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weekend in DC: a photographic journey


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Joeg, I hope your leaning back on a giant net they use to trap elephants reinforced with chains that hold back F-15 fighter planes all topped off with an anchor. Because quite frankly thats the only device I can picture your fat ass sitting back in and not injuring the floor :(

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Originally posted by rizzo

Joeg, I hope your leaning back on a giant net they use to trap elephants reinforced with chains that hold back F-15 fighter planes all topped off with an anchor. Because quite frankly thats the only device I can picture your fat ass sitting back in and not injuring the floor :(


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Originally posted by joeg

uh oh... I hope shook steps in on this one... ;)

(sits back and watches the stupidity fly...)

nope big diffrence u typed up sh1t and made her look stupid thats fuked up and worth enough to get fuked up for but ther just fighten bigg diff they aint' resulten to fagget copy and paste sh1t like some people

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Originally posted by shook

nope big diffrence u typed up sh1t and made her look stupid thats fuked up and worth enough to get fuked up for but ther just fighten bigg diff they aint' resulten to fagget copy and paste sh1t like some people

whoo0t! bring out the 'feggit' insults!


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acctly joe g i read a lot bout body types and sh1t like its kinda my job so i do it and after looken at your pics i can honestly say no matter how much weight u lose u will never look normal and its best off to stay where your are now cause you've been big so long that u have changed your bone and skin structer so no matter how much weigh tu lose u will have a big bone structer aka big head big every thing and if u were skinny it would look more disgusten then it does now plus u would need to get skin removed to shrink it to fit your new body so best off learn to be happy big cause you've pretty much gonna be it for life some people just can't look good at the beach or in a bekini no matter how hard they try and if thats so just learn to look good in a sweat suit and t shirts and you'll be fine ;)

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Originally posted by rizzo

1) its Bulimic <--

2) I have a better body then you could get in 4 life times herb.

now piss off..its prolly you thats addicted to smack stashing them in those UFO pants.


what a snappy comeback

it has made me question my whole existence


once again, i dont do drugs..never have never will...

i dont wear UFO's...never have never will...

and so what if you have a nicer body than I do? At east i don't puke my guts out for the sake of being "pretty".

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Originally posted by shook

acctly joe g i read a lot bout body types and sh1t like its kinda my job so i do it and after looken at your pics i can honestly say no matter how much weight u lose u will never look normal and its best off to stay where your are now cause you've been big so long that u have changed your bone and skin structer so no matter how much weigh tu lose u will have a big bone structer aka big head big every thing and if u were skinny it would look more disgusten then it does now plus u would need to get skin removed to shrink it to fit your new body so best off learn to be happy big cause you've pretty much gonna be it for life some people just can't look good at the beach or in a bekini no matter how hard they try and if thats so just learn to look good in a sweat suit and t shirts and you'll be fine ;)


the 'yer fuken fat' jokes are getting old.

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Dude, rizzo, I never noticed that before!!!! :eek:

- joeg must weigh what, like 500 pounds? I'm so glad you pointed it out to me 'cause this whole time I wanted to be his friend and never noticed how fucking fat he is. Thanks for saving me the pain of being associated with a lardass, dude! I owe you one!!!

- Cat, man, that chick is fucking ugly! I mean, pyramid titties, how true can that be? I bet they're so pointy she cuts her hands when she touches herself! Good thing I never went for that shit! I mean, she's sweet and all, but come on, a guy could get hurt getting with a hideous creature like that! I mean, what if somebody saw us on the street and thought I was, like, gay? They'd probably kick my ass! Then I'd have an ugly chick *and* broken bones!

- Brickhouse -- what can I say? The guy is like a fucking goalpost, dude! I bet every time his mom spoon-fed him as a kid, she picked him up and spiked him between her legs and yelled "Score!" I could have sworn he was such a nice guy, but you saved me from him, too -- I might have fallen between his teeth and never gotten out! I mean, that gap is so fucking wide nobody would have EVER found me! I'd better stay away from that freak!

- Now you, on the other hand... my, what a fine specimen! Those pecs... dude, do you work out? Can I touch them? And you're so smart, too! Will you have coffee with me? We can sit in the village and talk about how much better we are than all those fucking whales and ugly chicks and goalpost-mouthed monsters, and then we can go back to my place and you can show me what you're capable of... I bet a guy with pecs like those has a nice tight ass! Do you? Please, call me... I want to be your special friend! This thread has turned me on to you like nothing else!


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Originally posted by wideskies


the 'yer fuken fat' jokes are getting old.

thats not a fat joke thats real life read any book u wnat i train people thats the truth if u get to the point or just below the point of obeseity u pretty much deform your self which u can never get back onless with the help of surgery

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dude, people lose weight all the time and are perfectly FINE.

for TRULY obese people it's true that they might have to have skin tucks or whatever they're called, but if you know anything about body weight and frame then you would know that joeg is NOT obese.

so PLEASE. try not to make even more of a fool of yourself. and i'm not ragging on your grammar anymore; i'm referring to the (lack of) content of what you're trying to say.

