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how our night almost never ended:weirdest night allyear

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

The DRUNK torch.....meaning you get drunk often.....meaning no tolerance.

Bring it on tough guy.

(Do you see the old fratboy pathology coming on like a freightrain here?)

Yes I definitely see it. And I am definitely gonna see you throw in the towel or your lunch trying to keep pace. I get drunk often yes, but I drink way more than most people could handle. Enough with the trash talk, just bring it on. We shall see who wins this battle soon enough.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

shout out to ghhhhost!!! my bad bro but you dont know how tired i was when i was posting. my eyes were burning from makeup and my brain was throbbing from lack of sleep. serge you are the man, had mad fun cracking on charli brown with you. yo i think marni thought you were talkin shit bout her, she kept askin what you were saying about her. cant wait to meetup again.

bobross you will never know what you missed bro, it was the sickest party that ended up turning into a Seinfeld episode.

i for one cant wait to see gyroman and the russian take on the new and old drinkin champs for the cp alcoholic title. btw quoth i am not a wannabe mic:hat:

aww man!! tell marni i wasnt yo! eheh shes mad coool..even though i think she was in an altered state of mind...but one person i know i pissed off was clubkat :( .....


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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

aww man!! tell marni i wasnt yo! eheh shes mad coool..even though i think she was in an altered state of mind...but one person i know i pissed off was clubkat :( .....


Hahaha. Yo Serge you were pulling that girl talk lesson crap with me too. Haha, you were definitely fun to party with. You gotta come out more often.

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mf-ers..it wasnt girl talk! i introduced u to every girl i met cause u seemed most receptive...i just dont understand how some ppl can jus stand next to a girl and not start talkin to her...the highlight of my night was the girl who kept screamin at lawler tellin him she loves him..she was off the hook man.. jon n highmay know who im talkin about eheh

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

the highlight of my night was the girl who kept screamin at lawler tellin him she loves him..she was off the hook man.. jon n highmay know who im talkin about eheh

:laugh: :laugh:

Do you think he's gay or straight??

Some people.....:blown:

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haha seriously dude what was up with that "I love you lawler wooohooo!" all night. i really wanna know what the bondage projections looked like to jay, that shit bugged me out and i wasnt even trippin. next time i can ill have all you guys over for an all out drinking fest, but we got to get out of the house b4 everyone starts puking(jk), but seriously when my house guest leave i wanna get drunk with all of yall again. and arthur that was a "hypothetical" baby pic left in your car:laugh:

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

and arthur that was a "hypothetical" baby pic left in your car:laugh:

OHH yea

hypotheticaly speaking someone i'm not naming, left the picture

of a baby. and i'll make sure i'll get it back to that person at the next meet up.


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Look you punkass bitches...May 26th is my 21st...i will take challenges from that day and on if you really wanna fucking bring it!!

As for me passing the torch to Roha...i was only doing it cause he was drunk and knew no better...but i definitely stand my ground as the board Mc and Board Alcoholic....now just cause Roha has started coming out a lot lately he feels the need to want to be apart of the Mc regime when in fact, the truth is..he is not elite nor will ever be.

As for Kingarthur...its a bad fuckin idea to take a long break from alcohol yet still wanna drink with the big boys. Now...i understand yer average life span is until roughly 55-60 and is gettin cut shorter and shorter every year...but lets not forget we are not the enemy they are. We need to band together with Stolies and Guinness and show this Souvalki and er...whatever the hell nationality roha is or claims to be...cause those boys are going down.

Quoth and Kingarthur


Roha3000 and djjonstephen

Bring the kids...bring cameras...it shall be a fun-filled day.

First one to drink 12 pints of Guinness and still be partially functioning is the winner.

Basically that means...i will be standing tall looking at all your drunk bodies on the ground.

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Originally posted by quoth

Look you punkass bitches...May 26th is my 21st...i will take challenges from that day and on if you really wanna fucking bring it!!

As for me passing the torch to Roha...i was only doing it cause he was drunk and knew no better...but i definitely stand my ground as the board Mc and Board Alcoholic....now just cause Roha has started coming out a lot lately he feels the need to want to be apart of the Mc regime when in fact, the truth is..he is not elite nor will ever be.

