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sf review

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hhmmmmm got ther no line was like 3 payed the 40 walked into the place and it seemed like a typical sat with a 40 $ price tag only thing diffrent was they had these lil water fall things on the walls i mean besides that it was a typical nite wit ha 40 buck price tag and way too many people i mean was packed as fuk

the only pluses on the nite

1=they had a body builden contest in nyc so alot of the gusy went to sf after word thats how i ended up ther i didnt' even plan it but alot of gusy were going so i figured i would tag i mean doran yates, ronnie colemen and that white boy with the blond hair who won mr olympia this year was ther and ther all mad chill i hung out on the 3rd flood with them most of the nite too i mean i learned mad tips and secrets from like 300 pound men lol my ideas in this body builden game

2= standen under the water fall and haven this white glow sh1t drip on u and then walken around glowen in the dark from it LoL

3=body builder chicks, ther were a few and all hottys i mean yum yum built chicks that could fuk me up lol gotta love it

negatives on the nite

1=40 bucks for a typical nite and it had the theme party crowd so it was fuken packed

2=typical music with long breaks inbetween i mean i never heard jp like that he just stop play for liek 10 mins at bout 5 o clock i mean it was sick LoL

3=bitchs i went with 1 was coked out so me my cous and her friend had to take turns watchen over her

over all wasn't bad but i'm deff not steppen foot in to that club again till i'm atleast 230 LoL all the dumb chickens i was chillen with were like your perfect your good your right befor u get too big but on the real i might of been chillen with some of the best girls in ther but if i was over 230 i could of chilled with so many more so no more sf till the weight of 230 LoL i've said that befor many of times but this time i mean it :laugh:

and i only bumped into 1 cper djdanfury from the jersey bored a mad cool peep and i seen a few sf board people said sup but all in all it was decent i guess but if i was over 230 it would of been more decent tho so i gotta use it as motovation and i gotta gain 30 pounds :tongue:

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Originally posted by £ddie

Holy shit!! Ronnie Coleman was there?!?!?! :eek:


fuk yeah they had that body builden sh1t in nyc and ther were like 30 guys from the contest ther all chillen on the 3rd floor i mean funny part of the nite was i was in the basement taken a piss and this lil juice head walks up to me and is like yo did u see doran yates i was like fuk yeah i was like did u see ronnie colemen he was like for real ronnie colemen and ran up stairs lol i was like laugh i mean i met ronnie and liek i shook his hand and he gave me a hug the guy is huge his shoulders were massive and he was surrrounded by cute lil model type white girls lol and if yall seen some of these female body builders i was chaten with 1 this b1tch was my height and and like 10 pounds less then me with abs and like massive arms and she was even cute i fell in love LoL

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Originally posted by misk

but it's 9:30 and u r home giving a review on clubplanet....what did u expect...........

yeah i'm not really a cluber i like nj spots i mean u go and 4 or 5 hours later they close and u go home lol got ther like 3 stode to like 830 and was tired as fuk towards the end i'm just happy this is like first time i ever clubed and i didnt' cum home with a sore throat wooohoooooo and i did it sober as fuk stoped in at ohm from like 12 to 3 drank a lil then stright to sf i mean i didnt' even touch a drug or a cig and i only drank 1 drink ther so it was a good day but still i'm never stepen foot in ther again till i'm atleast 230

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Originally posted by £ddie

Yeah way too early to leave. You should have stuck around. It's best around this time. :cool:

na all the body builders left like 6 or 7 and after that it was just a typical druged out crowd plus i had a druged out girl to watch over so it was wack if i would of went alone or just with my boy we would be tehr too like 2 or 3 i mean the females were jumpen last nite i mean i didnt' even try and i was geting play lol and the sick part is was even by cute girls i mean i was doing all this talk i hate going to sf ontill i'm 230 and i ended up geting with 2 of the best girls in ther and damn i started thinken wow if i was 230 those 2 would of turned into 5 lol damn i can only imagine lol fuk it i'm gonna go mix a protein shake lol gotta get jacked and turn 1 girl into 4 and 2 in to 8 and so on and so on LoL

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Originally posted by wideskies

wait.. JP stopped playing entirely for 10 minute breaks ? whaA?

yeah i heard 1 for liek 3 mins and then ther was this big stopage for liek 10 mins was crazy i mean u could hear every thing in the club lol if was odd i acctly heard the person next to me talk

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another crazy part bout the nite was i had a talk with chris cormier and king kamali hhmmm for those who dont' know both are pro body builders so i was siting ther talken to them dont' ask me how i guess they were bored and i looked interesting so i was like asken them sh1t bout geting built and they were like intake 250 grams of proetin a day and you'll be fine with a few years i was like yeah right look at yall u know yall jucie and they were like fuk no never jucie lol so like 5 mins later diffrent convo i am like well let me see wut should i take to get as big as u refering to chris cormeir a jacked brother i was like 600 mg's of decca over 13 weeks 400 of test and sus maybe some d bols and clomids near the end of the cycle and he laughed and was like you'll need alot more then that to get this big :laugh: gggggrrrrrr i hate it when people deny the roids i mean sh1t sure u can get big with out it but damn y deny it and then know all bout it lol it kinda looks like u controdicten your self lol if u ever ask a jucie head wut kinda jucie he uses he'll always respond back lol never juice this is pure heart and dedacation and gggggrrrrrrrrr i hate that sh1t lol well atleast i got a sample and beginers cycle from chris on wuts good and wut should blue me up lol

and damn i go to sf i chill with a few cute ass girls and my best time was talken to wanna be mr oympias LoL i live the life i must say and damn i just intoke my 40 grams of protein so now i'm off to bed so nites people

