set bro. Too bad there was no1 else there to hear that, but my man, keep up that good work as always. Your house set was off the hook as well man. And you obviously don't need any more schooling on how to dj bro. Good luck with abyss and roxy man.

Paulie, hung out early on in the night, was goin to come back for more but that didn't happen. Thanx for the shot. Whatever it was, was off the hook man.

It was a pleasure to chill with the usual suspects... Jay², helen, cody, gary, larry, deb, a pleasant surprise of jessie showing up. Good turn out kiiiids.

I think i was Quoth for the night in my drunken state. Raaaaaaare form indeed, then obvious drama happened. Night was on schedual then that shit happened. O well, had to do what I had to do.

So I look at my digital camera this afternoon, and theres maad pics, yet i dont remember takin any of them... and I am in a lot of em so I dunno who had my camera LOL. O well I cant post a lot of them cause there's incriminating evidence on my boy.

n.M.o. 3 anyone?

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Robin you should at least post the group one. :D

And you think THAT was a huge review?? You should have seen what I had typed BEFORE my computer went wack!! I did like a time-to-time point check review of the music and the people and what I did, etc.. ugh.. all my hard work for nothing.

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Too much drama to even start on what happened where to who-- I'm not pissed at anyone for anything. I vented thru what I played.

Robin and Lucas, first ones there to hear my tribal and house set full of goodies. Lots of Robbie Rivera and DT tracks sprinkled in there. ..some acapella blends...Thoseeee drummmmmmmmssss

Most of the crew arrived around 1130ish? and i immediately dropped Safe From Harm...ended the house set with me singing at the top of my lungs "Soooommeetimmmes, the sounnnd of gooodbye---Is louuuuddeerrrr, than any druuuuuuummmbeatttt!!" ahhh the new anthem summer 2k2-rivera is the man :)

Around 12 I started to cater to the local crowd with some of their favs like In My Dreams, Busta's Hani mix, La La Land and all that stuff...but around 1230 the reaction to Ski's Derb was awesome so I took off from there. Chapter, Sal parm aftermath, then heaven and will I for the ladies:D around 1 I decided to set it off with the ANTHEM..

Crowd Song (NMO Mix) with blade, everybody and da booka...Roxy Stage Crew was reppin and everyone was going crazy!! I was definitely FEELING the energy at that point---then I dropped GTI and robin dropped some dude.

AS for GTI==-I layed it with DEEP KEMICAL and then finally played the actual track...the SF contingent that goes from matrix to SF every saturday was loving it-- but then all the fights happened and I got pissed as a whole.....made some statement on the mic about other countries bombing us or something:confused: and then mixed in hide u on 643 to trance it out.

This started my lil trance set to calm things down..thats how I was feeling. Mixed in Lethal Industry, fucked with Silence acapella with it, while robin was on the phone outside so I put my phone down and left it on and turned the monitar UPPPPP!!!

the Trippin (marc aural) and Dig it Dumonde before i shut all the lights and went to town.

Opened with French Kiss, then Kriminal Rain (my blend) into Bina's Call Me and Fcuk Me. Then blew up Ballantion with my air horn build and loops (cody im glad it went good...:laugh:) then the TRUTH, seguro and then BOMBZ...

i ended off pretty hard--Harrrdccooooree willlll neevvver diee kids went runnin...cody and helen came back so i finished with the sun and naomi's in my dreams and then went outside to more drama.

thats it.


Jay, Gary, Robin, Lucas, Helen, Larry, Debbie, Jessie, Cody, Alan, Mike, Arty, LinabinaLynne, Jay (Hitokiri nice to meet u) and all the other people who showed love.

One last side note....djnwosucks showed up around 1100...he got his ass kicked and i sent him home.:laugh:

Anyone who is game me and paulie are playing CLUB ABYSS in sayerville this Wednesday nite, may 1st from 9-12 opening for my good friend Manny the Greek. Anyone interested in coming drop me a line.

Mike BuGouT

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What a night :)

I'm glad we all came together and did not have any bullshit til the end of the night, but there was just confusion with the ride situation.

I still dunno why i was kicked out, but I managed to get back in.

Music was on point, as always. Mike you tore it apart, good shit man.

It was nice seein everyone, and Jay peart deaux, thanks for comin out, you fuckin rock dude.

Well I am still shaky from too much red bull and vodka so I'll write some more later :)

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Anyone who is game me and paulie are playing CLUB ABYSS in sayerville this Wednesday nite, may 1st from 9-12 opening for my good friend Manny the Greek. Anyone interested in coming drop me a line.

Mike BuGouT

Mikey I was surprised to hear you announce this last night.. I didnt know about it, but I'll be there.. this time early enough to hear most of your guys set.. on one condition.. you promise to dance a lil after you guys finish. :D;):)

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Originally posted by roninmess

Jess, Jay, Gary, Cody, Jay

You know what...... fuck you guys too:laugh: :laugh:


OUCH. That picture looks bad. Err.. I look all disproportionate.. oh wells.. at least I look skinnier in that pic. :D I've been having a fatty problem lately. :blown:

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u being fat? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

there's not an ounce of fat on u.

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