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Open Decks Returns

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Thats Right Open Decks Has Returned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Starting Thursday and everyday during the week except weekends PSEUDO will be having OPEN DECKS. Unfortunely we will only be acceting dj's at the door with two guests only. Sets will now be an hour and doors will open @ noon and we will be accepting dj's to play until 10pm all dj's must pre register for hourly slots by calling us here at PSEUDO @ 212-219-3060 extension 3028 or emailing us PSEUDODEN@YAHOO.COM. The price to spin is still 5.00 and like before slots will not stay open long. Again you must pre-register by calling or emailing please be sure to leave a return phone number or email address so we can contact you if we have conflicting dj slots.

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Wait, each person can only bring 2 guests??? I understand there were problems before, but doesn't that defeat half the purpose if only a couple people can watch and there's no general admission?

Anyway good deal. Was a lot more convenient when I lived a block away, but I might have to drop by again sometime if there's any way to get a decent number of people in there (or if I just feel like I need more practice on a big system in a room that echoes...)

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Definitely the best news I have heard in a while. Lets just hope that the BTS troubles have been resolved so this party can stay open. Holden and Morgan good to hear that open decks at Pseudo are back in action. You will definitely be hearing from me.

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whoa... thats pretty cool...

12-10pm everyday... thats interesting...

I say we make thursdays the big meetup night, just for old times sake... (too bad adam freeland is at centro this thur...)

Morgan/Holden: Nice job guys!!!

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

See I am really happy. All I had to do was tell you how much we loved and missed you!!! Right Holden???

I better see you at psuedo telling me how much you love and miss me!


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These new hours are going to be kind of strange to adjust to. Especially with no weekends. It would be a cool place for like a Sunday afternoon thing, just hit up straight from a club. That would be cool. Oh well, we are all going to have to work out the details of how to make these hours work.

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Originally posted by joeg

12-10pm everyday... thats interesting...

thats odd :shaky:

but hey better for me!! Dont have to be a weekday rat and be braindead in the morn! ::kitty needs her beauty rest ya know::

i guess afterwork til 10 would have to do on Thursdays woohoooOOoo!

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Does that mean I can kidnap

DJs and interview them again!

(What's the 411 with "FREQ" BTW?)


I can't make it this THURSDAY

since I'll be chillin with Terry Casey,

A.Freland and Ashley C but I WILL

SUPPORT ANYTHING you cats do in the future


PSEUDO was THEE only weekly

spot that gave us all a home

and brought us ALL TOGETHER!

I hope you all realize that!

(Before the thugs got a hold of it that is!)

Before I get all sappy I'll just

end this reply by saying!



*I'm so packlempt ..

I told myself I wouldn't cry..

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Originally posted by clubkat

thats odd :shaky:

but hey better for me!! Dont have to be a weekday rat and be braindead in the morn! ::kitty needs her beauty rest ya know::

i guess afterwork til 10 would have to do on Thursdays woohoooOOoo!

its on baby...but um do you know anyone that spins:rolleyes: how can we get in?:confused: djs can bring 2 guests...well what about us regulars who were there most of the time if not all of the time?

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Originally posted by fierydesire

its on baby...but um do you know anyone that spins:rolleyes: how can we get in?:confused: djs can bring 2 guests...well what about us regulars who were there most of the time if not all of the time?

Maybe he means DJ's can bring 2 guests... for free?

I dunno

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

ok..I have a few questions...maybe some of you could answer for me:

1-what mixer do they have there?

2-What's the Address and phone # of Pseudo?

3-How many rooms does it have?

:) :) :)

1) Mixer depends on the day/room. Who knows if they have gotten new equipment yet. Don't expect too much. We will just have to wait and see.

2) 600 Broadway I think is the address. Top floor. 212-219-3060 extension 3028.

3) Usually 2, sometimes 3.

A lot of questions I assume will be answered on Thursday.

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Originally posted by roha3000

1) Mixer depends on the day/room. Who knows if they have gotten new equipment yet. Don't expect too much. We will just have to wait and see.

2) 600 Broadway I think is the address. Top floor. 212-219-3060 extension 3028.

3) Usually 2, sometimes 3.

A lot of questions I assume will be answered on Thursday.

thanks! ....who knowssss..maybe Nurse GLOW will SPiN a Tag team set with Dr FLOW ;):D

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Originally posted by clubkat

as opposed to 10 til 3am on a Thursday (and it is Pseudo)

::cough cuntrag cough::



*still holding my breath*

believe it when I see it clubcrabs...

but if nothing else, drag your cute little furry kitten ass out for sat. night before i have you put to sleep...

btw: eric, yeah, thats how I read it... why in god's name would they only want 2 people watching a dj... hehe...

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