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Attn: shook - Here ya go.

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

I noticed how you conveniently decided not to adress what I said.

Deny, deny, deny.

Go back to sucking cock down at the park pig-boy.

i didn't ignore it i just think it's stupid but hey if u wanan suk my dik wait in line fagget

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Originally posted by hoke

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Oh man... I fully expected him to go off on my photo -- I didn't know it would get turned around so quickly!!! :D

thers no need to go off on your pic u posted it people who are like me are laughen and people like u are laughen thinken u did good or some thing so thers really no reason to waste my time upon maken fun of u ;) the pic says it all

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sexxyh makes sense i mean u geeks need to learn to make fun of people cause u throw out sh1t that isn't even offensive i mean i am surprised yall aren't talken bout my mother LoL cause all i read is some 1 sayen i fuk sheeps and i do not see how that is funny i mean the funny part is watchen a geek tryen to make fun of me lol and usen his geek lyrics i mean if u wanna think i fuk sheep and call me a cum bucket :rolleyes: good for u i mean it really is pretty stupid and u should work on your bashen kid :tongue:

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Originally posted by shook

sexxyh makes sense i mean u geeks need to learn to make fun of people cause u throw out sh1t that isn't even offensive i mean i am surprised yall aren't talken bout my mother LoL cause all i read is some 1 sayen i fuk sheeps and i do not see how that is funny i mean the funny part is watchen a geek tryen to make fun of me lol and usen his geek lyrics i mean if u wanna think i fuk sheep and call me a cum bucket :rolleyes: good for u i mean it really is pretty stupid and u should work on your bashen kid :tongue:

Yeah, thats all well and good, but it still doesn't mitigate the fact that you're a cum guzzling pig fucking whore.

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

Yeah, thats all well and good, but it still doesn't mitigate the fact that you're a cum guzzling pig fucking whore.

lol did u try to offend me ther i mean callen me a pig fuken whore is just sayen i get laid and damn if yall wanna think i fuk fat girls so be it i'l ladmit i fuked many of ugly ones but only 1 fat 1 LoL but callen me a whore isn't offensive i'm acctly pretty flaterd u think i fuk so much that i'm a whore ;) so thanks kid

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Originally posted by shook

thers no need to go off on your pic u posted it people who are like me are laughen and people like u are laughen thinken u did good or some thing so thers really no reason to waste my time upon maken fun of u ;) the pic says it all

You missed the point entirely, George. I don't care what you think of my pic. God, it's probably the worst pic I've ever seen of myself, so I'd be a freakin' idiot to post it if I actually cared. I posted it exactly because I knew this thread would blow up like this, and I was bored and wanted some amusement.

But sexxyh is right -- I expected this to be far more amusing. I guess you're just too damn predictable. :blank:

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Originally posted by hoke

You missed the point entirely, George. I don't care what you think of my pic. God, it's probably the worst pic I've ever seen of myself, so I'd be a freakin' idiot to post it if I actually cared. I posted it exactly because I knew this thread would blow up like this, and I was bored and wanted some amusement.

But sexxyh is right -- I expected this to be far more amusing. I guess you're just too damn predictable. :blank:

it's not amusen cause it's pity game i mean i dont 'care wut u look like and u posted a pic i give u props thers no reason to talk sh1t bout u i mean alot of people wouldn't of posted sh1t so u get props and this thread is wack cause i'm not going along with the kiddy games and tryen to fight with yall cause i really haven't been offended 1 person called me a idiot which is normal and another called me a sheep fuken cum guzzer who fuks fat pigs i mean none of that is really offensive LoL maybe later after i wake up i'll make a funny topic and will show yall how it's done i mean if u wanna make people laugh it's pretty simple u gotta act like a dumby and just wild out no thinken involved

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omigod, shook, you had me seriously laughing my ASS off just now!!!

:rofl: x 1,000,000!

(weyes gets a sore throat from laughing, eyes tearing)

i can't even use the "quote" function, because it was in too many posts that you rocked my world, just now. i give you props, my friend, for cereal. shit. h-y-larious.

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Originally posted by shook

lol did u try to offend me ther i mean callen me a pig fuken whore is just sayen i get laid and damn if yall wanna think i fuk fat girls so be it i'l ladmit i fuked many of ugly ones but only 1 fat 1 LoL but callen me a whore isn't offensive i'm acctly pretty flaterd u think i fuk so much that i'm a whore ;) so thanks kid

I think you misunderstood, when I called you a pig fucking cock swabbing whore, I meant pig in the "Farm" sense. Now get out there like a good cum drinking beast fucking pig boy and get to sodomizing the animals!

Oh, and have a good day. :aright:

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Originally posted by shook

it's not amusen cause it's pity game i mean i dont 'care wut u look like and u posted a pic i give u props thers no reason to talk sh1t bout u i mean alot of people wouldn't of posted sh1t so u get props and this thread is wack cause i'm not going along with the kiddy games and tryen to fight with yall cause i really haven't been offended 1 person called me a idiot which is normal and another called me a sheep fuken cum guzzer who fuks fat pigs i mean none of that is really offensive LoL maybe later after i wake up i'll make a funny topic and will show yall how it's done i mean if u wanna make people laugh it's pretty simple u gotta act like a dumby and just wild out no thinken involved

You're in such a state of denial it's impressive. Honestly, how long are you gonna sit there and try to convince us that you don't like getting your face pissed on by a guys dressed up like circus clowns.