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my opinion about steroids: i don't know much about them at all but i wonder at the people who will risk their health in the present and further down the road (don't roids have some bad short and/or longterm side effects?) just because they want to be more built and stronger RIGHT NOW DAMNIT. i mean YEAH we all want to look 'good,' whatever that is, but it seems strange to me to know that you're doing something harmful to your body just because you're impatient.

shook was disgusted at those fat women who wanted to slim down in 2 month's time; isn't it just as disgusting to have men who want to change their bodies drastically in such a short period of time, too? seems like a bit of a double standard.

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Originally posted by shook

i hate it when people deny the roids i mean sh1t sure u can get big with out it but damn y deny it and then know all bout it lol it kinda looks like u controdicten your self lol if u ever ask a jucie head wut kinda jucie he uses he'll always respond back lol never juice this is pure heart and dedacation and gggggrrrrrrrrr i hate that sh1t

You gotta look at both sides. I used to think the same way you did- then i found out (the hard way) why people keep things on the dl- real simple IGNORANT PEOPLE. My girls roommate (who was her 'friend' for a few years b4 they went to school together) really never like me, never like me and my girl together, and i never liked her- she was a fat nerd, then she got skinny and was a bitch to everyone, and now she's gettin fat again and she's trying to fuck up everyone elses life around her sinse she's depressed! So my girl tells her that i was jucin and this girl goes and tells my girls family that i'm a drug addict, and i beat my girl cause thats what steroids make you do (LIES! I NEVER laid a finger on my girl in a year and a half!)

So I found this out one day when I have her 26 year old brother come up to me and start talking shit about how i beat his lil sister and her roommate is afraid to have me sleep in their dorm room and wants to fight me. I kicked the shit outta his fat ass, so i guess that didnt go over real well to prove what a 'calm' person i am lol

So her family tells her she's gotta choose to stay with her ignorant family or be with me. She choose to stay with me, so now I have a live in girlfriend...all cause some ignorant bitch wanted to open her mouth and talk shit about things she don't know about...

But you kno what, when i'm layin in bed wit my girl after sex and she turns around and says 'i love my lil juicehead' its all worth it!

Just something to keep in mind...I was all about, fuck it be honest about using to everyone...not i'm like wait a minute, how much can i trust this person, if i cant then 'no i never did that shit' lol



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Originally posted by wideskies

my opinion about steroids: i don't know much about them at all but i wonder at the people who will risk their health in the present and further down the road (don't roids have some bad short and/or longterm side effects?) just because they want to be more built and stronger RIGHT NOW DAMNIT. i mean YEAH we all want to look 'good,' whatever that is, but it seems strange to me to know that you're doing something harmful to your body just because you're impatient.

shook was disgusted at those fat women who wanted to slim down in 2 month's time; isn't it just as disgusting to have men who want to change their bodies drastically in such a short period of time, too? seems like a bit of a double standard.

Steroids CAN have some side effects IF you dont know what your doing, and dont take some simple precautions and do you homework on what your taking. Most of them can be prevented if your sensible about it

As far as women who want to loose 50lbs in 2 months- i cant speak for all of them, but most want to loose it without doing anything. If they wanna go bust their ass in the gym, then i have all the respect for them. If they just wanna take a 'miracle pill' and loose weight then i'm sorry i cant respect that.

Steroids are not a miracle drug- you still have to bust your ass in the gym, you still have to eat the proper diet, etc.


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Originally posted by £ddie

Yeah way too early to leave. You should have stuck around. It's best around this time. :cool:

I stuck around till 1230 and JP was still pickin odd choices. He definitly played 5-10min breaks in a t least 2 songs.

And what the fuck was with the teasing of Goin Through It, and then he never even played it!:mad:

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good night overall. :) i'm a fitness buff so i had a great time meeting yates, dorian, dennis james, and chris cormier. these guys are HUGE. :eek: all nice guys and very down to earth. if you asked someone who didn't know any better they wouldn't have been able to tell it was a theme night though. 40 bucks was a bit too much.

as for steroids, if someone wants to do them, who cares? cigarettes and alcohol are a much bigger plague on society than steroids.

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Originally posted by asianvixen

good night overall. :) i'm a fitness buff so i had a great time meeting yates, dorian, dennis james, and chris cormier. these guys are HUGE. :eek: all nice guys and very down to earth.

i deff agree with u they were all down to earth and mad chill i was siting ther and they were talken to me and talked to me as a eqaul it was crazy i was like wow huge they were like how old are u was like 20 and they were liek well i was bout the same at your age i was like wow crazy and chris called me a lil boy a few times and doran tryed to hit on the girl i was with it was crazy and ther deff mad chill people Mr Oypmia 2007 babe thats all i gotta say i am so dedacaten my life to it

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