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Lil Info on Limelight

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i was chillin wit my friend who used to work @ LL...so i heard...

sunday-still ultra mega gay night

wont be bringing in GateCrasher and similar talent

old staff of limelight..from head bouncer to lowest of the low...ALL FIRED ladies and gents..yep..

clubs been gutted..and theyre makin it into a super up scale thingie- thats old news though

its still keepin the name though..

o well...goodbye old friend..hello new enemy :tongue:

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Originally posted by madrusso

I read in Mixmag today that they gonna make this movie according to this book called "disco blood bath" or something, starring M. Culkin as this dude who is in jail now, wonder where they gonna film it now

whoa, that'd be pretty cool...

micheal alig...

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:mad: DEATH TO DAVID MARVISI!!!! :mad:

KILL KILL KILL :bigfinge::2guns::gang::shoot:

Why, why WHY must my beautiful Limelight be sacrificed as another wanna-be-rich, poser ass "I think alice deejay is house music" venue... I mean KNOCK MOTHERFUCKING KNOCK!!! We have ENOUGH OF THOSE ALREADY!!!!


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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

:mad: DEATH TO DAVID MARVISI!!!! :mad:

KILL KILL KILL :bigfinge::2guns::gang::shoot:

Why, why WHY must my beautiful Limelight be sacrificed as another wanna-be-rich, poser ass "I think alice deejay is house music" venue... I mean KNOCK MOTHERFUCKING KNOCK!!! We have ENOUGH OF THOSE ALREADY!!!!


*KISS* Girl you said it right. There's no soul to be found in places like that. It's a shame to see LL go the way of the glam-snobs.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy


KILL KILL KILL :bigfinge::2guns::shoot:

Why, why WHY must my beautiful Limelight be sacrificed as another wanna-be-rich, poser ass "I think alice deejay is house music" venue... I mean KNOCK MOTHERFUCKING KNOCK!!! We have ENOUGH OF THOSE ALREADY!!!!


whoa marvisi is buying it?!?!?!?! I fucking hate him (her we agree on something vixen)... he should def be shot!!!!!!!! Greedy fucking bastard...:(

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

:mad: DEATH TO DAVID MARVISI!!!! :mad:

KILL KILL KILL :bigfinge::2guns::gang:

Why, why WHY must my beautiful Limelight be sacrificed as another wanna-be-rich, poser ass "I think alice deejay is house music" venue... I mean KNOCK MOTHERFUCKING KNOCK!!! We have ENOUGH OF THOSE ALREADY!!!!


.......creative and soulful like your sig :laugh:

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

:mad: DEATH TO DAVID MARVISI!!!! :mad:

KILL KILL KILL :bigfinge::2guns::gang::shoot:

Why, why WHY must my beautiful Limelight be sacrificed as another wanna-be-rich, poser ass "I think alice deejay is house music" venue... I mean KNOCK MOTHERFUCKING KNOCK!!! We have ENOUGH OF THOSE ALREADY!!!!


you said it best... i used to love that place... it was my home away from home... grrrr!~ what are we going to do?

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DAVE MARVISI SUCKS! If anyone doesn't understande how big of an asshole this guy is, come watch him turn down comps to more than half of his promoters while waving his $30,000 Roley on his wrist while getting into his Bentley. We should all tackle him and make him shower. ;)

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Originally posted by madrusso

I read in Mixmag today that they gonna make this movie according to this book called "disco blood bath" or something, starring M. Culkin as this dude who is in jail now, wonder where they gonna film it now

the movie is called "Party Monster."

it is based on St. James St.'s book, "Disco Bloodbath" (this book was about the killing of angel melendez, a drug dealer at gatien's clubs-- michael alig, another notorious clubkid, was charged with the murder).

Macaulkay Caulkin = Michael Alig

Seth Green = the author of the book

Chloe Sauvigny = female clubkid

watch out for great clubclothes being tailor made for this movie.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i was chillin wit my friend who used to work @ LL...so i heard...

sunday-still ultra mega gay night

wont be bringing in GateCrasher and similar talent

old staff of limelight..from head bouncer to lowest of the low...ALL FIRED ladies and gents..yep..

clubs been gutted..and theyre makin it into a super up scale thingie- thats old news though

its still keepin the name though..

o well...goodbye old friend..hello new enemy :tongue:

that totally SUX! :(

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

:mad: DEATH TO DAVID MARVISI!!!! :mad:

KILL KILL KILL :bigfinge::2guns::gang::shoot:

Why, why WHY must my beautiful Limelight be sacrificed as another wanna-be-rich, poser ass "I think alice deejay is house music" venue... I mean KNOCK MOTHERFUCKING KNOCK!!! We have ENOUGH OF THOSE ALREADY!!!!


