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This is what happens when 2 girls drink before SF

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I love how when i called that motherfucker out, and let the tuth be known, he had NOTHING to say.

Anywayz... Anyone interested in doing this website project, let me know...I'm at 70,000+ hits in the last 27 hours since I started it Web Site Statistics . I am now looking for promoters, photographers,judges, HTML gurus with Credit Card Processing experience, and models.... I just recieved the startup cash, and am in the process of talking to club owners in and around NYC.


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WOW!:eek: all i gotta say is this shit got waaaaay outta hand, all these peeps did was say they needed some work, now i personally dont see the harm in that, and if they said they were tranny's and they arent, well who really cares???:confused: but to call each other out is sooo stupid, and i have learned that on here b4, nothing will ever come of it, and as msoprano will say, anyone that says they have back, usually doesn't. not to step on your toes and question what you say, but you will never hear anyone who is truly connected breathe a word of it, because it just provides a link right back to you... anyways, this thread should be deaded, everyone just chill the fuck out and go drink a beer or some shit... so i guess that is all...and evan, if you wanna continue to post links to your site, i would just suggest letting the viwers know what they may possibly be looking at, cause i know i dont like lookin at a tranny and thinkin they are a true woman...

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I never said anything about being "connected". I just know a couple of motivators is all.

As for the TWO Transexuals on my site (out of like sooooooooooo many girls), I don't feel that I have to tell anybody who or what they are. Do I have to post who is gay because you might not like looking at a gay person. Should I post who is Jewish, who's Catholic, who's easy, who does drugs, who I've fucked, who i haven't, etc..... So..thanx for the advice..but no thanks. I NEVER told anybody "100% sexy females butt naked" on my site. All I said was, "here's a bunch of girls before Sound Factory"...and "Oh..if you want to see other pics, here's my web site".

I never started the drama. I am not about Drama. That was all from the Transexualy rejected mini dick guy.


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lol this has got to be the funniest thread i've read all day! thanks for the entertainment. and not to cause any drama but just my two cents:

evan you have the right to put up whatever you'd like, but i also gotta agree with the other girls, those girls on your first post aren't all that. and jus the fact that you seem really proud that your site is gettin so many hits and want to make a business out of it is really cheesy to me. i'd give you the address to my portfolio but it's only for professional photographers.

everybody: hope everyone has chilled out and have a nice day :D

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Oh...One other thing: who is the perv from Mcgraw-Hill (IP ?? That person downloaded 2,269 pics from the site. Man.... Don't you work? Are you making a book about my site and all the drama it causes?



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just one more thing, i dont think the girls that replied are jealous, cause i happen to know most of them, and they def have the right to be critical cause they are all good lookin girls

hehe, man talk about brownie points! :rolleyes:

yo evan, what kind of venture are you talking about? a startup? its one thing to have many hits and retain a popular site, its another to maintain a profitable and visible .com

anyway, i do web design part time, my site link is on the bottom

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Originally posted by girly

No offense but those girls need to lose a couple pounds before you start posting their pics on Cp.. Otherwise great pics:D

Just because a girl doesn't weigh 110 lbs or less doesn't mean she has to loose weight. Some girls are just more voluptuous than others, and I really think that society's obsession with the emaciated woman is disgusting. I would rather there be more Marylin Monroe's than Kate Moss'.

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I am just telling it how it is... speaking my mind. Being catty and insulting other girls is a really petty and immature thing to do... and the reason that girls are like that is because they are insecure about themselves and feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel better. There ya go... my .02.

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Originally posted by jennEfer

I am just telling it how it is... speaking my mind. Being catty and insulting other girls is a really petty and immature thing to do... and the reason that girls are like that is because they are insecure about themselves and feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel better. There ya go... my .02.

Hey u r right i take that comment back. It wasn't nice. And i know everyone is physically different. I'm to skinny, but my main point is that these girls are gross by putting this stuff up on this messageboard like they are some porno queen.

