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What the hell is VCoke?

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. . . That site has "corporate" written all over it . . I would be willing to bet the farm that it's a cover by coke to rouse interest in their otherwize shrinking soda sales . . . Their margins have been shrinking for a WHILE due to people choosing other, healthier drinks over the traditional soda pop . . .

. . . Sorry, it's just a stupid ploy . . . but Vanilla coke is indeed real . . .

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Just curious...what do you see in this vclounge.com site, or any site for that matter, that gives off a corporate smell. I know there are a lot of those sites out there, but which ones are real and which ones aren't?

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What a fucking load of bullshit. If this is for real this guy just comitted like a hundred felonies on this shit. No IT person on their right mind would start posting other employee's emails and telling people they stole records from a company. Coca-Cola would eat him alive if he did that, those guys are hardcore with their formulas and shit. I highly doubt any of these formulas are even available on their network, they probably have a safe for it and only top level R&D people know it and gets lots and lots of money to keep their mouths shut.

Bottom line....its another internet marketing ploy blair bitch style.

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Originally posted by mikelac

I don't know...supposedly it's different from vanilla coke. That's the the people said on the vclounge message board. But yeah, what's with all the flavors? I prefer regular coke.

. . There's actually quite a few things that irk me about this site . . It's corporate allright . . reeeeaaal slick, and SO almost gets there . . but it's still corporate nonetheless . . .

Some things I noticed:

The Vcoke symbol towards the top left of the site obeys entirely too many laws of marketing to be created by some cheesedick that broke into Dexter's laboratory . . .

. . Look at it for a second . . What do you notice? . . . The bubbles, appearing one at a time, staggered as to trigger thoughts of the bubbles going through a nice glass of Vanilla coke . . It says: Light, airy, fresh and breezy . . Also, don't forget to throw "crisp" in there to taste. . . cause it's just gotta be crisp . . .

While on the subject of the logo, notice the "C" in the Vcoke name. . I'm willing to bet the farm that character font is under sole ownership from CocaCola . . If this indeed was a real site, and this joker actually HAD done what he states, Coke would be all over him like a fly on horseshit with lawsuits . .

And finally, look at the "V" . . it's in a mangled horror typeface . . Very squiggly . . as if painted on in haste because the writer was being chased by something . . In short: mystery and intrigue . . . Now . . <pause> . . We all know that humans just LOVE to feel naughty . . .that's why we have such a large BnD market in the United States . . Other than that, if you tempt a human with something supposedly "forbidden" . .. . they're gonna take the bait every time and love it . . . The "V" itself though . .it just too color matched to the rest of the site to be received above the radar . . . They want to slip in underneath and talk to your subconscious . . "You're in danger!! . . You're naughty!!! . . Now spank yourself and drink Vcoke!!" . . .

. . or something to that effect . . .

Moving right along . . . Some other things I noticed:

The Welcome marquee that "decodes" letter by letter tells of the "true story" of Vanilla Coke . . . This just SCREAMS "I'm an 8 year old boy who just shot frosted flakes out my left nostril cause mommy forgot my ritalin" . . It's targeted DIRECTLY at their most potent market : Crack seeking kiddies . . .

The memos are laughable, literally . . . Do you really think if some employee managed to tell it was the SAME formula in some shit hole bar that they wouldn't be all over that in a second? . . . You gotta understand something here . . . The syrup formula IS their bread and butter . . Coke and Pepsi literally BUY out other local soda recipies and never use them again 'cause there really isn't anything other than the syrup . . . All else is fluff and semantics. . The syrup IS their cash crop . . .

. . That means the security around RnD would be AIR TIGHT . . . I'm talking seperate IT staffs and seperate building completely . . No one gets in . . and nothing gets out . . . Same thing at my old company with the billing center . . It was located in a bunker next to our Development office building . . Hundreds of Millions of Dollars worth of transactions a day . . . You really think Petey the Super Tech could just walk in with a toolbox and start monkeying? . .

. . where was I going with this . . :smoke: . . . Oh that's right:

The Memos

Lets examine the first one: . . .

First Memo

1) The subject line reads: Possible VC formula breach . . . This would never happen . . . Alpha and Beta Projects are almost ALWAYS code named something completely disconnected to anything the project may entail . . . Every corporate spy working for Pepsi would be all over that and have a competing product out in the same time frame, foiling cokes attempt at pre-emptive strike in the next round of cola wars . .

2) The Bottom correspondence . . Michael LaBeau I believe the name is . . states that he's following up on the memo sent out that morning . . . but look at the time that message was sent . . It's in the morning . . . the Memo at the top (if you take it's time into account) was a general memo sent in the afternoon on the same day . . How did the REPLY in the afternoon preceed the STATEMENT in the morning? . . . I attribute this fuck up to just plain sloppyness in creating the props . .

The second memo:

second memo

Loses on Two counts: . . 1) The general tone of the memo is quite casual . . Again, as I stated before, the syrup is GOD . . If a breach was for real, that exec would be explaining how he just got the shit stains out of his two thousand dollar pants . . . And 2) The statement that the coke that was sampled at a local bar had a "home-brewed" taste . . . and was "nothing to be concerned with . . " . . PLEASE!! . .You want to be eating cat food at 65, fuckface?? . . You go find that bar and bring a sample back for testing!! . . .

. . . :smoke: . . I'm slowin' down here . . tee hee hee . .

Anyways, that's my take on it . . hope it helps . .