REALLY stupid fucking comment...

aly, you're starting to sound like the amateur you really are...

check this: david marvisi might be the one with the money, but JOHN BLAIR is running the show...last time i checked and dyed my hair brown, JOHN BLAIR is one of the most, if not THE MOST, successful gay promoters in nyc nightlife history...he ran sundays @ LL which i had the privalage of checking out and it had an incredible vibe...he also did Tuesdays @ XL and maybe im just THAT stupid, but XL is one of the most beautiful venues ive ever seen...and oh yeah, he also has this little known party called ROXY SATURDAYS!!!

the point is this: marvisi isnt just going to give his money out to just anybody...he deals with very smart people...last time i checked, SPA runs some of the most successful upscale dance parties in the city, and doesnt MARVISI OWN IT??? John Blair is running the club the way he wants to, not marvisi...and as you can tell by the venues i mentioned, blair's club will fit blair's crowd..he isnt going to give a night to some shitty exit promoters (ahem) that'll have their boys DJ the party...no, he deals with COMPETENT people that'll throw an upscale party to a music saavy crowd...and guess what, ms. "dinascosto", THEY DO EXIST...

now please shut the fuck up until you get yourself educated on the NYC nightlife scene...this aint DC...in my eyes, you havent earned your name on those flyers, and your ignorant and unfounded comments are starting to show it...

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Originally posted by cintron

*KISS* Girl you said it right. There's no soul to be found in places like that. It's a shame to see LL go the way of the glam-snobs.

No soul whatsoever! What is UP with all these new venues catering to the rich wannabe crowd? Is this going to turn into another goddamn dot com hangout? I'm sure the glam snobs (who all look the same by the way with their damn small purses on their shoulders) are glad to see us clubbers lose yet another place to dance.

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Originally posted by bebby6919

whoa marvisi is buying it?!?!?!?! I fucking hate him (her we agree on something vixen)... he should def be shot!!!!!!!! Greedy fucking bastard...:(

youre another one who needs to shut the fuck up...please start gettin your stories from other sources...clubplanet isnt the bible to NYC nightlife, ok sweetie??

About 7 or 8 investors bought LL, John Blair is the majority stakeholder...it's rumored (and probably true) that marvisi gave Blair the $$ to buy it...Blair runs the show, marvisi just has an investment set up...

and why are you lifting your head up??? go back down and keep sucking draper's dick..

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Originally posted by highmay

REALLY stupid fucking comment...

aly, you're starting to sound like the amateur you really are...

check this: david marvisi might be the one with the money, but JOHN BLAIR is running the show...last time i checked and dyed my hair brown, JOHN BLAIR is one of the most, if not THE MOST, successful gay promoters in nyc nightlife history...he ran sundays @ LL which i had the privalage of checking out and it had an incredible vibe...he also did Tuesdays @ XL and maybe im just THAT stupid, but XL is one of the most beautiful venues ive ever seen...and oh yeah, he also has this little known party called ROXY SATURDAYS!!!

the point is this: marvisi isnt just going to give his money out to just anybody...he deals with very smart people...last time i checked, SPA runs some of the most successful upscale dance parties in the city, and doesnt MARVISI OWN IT??? John Blair is running the club the way he wants to, not marvisi...and as you can tell by the venues i mentioned, blair's club will fit blair's crowd..he isnt going to give a night to some shitty exit promoters (ahem) that'll have their boys DJ the party...no, he deals with COMPETENT people that'll throw an upscale party to a music saavy crowd...and guess what, ms. "dinascosto", THEY DO EXIST...

now please shut the fuck up until you get yourself educated on the NYC nightlife scene...this aint DC...in my eyes, you havent earned your name on those flyers, and your ignorant and unfounded comments are starting to show it...

ouch..damn...but hes right about the Blair part. this is y i said theyre retaining the gay element..and thats y keoki will be a regular. initially, i heard Gatien was supposed to retain a decent amount of interest in the club...but that was just wishful thinking. i think hes relinquished total control over to Blair.

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Originally posted by highmay

youre another one who needs to shut the fuck up...please start gettin your stories from other sources...clubplanet isnt the bible to NYC nightlife, ok sweetie??