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and i didn't post that as a joke i posted that to make him relaze wuts up and this fat sh1t is geting no where and it all become cause of a grammer commet lol how funny how life is isn't it kid

read wut i wrote and relaze threw out your pityful life u will never look good nor will u ever be able to look good so go and get rich so i can fuk your wife while your at work fagget

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Originally posted by hoke

Dude, rizzo, I never noticed that before!!!! :eek:

- joeg must weigh what, like 500 pounds? I'm so glad you pointed it out to me 'cause this whole time I wanted to be his friend and never noticed how fucking fat he is. Thanks for saving me the pain of being associated with a lardass, dude! I owe you one!!!

- Cat, man, that chick is fucking ugly! I mean, pyramid titties, how true can that be? I bet they're so pointy she cuts her hands when she touches herself! Good thing I never went for that shit! I mean, she's sweet and all, but come on, a guy could get hurt getting with a hideous creature like that! I mean, what if somebody saw us on the street and thought I was, like, gay? They'd probably kick my ass! Then I'd have an ugly chick *and* broken bones!

- Brickhouse -- what can I say? The guy is like a fucking goalpost, dude! I bet every time his mom spoon-fed him as a kid, she picked him up and spiked him between her legs and yelled "Score!" I could have sworn he was such a nice guy, but you saved me from him, too -- I might have fallen between his teeth and never gotten out! I mean, that gap is so fucking wide nobody would have EVER found me! I'd better stay away from that freak!

- Now you, on the other hand... my, what a fine specimen! Those pecs... dude, do you work out? Can I touch them? And you're so smart, too! Will you have coffee with me? We can sit in the village and talk about how much better we are than all those fucking whales and ugly chicks and goalpost-mouthed monsters, and then we can go back to my place and you can show me what you're capable of... I bet a guy with pecs like those has a nice tight ass! Do you? Please, call me... I want to be your special friend! This thread has turned me on to you like nothing else!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

lol... omg.... now THAT is funny!!!

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Originally posted by wideskies

dude, people lose weight all the time and are perfectly FINE.

for TRULY obese people it's true that they might have to have skin tucks or whatever they're called, but if you know anything about body weight and frame then you would know that joeg is NOT obese.

so PLEASE. try not to make even more of a fool of yourself. and i'm not ragging on your grammar anymore; i'm referring to the (lack of) content of what you're trying to say.

the kids head is twice the size of a normal head if he lost all the weigh the still has a deformed sized head LoL any 1 can see that

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Originally posted by hoke

Dude, rizzo, I never noticed that before!!!! :eek:

- joeg must weigh what, like 500 pounds? I'm so glad you pointed it out to me 'cause this whole time I wanted to be his friend and never noticed how fucking fat he is. Thanks for saving me the pain of being associated with a lardass, dude! I owe you one!!!

- Cat, man, that chick is fucking ugly! I mean, pyramid titties, how true can that be? I bet they're so pointy she cuts her hands when she touches herself! Good thing I never went for that shit! I mean, she's sweet and all, but come on, a guy could get hurt getting with a hideous creature like that! I mean, what if somebody saw us on the street and thought I was, like, gay? They'd probably kick my ass! Then I'd have an ugly chick *and* broken bones!

- Brickhouse -- what can I say? The guy is like a fucking goalpost, dude! I bet every time his mom spoon-fed him as a kid, she picked him up and spiked him between her legs and yelled "Score!" I could have sworn he was such a nice guy, but you saved me from him, too -- I might have fallen between his teeth and never gotten out! I mean, that gap is so fucking wide nobody would have EVER found me! I'd better stay away from that freak!

- Now you, on the other hand... my, what a fine specimen! Those pecs... dude, do you work out? Can I touch them? And you're so smart, too! Will you have coffee with me? We can sit in the village and talk about how much better we are than all those fucking whales and ugly chicks and goalpost-mouthed monsters, and then we can go back to my place and you can show me what you're capable of... I bet a guy with pecs like those has a nice tight ass! Do you? Please, call me... I want to be your special friend! This thread has turned me on to you like nothing else!


:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

hugepiece..that was ridiculous:blank:

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~~:eek::laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

this is all hilarious....and serg girly just thought it was funny i think its funny too...i though tit was funny when he making fun of me too.......:love:

U are one sick frrrrrrrrrrrrrreak! :tongue:

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~~:eek::laugh2: :

this is all hilarious....and serg girly just thought it was funny i think its funny too...i though tit was funny when he making fun of me too.......:love:

obviously girly has the brain of an ant..she obviously doesnt remember what im talking about..and she obviously didnt notice my sarcasm..this is the same reason she bitched me out one night ..she takes everything to heart..and rizzo...nce post bitch..had me in stitches:tongue:

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