-PhuturePhunk . . :smoke: . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . There's actually quite a few things that irk me about this site . . It's corporate allright . . reeeeaaal slick, and SO almost gets there . . but it's still corporate nonetheless . . .

Some things I noticed:

The Vcoke symbol towards the top left of the site obeys entirely too many laws of marketing to be created by some cheesedick that broke into Dexter's laboratory . . .

. . Look at it for a second . . What do you notice? . . . The bubbles, appearing one at a time, staggered as to trigger thoughts of the bubbles going through a nice glass of Vanilla coke . . It says: Light, airy, fresh and breezy . . Also, don't forget to throw "crisp" in there to taste. . . cause it's just gotta be crisp . . .

While on the subject of the logo, notice the "C" in the Vcoke name. . I'm willing to bet the farm that character font is under sole ownership from CocaCola . . If this indeed was a real site, and this joker actually HAD done what he states, Coke would be all over him like a fly on horseshit with lawsuits . .

And finally, look at the "V" . . it's in a mangled horror typeface . . Very squiggly . . as if painted on in haste because the writer was being chased by something . . In short: mystery and intrigue . . . Now . . <pause> . . We all know that humans just LOVE to feel naughty . . .that's why we have such a large BnD market in the United States . . Other than that, if you tempt a human with something supposedly "forbidden" . .. . they're gonna take the bait every time and love it . . . The "V" itself though . .it just too color matched to the rest of the site to be received above the radar . . . They want to slip in underneath and talk to your subconscious . . "You're in danger!! . . You're naughty!!! . . Now spank yourself and drink Vcoke!!" . . .

. . or something to that effect . . .

Moving right along . . . Some other things I noticed:

The Welcome marquee that "decodes" letter by letter tells of the "true story" of Vanilla Coke . . . This just SCREAMS "I'm an 8 year old boy who just shot frosted flakes out my left nostril cause mommy forgot my ritalin" . . It's targeted DIRECTLY at their most potent market : Crack seeking kiddies . . .

The memos are laughable, literally . . . Do you really think if some employee managed to tell it was the SAME formula in some shit hole bar that they wouldn't be all over that in a second? . . . You gotta understand something here . . . The syrup formula IS their bread and butter . . Coke and Pepsi literally BUY out other local soda recipies and never use them again 'cause there really isn't anything other than the syrup . . . All else is fluff and semantics. . The syrup IS their cash crop . . .

. . That means the security around RnD would be AIR TIGHT . . . I'm talking seperate IT staffs and seperate building completely . . No one gets in . . and nothing gets out . . . Same thing at my old company with the billing center . . It was located in a bunker next to our Development office building . . Hundreds of Millions of Dollars worth of transactions a day . . . You really think Petey the Super Tech could just walk in with a toolbox and start monkeying? . .

. . where was I going with this . . :smoke: . . . Oh that's right:

The Memos

Lets examine the first one: . . .

First Memo

1) The subject line reads: Possible VC formula breach . . . This would never happen . . . Alpha and Beta Projects are almost ALWAYS code named something completely disconnected to anything the project may entail . . . Every corporate spy working for Pepsi would be all over that and have a competing product out in the same time frame, foiling cokes attempt at pre-emptive strike in the next round of cola wars . .

2) The Bottom correspondence . . Michael LaBeau I believe the name is . . states that he's following up on the memo sent out that morning . . . but look at the time that message was sent . . It's in the morning . . . the Memo at the top (if you take it's time into account) was a general memo sent in the afternoon on the same day . . How did the REPLY in the afternoon preceed the STATEMENT in the morning? . . . I attribute this fuck up to just plain sloppyness in creating the props . .

The second memo:

second memo

Loses on Two counts: . . 1) The general tone of the memo is quite casual . . Again, as I stated before, the syrup is GOD . . If a breach was for real, that exec would be explaining how he just got the shit stains out of his two thousand dollar pants . . . And 2) The statement that the coke that was sampled at a local bar had a "home-brewed" taste . . . and was "nothing to be concerned with . . " . . PLEASE!! . .You want to be eating cat food at 65, fuckface?? . . You go find that bar and bring a sample back for testing!! . . .

. . . :smoke: . . I'm slowin' down here . . tee hee hee . .

Anyways, that's my take on it . . hope it helps . .

-PhuturePhunk . . :smoke: . . .

Where did you find this guy, do you work for Scotland yard, or interpol ?

Your here in Prague?

Are you like a secret Agent, or work for some kind of a law enforcement agency.

Or do you have a lot of time on your hands ?

These questions must be answered!

Maybe your a psychologist for Criminal behavior ?


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Originally posted by rdancer

Where did you find this guy, do you work for Scotland yard, or interpol ?

Your here in Prague?

Are you like a secret Agent, or work for some kind of a law enforcement agency.

Or do you have a lot of time on your hands ?

These questions must be answered!

Maybe your a psychologist for Criminal behavior ?


. . .nah . . I occasionally smoke too much reefer . . . :smoke: . . .

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Originally posted by rdancer

U mean cream soda ??? :confused::idea:

:laugh: I actually meant like an ice cream float but yes cream soda as well.... :laugh: shush you.. leave me alone... I'm going through club withdrawals I cant think straight... :laugh:


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Oh damn! Phuturphunk just disected that site! Assuming that this is a corporate scheme to market the drink, do you think that Coca-cola's reputation has been hurt, and that it will lose consumers because people aren't falling for VCoke?

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