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"you can never go home anymore"..(Ever feel like that?)

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I can't remember who said this but I feel

like this too often..

When I'm looking at old photo albums

of pictures of old friends and

people whom I use to love more

than life itself...

Long gone...

other worlds that I can NOT go back to..

Because they don't exist anymore.

(Or changed beyond my recognition)

My home:"MUGWUMPIA" is a fantasy land

that I can never return to again.

And I miss it dearly each and every day..

like a part of me that has died or been removed

from my body..(An arm, a leg that I would

have never guessed I would have amputed)

But more so OLD PLACES..

places where everyone knew my name..

where they where ALL SO GLAD YOU CAME

(mugz sings cheers song)

Now gone too...:(




Any of you feel like you can


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I think about this every day. Throughout the coarse of my life I have made so many friends from so many different groups of people. I have had the best and the worst times with these people.

Things change though, people go away to school,find lovers,get jobs,move, etc. The same people that grew very close to you can become very distant pretty rapidly.

I look back at some of my pictures and think I could never go back to that way of life. I have moved on and am continuing the path that fate has chosen for me, and everything is a memory now. :)

These are the experiences that shape and mold us as people, though :) While I would never go back, I wouldn't alter those memories for the world.

Nice wonderment, Mugz :)

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Jesus Mugz - what are you trying to do - depress everyone!!! Is living Jersey that bad!! lol

Mugz - make new friends and create a new world "Muglumpia" or something like that. Don't worry about it - things will get better - your just feeling sad cause you just started working again in a long time and those shackles feel a little tight!! haha

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Originally posted by mugwump

I can't remember who said this but I feel

like this too often..

When I'm looking at old photo albums

of pictures of old friends and

people whom I use to love more

than life itself...

Long gone...

other worlds that I can NOT go back to..

Because they don't exist anymore.

(Or changed beyond my recognition)

My home:"MUGWUMPIA" is a fantasy land

that I can never return to again.

And I miss it dearly each and every day..

like a part of me that has died or been removed

from my body..(An arm, a leg that I would

have never guessed I would have amputed)

But more so OLD PLACES..

places where everyone knew my name..

where they where ALL SO GLAD YOU CAME

(mugz sings cheers song)

Now gone too...:(




Any of you feel like you can


wow, i def share these same thoughts. for me, my old world is boston. and everytime i go back to visit i feel almost displaced :confused: and whenever someone asks me "will i ever come back to boston?" i just smile and reply "not for now, not for a while" i just feel that this is kinda like a part of my life that i have closed the book on and i am ready to move forward. i still love all my friends to death, and i am not trying to leave them (gawd knows i still talk to most of them a couple times a week!) --but its different, times are different and we are different.

i mean i get nostalgic but i just dont want to go back.....

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When I hear those words I dont think of myself but my mother and her family. They were born and raised in a village called Yialoussa in Cyprus. That village is currently under Turkish occupation. Their homes and land were ripped away from them, they lost friends and family when it all went down, they were driven from what they knew as home. Some of us are lucky enough to be able to go back to where we grew up - knowing it's not the same or ever will be. Then there's people like my mom...who for all intent and purposes may never be able to go back, literally...and if you ask her...after what she has witnessed...she doesnt want to...

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Originally posted by mugwump

I can't remember who said this but I feel

like this too often..

When I'm looking at old photo albums

of pictures of old friends and

people whom I use to love more

than life itself...

Long gone...

other worlds that I can NOT go back to..

Because they don't exist anymore.

(Or changed beyond my recognition)

My home:"MUGWUMPIA" is a fantasy land

that I can never return to again.

And I miss it dearly each and every day..

like a part of me that has died or been removed

from my body..(An arm, a leg that I would

have never guessed I would have amputed)

But more so OLD PLACES..

places where everyone knew my name..

where they where ALL SO GLAD YOU CAME

(mugz sings cheers song)

Now gone too...:(




Any of you feel like you can


I feel like this all the time...:( :(

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It's hard sometimes to have family in Europe..

That you see only ONCE in a while..

and when you DO go home..

Your old room is turned into

an entertainment center..

and all your friends have

moved away...

NY has a "friend" turn around

rate that's always shocking...


(gun blast)..


(gun blast)..



I miss CHEERS!:(

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. . . Everything happens for a reason . . leaving a place is a sign of the universe telling you that it's time to grow . . and grow you should . . .

. . I had the same experience with the Southland . . . I felt like I was fleeing from her . . but in a way it seemed like she kicked me out . . nothing good was really coming from me staying there . . so It was really time to go . . .

. . and I lament her loss . . . sometimes intensely . . . what I knew, what I loved . . and those that came with it . . . but the greater pain was before I even fled . . when I saw the landscape that I knew come so unraveled as to be almost unintelligable . . . THAT pain was worse than starting in a new place . . THAT pain brought me to lows that I couldn't fathom at times . . . Why was my home changing around me? . . .

. . . I got angry . . I got sad . . I left . . . and now here i am . . .

. . .such is life . . .

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i've moved so much throughout my life that i've never hung anything on my walls or fully unpacked my boxes. i'm never sure how long i'll be staying anywhere; why bother unpacking if i'll just have to do it again in three months?...

but i spend more time missing friends than seeing them, it seems; over the years the memories just pile up and i don't know what to do with them.

i saw it on tv:

there's always something to miss, no matter where you are.

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I constantly think of the other world I cant go back to. Sometimes I almost regret the change. But then I tell myself that everything happens for a reason, and their must be a reason I had to leave that world behind. The memories hurt though

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