As for Kingarthur...its a bad fuckin idea to take a long break from alcohol yet still wanna drink with the big boys. Now...i understand yer average life span is until roughly 55-60 and is gettin cut shorter and shorter every year...but lets not forget we are not the enemy they are. We need to band together with Stolies and Guinness and show this Souvalki and er...whatever the hell nationality roha is or claims to be...cause those boys are going down.

Quoth and Kingarthur


Roha3000 and djjonstephen

Bring the kids...bring cameras...it shall be a fun-filled day.

First one to drink 12 pints of Guinness and still be partially functioning is the winner.

Basically that means...i will be standing tall looking at all your drunk bodies on the ground.

You did not just challenge Roha and myself .........

Its on muthafucka........yer so dead

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Originally posted by quoth

Look you punkass bitches...May 26th is my 21st...i will take challenges from that day and on if you really wanna fucking bring it!!

As for me passing the torch to Roha...i was only doing it cause he was drunk and knew no better...but i definitely stand my ground as the board Mc and Board Alcoholic....now just cause Roha has started coming out a lot lately he feels the need to want to be apart of the Mc regime when in fact, the truth is..he is not elite nor will ever be.

As for Kingarthur...its a bad fuckin idea to take a long break from alcohol yet still wanna drink with the big boys. Now...i understand yer average life span is until roughly 55-60 and is gettin cut shorter and shorter every year...but lets not forget we are not the enemy they are. We need to band together with Stolies and Guinness and show this Souvalki and er...whatever the hell nationality roha is or claims to be...cause those boys are going down.

Quoth and Kingarthur


Roha3000 and djjonstephen

Bring the kids...bring cameras...it shall be a fun-filled day.

First one to drink 12 pints of Guinness and still be partially functioning is the winner.

Basically that means...i will be standing tall looking at all your drunk bodies on the ground.

Guinness :puke:

How about we get a bottle of gray goose vodka, and we do shot for shot

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What the fuck is this Guiness shit you Mic bastard. It is going to have to be a fucking mix of everyones favorite drinks in order for this thing to be fair. We will see how well you can handle a slew of different drinks. You are done bro. You have signed you death warrant and John and I are gonna be stomping on your grave real soon. Just name the place.

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my money is on jon and ron. they have a combined advantage of over 100 pounds on art and quoth. seriously quoth ron is like twice both your size and with jon on his side theres no way 95lbs of quoth(i dont care how irish you are) can make up for that. im gonna bring a camera to get everyone right b4 they start puking:eek:

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Originally posted by clubkat

morons. . .

and the kittie speaks:tongue:

btw, was marni that really annoying chick with the white...ugh...I wanted to smack her...and yes ghost u were a pimp..

ron..babes I couldn't keep up sat but I will another time;) don't sleep on my fool:rolleyes: :tongue:

btw my money is on....none of you asses..u will all flop and be passed out drunk messes:eek: :laugh:

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

my money is on jon and ron. they have a combined advantage of over 100 pounds on art and quoth. seriously quoth ron is like twice both your size and with jon on his side theres no way 95lbs of quoth(i dont care how irish you are) can make up for that. im gonna bring a camera to get everyone right b4 they start puking:eek:

:laugh: its not the size of a persons body, its the way body reacts to alcohol.

I'll admit i'll probably be the first one on the floor if we drink beer or mixed drinks. I can only handle shots of vodka or taquila

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Seriously, this is going to have to be a big CP event. All are welcome to join in. A CP drinkoff. Survival of the drunkest. Last man / woman (yeah right) stumbling around wins. Or maybe we go ahead with the tag team idea. Pairs of two. Boatraces, flipcup, quarters...the whole nine. Could be a real fun sloshfest.

What do you guys think?

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ehhe hey now...marni wasnt so bad Z..if u got to know her...and u guys r nuts if ur goan go at it in 2's...its the worst..cause theres gona be increased competition when theres 4 ppl involved...and i cant wait to witness this..but honestly..id put my money on me and zehra anyday....she can fuckin pound ahahah

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

ehhe hey now...marni wasnt so bad Z..if u got to know her...and u guys r nuts if ur goan go at it in 2's...its the worst..cause theres gona be increased competition when theres 4 ppl involved...and i cant wait to witness this..but honestly..id put my money on me and zehra anyday....she can fuckin pound ahahah

Oh, its on now!!!!!

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