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Would you cheat on your girlfriend/boyfriend one time if you were guaranteed never to get caught?

I'm just wondering what some are you are going to say* I just had to answer this question for one of my friends. . . I told her not too. . .but I think she's going to do it. . . :rolleyes:

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No I would never cheat on my guy. I should say never again... In the first month that we were dating I slept with my ex. I didn't think this relatonship would last. A few months later I realized that the relationship was working and then the guilt set in. I started out telling my guy that I hooked up with the ex... after a while I told him the truth. The guilt ate at me, and I never want to feel like that again.

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What comes around goes around,,,Go and try to cheat,,oh yeah it will feel good,,but later in the long run,,you'll feel like SHIT, cause it came and smacked you on the face...For me, nope, no need... if you do cheat that means you partner doesnt satisfy you enough, so why bother ....

Thats my opnion,,,

Victor Soto

Red Carpet promo

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Originally posted by vsoto212

What comes around goes around,,,Go and try to cheat,,oh yeah it will feel good,,but later in the long run,,you'll feel like SHIT, cause it came and smacked you on the face...For me, nope, no need... if you do cheat that means you partner doesnt satisfy you enough, so why bother ....

Thats my opnion,,,

Victor Soto

Red Carpet promo

That is so true "What come around, Goes around" I've known too many people who say, no I would never get caught, or its really not cheating. Well......Them cheating has kicked them in the ass one two many time. And who knows if the person who are cheating with knows ur other half, thats the part that really sucks.:laugh: I love it when people get caught cheating. So, nope I dont believe in cheating, nor would I cheat.

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Originally posted by vsoto212

What comes around goes around,,,Go and try to cheat,,oh yeah it will feel good,,but later in the long run,,you'll feel like SHIT, cause it came and smacked you on the face...For me, nope, no need... if you do cheat that means you partner doesnt satisfy you enough, so why bother ....

Thats my opnion,,,

Victor Soto

Red Carpet promo

Thats the way I look at it....

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I would never cheat on my otter half.

I f someone eants to cheat then there is something worng in the relationship. If its worth it figure out the problem and fix it if the problem is you really don't care then break up before you cheat.

Cheating is for cowards!

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Originally posted by kettleone4me

I havent cheated, and dont think i ever would, my question is if you were single would you hook up with someone that wasnt??

from what ive heard about you, you sound like the kind of kid who would cheat


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I would never cheat on my man but I sure would like to make him understand how it feels when you spend every day for three months together and you are sleeping with them, thinking this might be the start of a relationship, only to find out he is hanging out (and eventually slept with) another girl. Of course I would throw in the "but we weren't really togther" line to make it ok like he did. :mad:

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Originally posted by shook

if i ever conciderd a girl my gf which would make her a pretty wow girl i deff wouldn't cheat on her even if i could never get caught ;)

The more prettier they are the more PAIN in the ass they are, lol..

Victor Soto

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Originally posted by kettleone4me

I my question is if you were single would you hook up with someone that wasnt??

HELL NO* I have been the other girl* it SUCKS would never want anyone to go through that Not even my worse enemy

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i would have never and never would cheat on my bf...i have always thought that if someone wants to go outside the relationship, they need to have the balls to say so and end it...this way,sure the dumped person is hurt, but not as hurt as he/she would be later finding out they'd been cheated on...as for the hooking up w/someone not single...i have never knowingly done so, there was only one time i hooked up with a guy, finding out later that night, by his gf's friends that he has a gf...i wouldnt have hooked up with him had i known...i know girls that dont care if a guy has a gf, and it makes me sick...have a little respect for yourself and for other girls!!!!

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i would never cheat on my curent boyfriend - i love him way to much to ever risk losing him over something so stupid. he is my best friend in the whole world and it's just not worth it.

i cheated on a guy though before - see i was in a 6 year relationship from when i was 15 to 21. the guy i dated after him (which was the guy before this one) i cheated on all the time. but that was a given .... i was still so in love with my ex and i just always went back to him. i didn't feel bad at all and now i know that it's because i wasn't really into the new guy.

but it's a long time later and i have found my true happines now. i mean after all .... you have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your PRINCE !!

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