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Originally posted by girly

Hey u r right i take that comment back. It wasn't nice. And i know everyone is physically different. I'm to skinny, but my main point is that these girls are gross by putting this stuff up on this messageboard like they are some porno queen.

I know I wouldn't do it, but I guess whatever floats thier boat. If they want to show off the fact that they get drunk and do lesbian type things, then that is thier decision.

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Originally posted by Evan

Oh...One other thing: who is the perv from Mcgraw-Hill (IP ?? That person downloaded 2,269 pics from the site. Man.... Don't you work? Are you making a book about my site and all the drama it causes?



. . now THAT is excessive bandwidth hogging if I've ever seen it . . .

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porn is porn, and whatever gets people off is all good - so whatever.

but i just have to say that it irks me that men love lesbian scenes when they're done by obviously straight women. hey, i know people are gonna fight me on this one, but there are very few lesbians involved in those scenes. after all, who, out of you guys, wants to see any "dykes" (i don't use that word) making out?

just my pet peeve.

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Originally posted by jerseyq45

Well, my only comment is that these girls look like Grade A fatty beef. I mean that one girl in the white has thicker legs than Missy Elliot and some of the worst flap jacks ever. The other girl I recognize from doing the whole SF thing with some of my friends back in the day and I'm not going to comment on.

No wonder these girls go to SF and get cracked out...Who else is going to try and screw them besides cracked out dirt bags or someone too twisted to realize what they are about to bang. It is obvious that these girls wanted you to post their pictures becaues they feel the need to show off because they want feedback because of their insecurities. Its basically the same reason they go to SF dressed like whores...They're probably love hungry girls that drop 10 bombs, each, to go out and right "daddy."

I think I may know you (Evan) through my boy Richie Rich from Jersey City...If thats the case PM me...If not go on enjoying your thick legs/ass. You must like em big kid...

:laugh: :laugh: that was funny.....very well said!

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Just like to clarify one thing: I actually am into petite girls. 5"3-5"4. And thin. Just because they came over and got nakid, doesn't mean I screwed them. I'm not that big of a whore. I never implied that I was. Sorry to ruin any fantasies you guys had, but I'm receiving to many e-mails asking me how the 3some sex was.

Oh. And because I AM a attention whore, Just like to thank you guys for making 2000 views on this post.

Now go and get some sun. it's fucken beautiful outside. I'm gonna go rollerblading.....


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evan's quote

I love how when i called that motherfucker out, and let the tuth be known, he had NOTHING to say.

You are such a little bitch. As soon as I get bored of ridiculing you and get off the computer, you start talking shit like I have nothing to say.

As for your "motivators" ...I'm really worried. hahahahahahaha .





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Oh man...here we go again.... Now I'm gonna have to squash this dramam bug.

1.) The Blonde from the Facotry pics was NEVER a guy. I've known her since she was 16 and chilling at Tunnel. I repeat, there are ONLY 2 TS' on my entire web site. I've never lied about my shit, and I'm not gonna start now. So much for that lie.

2.) Fine... Don't call it bring rejected. Call it being put the fuck down. Liza is not your friend, was, nor ever will be. You WISH she was your friend so you would feel better about the rejecyion.

3.) I've never hooked up with a TS. You know it and I know it. Actually...How would you know it? Cause you already admitted that you've never met me. So how is it that you've "seen me". You just called yourself out as a liar.

4.) Stop bugging me. You're an annoying little pissant that obviously has no life nor any friends, that is not only a homaphobe, but also doesn't deal with rejection well.


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Originally posted by jennEfer

Just because a girl doesn't weigh 110 lbs or less doesn't mean she has to loose weight. Some girls are just more voluptuous than others, and I really think that society's obsession with the emaciated woman is disgusting. I would rather there be more Marylin Monroe's than Kate Moss'.

I am assuming that means you are overweight...

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