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Anyone know of any good jobs...


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any good CSR jobs, or anything anyone know of, I live in Fort Lauderdale, I can't find crap, all these jobs in the paper are B.s., all cold calling telephone sales crap telemarketing jobs, I can't do that, anyone know of anything, p.m. me or let me know, thanks.

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u have a degree? office experience? etc?

jobs are pretty shitty out there right now...if u find a decent job keep it!! have u checked out the airport, they are hiring for airport security...the metal detector guys, etc....try there, as long as just dont do those "body cavity" searches...its all good ;)

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I'm in the same boat with ya Mikey. I'll have my associates in Recording Arts and Sciences in November. Getting a job nowadays is like pulling teeth. Jump to someone elses tune etc etc. It's all about who you know and who knows you. It sucks but it's the truth. I NEED A JOBBBBBB!!!!!....(prefrerebly in the entertainment business):D :D

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I hear ya Jason, all that money for school and now what can we do with it? The industry sucks right now for jobs. Pod is the only one I know of on this board that gets paid to do what he loves.... take pictures and play with lights. Anyway, hopefully we will all find a break in life. Keep trying mikey. The best way I have found to make money while your in school is to become a server. It's quick cash and less hours. And if you live in Fort Lauderdale, Las Olas is a great place to make $$$. Try Mangos, my girl works there and I think they are hiring.

Less than 2 weeks until Mauro, can't fking wait


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Try The New Times classifieds www.miaminewtimes.com

or the Herald's classifieds www.herald.com

I've come across lots of cool jobs there for when times are tough. No, not all of them are escorts or pyramid schemes. I've picked up shoots through them, and some friends of mine have ended up in the most surprising places via a New Times ad. (i.e. one friend responded to a two-line ad for a legal assistant, and it turned out to be for Maverick Records, Madonna's label...)

Believe me, doing what you love pretty much exclusively has it's downsides too. I can usually pay the rent, but there's been months where it's a bloody miracle I've managed to stay in my apartment.

Best bets are to set a goal for yourself. Plan to put out like 3 or 4 resumés a day, or something like that. Emailing resumés is convenient, but it's too easy for the grunt at the other end to delete them. Even worse are sending Monster.com or Hotjobs.com resumés...they usually get sent to some generic account and are not read for weeks, if at all...Of course, still use them, you never know, but don't place a lot of hope in their services.

Fax when you can, at least they feel obligated to read it after you hog their faxline for 2 minutes. Oh, and if you have a computer, you can fax. Most Windows PCs come with a little fax app somewhere...learn how to use it, and save on faxing from Kinkos. Basically, most just take a Word doc and send it on out. There's Efax, but they charge for outgoing faxes, and their software sucks, so don't bother.

Government jobs abound, but the application process is frustrating and not guaranteed. Oh, and most government jobs are really fucking boring. The cool ones (INS SWAT team, MiB, etc...) require a lot of training...being The Man (aka Whitey, The Feds) ain't easy.

Try www.floridajobs.org for FL govmit positions...

Hope this helps!

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I am in the same boat, I just quit my job because I couldn't handle working such a boring job for such a f'ing asshole anymore.

I actually responded to 4 New Times ads today....wonder if I'll get any response. I really need to find a new career, but in the meantime I need a stop-gap while I go to school or whatever for the required education/certification.

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