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

You're in such a state of denial it's impressive. Honestly, how long are you gonna sit there and try to convince us that you don't like getting your face pissed on by a guys dressed up like circus clowns.

dude, you've played out the urine card, try another excretion or something...

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Didn't seem that funny to me. All he did was start shit and then back down when everyone ganged up on him. It's the classic movie scene...

loser: "Why'd you do that?"

shook: "Because I can -- you wanna make something of it?"

loser: "Yeah, okay!" <loser's friends appear out of the shadows>

shook: "Naah... you're not worth it."

So basically, shook realizes that he's outnumbered and he's trying to play it off like he doesn't give a shit. That's not how he was acting two weeks ago when he was the one starting the "kiddy games".

Hurts to get a taste of your own medicine, doesn't it, shook? Hey, don't cry... in a few weeks this will all be past and you won't be able to see us rolling our eyes every time we read one of your asinine posts. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by hoke


Didn't seem that funny to me. All he did was start shit and then back down when everyone ganged up on him. It's the classic movie scene...

loser: "Why'd you do that?"

shook: "Because I can -- you wanna make something of it?"

loser: "Yeah, okay!" <loser's friends appear out of the shadows>

shook: "Naah... you're not worth it."

So basically, shook realizes that he's outnumbered and he's trying to play it off like he doesn't give a shit. That's not how he was acting two weeks ago when he was the one starting the "kiddy games".

Hurts to get a taste of your own medicine, doesn't it, shook? Hey, don't cry... in a few weeks this will all be past and you won't be able to see us rolling our eyes every time we read one of your asinine posts. :rolleyes:

actually I honestly dont think he cares about you guys as much as you obviously care about him.

oh no he got ganged up on a messageboard :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by smokesum

actually I honestly dont think he cares about you guys as much as you obviously care about him.

oh no he got ganged up on a messageboard :rolleyes:

You obviously didn't see the part where I admitted to starting this thread out of boredom. I just think it's funny how easily shook gave up when the tides turned on him.

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Originally posted by hoke


Didn't seem that funny to me. All he did was start shit and then back down when everyone ganged up on him. It's the classic movie scene...

loser: "Why'd you do that?"

shook: "Because I can -- you wanna make something of it?"

loser: "Yeah, okay!" <loser's friends appear out of the shadows>

shook: "Naah... you're not worth it."

So basically, shook realizes that he's outnumbered and he's trying to play it off like he doesn't give a shit. That's not how he was acting two weeks ago when he was the one starting the "kiddy games".

Hurts to get a taste of your own medicine, doesn't it, shook? Hey, don't cry... in a few weeks this will all be past and you won't be able to see us rolling our eyes every time we read one of your asinine posts. :rolleyes:

hhmmm wut u talken bout kid i had a geek post his pic and say here look at me and i had some crack head call me stupid 1st grader names lol gang up on me please yall are below me and yall keep wasten your time with me lol thats the funny part

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Originally posted by hoke

You obviously didn't see the part where I admitted to starting this thread out of boredom. I just think it's funny how easily shook gave up when the tides turned on him.

and i didn't give up kid i just been busy with work and sh1t and i haven't posted of late when work dies down i'll make sure i spend my time bashen yall again but as of now i ain't in the mood to play the child sh1t i mean yall never really offended me u called me 1st grader dises i mean if u want me to get offended atleast cum off and talk bout real life not fuken sheeps lol

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Originally posted by shook

when work dies down i'll make sure i spend my time bashen yall again

lol promise? Man... this shit has dragged on for so long, and gotten so nasty, I'm kind of looking forward to you being your old self again :tongue:

The boards were evil today... simply evil. :shaky:

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Originally posted by hoke

lol promise? Man... this shit has dragged on for so long, and gotten so nasty, I'm kind of looking forward to you being your old self again :tongue:

The boards were evil today... simply evil. :shaky:

true kid i deff will make sure i cum back strong i mean this work sh1t has even cut into my lift hours and i lost 10 pounds and inchs so damn me bout to quit and just dedacate my life to liften and boards again ;) LoL

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u r all fat pgs

shook is the only one here with any legit game

i ain't naming names, but there are a lot of overweight tools on this board who talk a lot of smack cuz they can hide out behind their machine

get into the ring and we'll see who gets the smack down

dirty bitches on this board and slob losers - none of u belong in a proper club

go back to playing poker on friday nights, you fucking members of the nerd herd

shook, yer right man - these people are fucking HERBS

and i think it's great to string them along like the dipshits that they are

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Shook your posts are so idiotic they are funny. The best comment I read of yours today was "Back to dedicating my life to lifting and the boards" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: BTW How old are you? By the coments you make I am hoping that you are not over 18. :stupid:

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