About 7 or 8 investors bought LL, John Blair is the majority stakeholder...it's rumored (and probably true) that marvisi gave Blair the $$ to buy it...Blair runs the show, marvisi just has an investment set up...

and why are you lifting your head up??? go back down and keep sucking draper's dick..

Ok first off Im not psychic so how the fuck am I supposed to know all of that asshole?!??!?! I know club planet isn't the bible to nightlife, duh! There are things called rumors and how the fuck am I supposed to know if they are true or not. I hate MARVISI and no matter what you say wont change that b/c he is a greddy fuck, no matter how you look at it!

Let me guess you know EVERYTHING about nightlife. Im sorry oh might one! Will you ever fogive me??

and the comment about draper is just stating how immature you are.. Get over yourself! :blown:

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Originally posted by highmay

youre another one who needs to shut the fuck up...please start gettin your stories from other sources...clubplanet isnt the bible to NYC nightlife, ok sweetie??

About 7 or 8 investors bought LL, John Blair is the majority stakeholder...it's rumored (and probably true) that marvisi gave Blair the $$ to buy it...Blair runs the show, marvisi just has an investment set up...

and why are you lifting your head up??? go back down and keep sucking draper's dick..

Why are you being so mean to this girl?

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Originally posted by highmay

REALLY stupid fucking comment...

aly, you're starting to sound like the amateur you really are...

check this: david marvisi might be the one with the money, but JOHN BLAIR is running the show...last time i checked and dyed my hair brown, JOHN BLAIR is one of the most, if not THE MOST, successful gay promoters in nyc nightlife history...he ran sundays @ LL which i had the privalage of checking out and it had an incredible vibe...he also did Tuesdays @ XL and maybe im just THAT stupid, but XL is one of the most beautiful venues ive ever seen...and oh yeah, he also has this little known party called ROXY SATURDAYS!!!

the point is this: marvisi isnt just going to give his money out to just anybody...he deals with very smart people...last time i checked, SPA runs some of the most successful upscale dance parties in the city, and doesnt MARVISI OWN IT??? John Blair is running the club the way he wants to, not marvisi...and as you can tell by the venues i mentioned, blair's club will fit blair's crowd..he isnt going to give a night to some shitty exit promoters (ahem) that'll have their boys DJ the party...no, he deals with COMPETENT people that'll throw an upscale party to a music saavy crowd...and guess what, ms. "dinascosto", THEY DO EXIST...

now please shut the fuck up until you get yourself educated on the NYC nightlife scene...this aint DC...in my eyes, you havent earned your name on those flyers, and your ignorant and unfounded comments are starting to show it...

LMFAO Highmay - YOU sound like the amateur YOU are. Now for all those that don't know yet - Let me just blow up Highmay's spot here for a second. I listened to Highmay's useless, self-creating drivel about how much he knows about the club scene for HOURS and HOURS - and out of this load of crap and from the really basic questions he asked me, I learned that he is ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS about the inner workings of the scene. His total experience in the industry I do believe encompassed two failure weeks of promoting and his clubbing is mainly comprised of two years spent at nowhere else but Exit for Draper and Factory, before he even figured out that any other DJ's existed. Right. And this kid knows everything and pretends to go around the messageboard like some kind of expert telling all about everything and we should gather up his words like little pearls of wisdom that we should treasure forever. GET REAL, HIGHMAY - This is why I laugh about you with everyone else - YOU ARE A JOKE. EVERYONE SEES THROUGH YOU. Now let me drop you a real clue. David Marvisi put money into Limelight - a significant amount of it - And yes, Blair is still involved, but so is Marvisi, so watch it. And yes, Spa is very successful - we get some lovely payouts from there on saturday night. But have you ever gone there? It's SOULLESS - it's a bunch of rich single and not so attractive guys hunting plasticy women in $5000 outfits that their parents bought them. John Blair runs some incredible parties and receives my utmost respect as a promoter, but he has David Marvisi to deal with at Limelight, so I don't see LL coming back the way it ever was. Hell, I wasn't even there when it was in its prime - I was about 14 years old. :rolleyes:

I am not going waste my breath on further replies to you "muthafuckinhighmay". You are as transparent as my shower-curtain liner and talk out your ass more than Ace Ventura. I never claimed to know everything about this industry, but I'm back in it to help someone I care about and try to make a difference in a scene that I love. Whether I fail or succeed, the point is I still tried and did it for the right reasons rather than sitting back and chewing people's ears off with my worthless conjecture. You aren't worth my time, and I could go further but I honestly don't need to. Ciao.

Ms. DiNascosto

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