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For Anyone That Drinks Alcohol..

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Please do me a favor and list me some of your favorite (mixed) drinks.. (hard liquors + hard liquors, hard liquors + mixer, hard liquors + beer, etc..)

Me and my friends are extremely bored with the usual.. I need some mind expansion..

:D :D :D

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best shit i ever had was in london..long island bull - long island iced tea + redbull

i usually stick with the Black n Coke -johnny black with coke

sometimes mix it up with a long island iced tea

if im feelin real gay ill go for a tequila sunrise -grenadine..tequila..orange juice crushed ice ..maybe even triple sec

good old redbull - vodka never fails to amaze

try chasing jaegermeister with Alize red passion..soo goood!! its like eatin liccorice and then havin some fruit punch after

submarines- puttin a shot glass full of whiskey into a mug of beer..as u drink the beer the whiskey pours over..in turn u get BLIIIIIITZED...QUIK..but i hate beer so i stay away..

hope it helped

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dropped shot glasses are cool...

try small glass of amarreto in larger glass of orange juice....starts juicy ends lethal....

gin and tonic obviously, vodka or gin mixed with cranberry juice, play the game where you watch the film (i mean movie) withnail and i , everyone drinks what their character drinks (hint don't pick withnail unless you want to pass out...lighter fuel is a bit excessive for most people)...

tequila stuntman.... snort salt, down shot, squirt lime in eye ..:D

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Try a 7 & 7, or start stepping it up with a REAL Martini (try one straight up with a twist... and pick a top shelf gin or vodka. Grey Goose or Bombay Saphire depending on your taste).

Just go to bartender.com and start clicking around... i'm sure you'll find something you like!

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Just go to bartender.com and start clicking around... i'm sure you'll find something you like!

Ahh!! Now THIS sounds like a plan!! I'm sure I will!! :D Thank you all very much.

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Originally posted by misk

u really shouldn't mix red bull((or any energy drink))....with vodka.....i used to ....but it's really not good for u........

true dat...almost ruined me one time...I had the worst hangover...ever.

From then on - I've stuck to my 40's :)

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'Tequila poppers' mixing tequila with a drop of kahlua and a splash of coke or seltzer then you smashthem on the table so they fizz and drink 'em down smooth, he 'mind eraser' with vodka, kahlua and seltzer/coke, first you layer it then drink it in one shot with a straw; then you have 'the bloody brain' which I learned in F&M's in New Orlean's one morning around 6 am after a show at Tipitina's, it's a floater of sorts you take a glass of vodka I think it was and pour Bailey's into the shape of a cloud that looks like a brain and then over the back of a spoon, drizzle a red liquer over the Bailey's cloud so it looks like the brain is bleeding than drink it before you vomit.:puke: :puke: :puke:

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I've been drinking redbull & vodka for well over a year now. I just want to know where people are coming from when they say you shoulding mix those drinks w/ alki. Maybe that specific person couldnt stomach it, or drank too much vodka or whatever. I really haven't had any issues. I like it better then beer. I don't get as tired and really dont slur my speech as I do when I'm not drinking RBV's.


they are so yummy! how could you resist em!

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the red liquer in the 'bloody brain' was grenadine, and then another favorite from New Orleans was the 'oyster shot' a jigger of frozen vodka with a freshly shucked raw oyster dropped in and a big splash of tabasco sauce on top with or without horse radish

------------>:puke: :puke: :puke:

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Originally posted by lowmazda

I've been drinking redbull & vodka for well over a year now. I just want to know where people are coming from when they say you shoulding mix those drinks w/ alki. Maybe that specific person couldnt stomach it, or drank too much vodka or whatever. I really haven't had any issues. I like it better then beer. I don't get as tired and really dont slur my speech as I do when I'm not drinking RBV's.


they are so yummy! how could you resist em!

I've been drinking Red Bull and Vodka's since a trip to London in the Spring of '99 and so far so good. No stomach problems, rare hangovers, and a hell of a lot of fun nights dancing my ass off.

Don't fear red bull, understand it ;)

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gott a try the "liquid heroin" , "liquid cocain" and a "stop light" , i wont even bother telling you whats in it you have these and youll be straight for the night, keep in mind that the "stop light" is three shots red,yellow and green.... cheers....

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Originally posted by lowmazda

I've been drinking redbull & vodka for well over a year now. I just want to know where people are coming from when they say you shoulding mix those drinks w/ alki. Maybe that specific person couldnt stomach it, or drank too much vodka or whatever. I really haven't had any issues. I like it better then beer. I don't get as tired and really dont slur my speech as I do when I'm not drinking RBV's.


they are so yummy! how could you resist em!

it's not about being abe to handle or stomache it.......trust me...if there's one thing i can do...it's put away drinks........however....it has something to do with your heart i believe and possibly other organs? i'm not really sure.....it's just a lot has been said about how dangerous it is to mix the two......one is telling your heart to speed up while the other is a depressant......i dunno...i'm not a doctor.....i just know if i am warned enough about something i tend to take notice.........

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when out..........classic~vodka&cranberry...007...madress..

KETTLE1&sprite.......ummm...god there are so many.......i had a good drink the other day....just out to eat though...he called it a "grateful dead"......cause i was undecided.....anyways....it was a l.i.t. but instead of coke...a rasberry iced tea...and i normally don't like l.i.t's....but this was great...and basically gets u fucked....

shots......CRACKHOUSE...alabama slammer...purple motherfuckers...mind erasers.....flamin dr.pepper....red death......

if u r just chillin and mixing your own drinks...here are two great ones....***malibu,vodka&strawberry kiwi twister***((works well with rasberry vodka too!))......and TRUST ME ON THIS ONE~~>like a shot of crackhouse...but instead of the cranberry..use FIERCE MELON gatorade...lol......i think i did this once just by chance when i was in h.s....but i swear by it to this day!

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